《No Control》Chapter twenty-four



"Look daddy!" I gather their attention as I point to a violinist that's across the street.

Today has been magical to say the least. My kings had spoiled me with the most exquisite bouquets of beautiful flowers, the cutest tops made of the finest imported fabrics that Florenia has to offer, and now to top it off serene music that flowed so easily through my ears.

"I see that babydoll. He performs quite well, doesn't he?" Dominic raises a brow at me, his lips closed in a soft smile.

He was in his happy place, and that much was clear. My heart swells at the mere thought that I'm in his happy place, and it skips a beat knowing that I'm the sole focus of it.

Dalton throws a few bills in the Violin case and the performer smiles gratefully and tips his head in appreciation, to which Dalton gives a stiffer curt nod.

"You know darling, Dominic plays just about every instrument under the sun. Violin included even. Perhaps he'd consider giving you some lessons." Delrick speaks up, motioning towards Dominic.

He smiles almost bashfully before telling me he'd love nothing more. I smile myself at the thought. Dominic has always been the most artifice of the three, his love of music, writing, reading, and his studies have proven him to be the most intellectually advanced.

Not that they all three weren't smart beyond their years.

Their thousands of decades.

"Annalise." Dalton breaks me out of my own thoughts yet again.

"Hmm?" I turn to him.

He takes my small hand in his much larger, stronger one and begins to lead us ahead of my other daddies slightly.

"I'm sure you're getting a bit tired, but we've got one last surprise for you." His thumb rubs soothing circles onto the back of my hand.

My blue eyes light up and my ears are now pert,"What more could there possibly be?"

"A dinner babygirl, I'm sure you're beginning to feel a bit famished. Besides that it's our favorite in the entire kingdom, and we just know you'll love it just as much." Delrick swoops in, grabbing my other hand and placing a tender kiss to the back of it.


Before I had a chance to thank them or really give a reaction, Delrick slips his hand out of mine. Though I couldn't complain because not a millisecond later Dominic's fingers were laced through mine.

"Table for four." Delrick speaks to the host who stood at a small podium at the beginning of the restaurant.

"Your majesty! But of course, please pick any available table and I will follow suit with the menus." The host, looking to be in his mid-thirties, eagerly spoke as he recognized Delrick.

Though mid-thirties here could be very misleading. He was more thank likely thousands of years old as well.

I feel my arms being pulled lightly, and my feet follow the ones of my daddies. It is just now that I really have a chance to analyze my surroundings. The lighting was dim, and an elegant grand piano sat near the center of the room. Dazzling golden chandeliers hung from the crimson ceilings, the colors being the ones of the heart of Florenia. Those colors seem to appear everywhere.

Before I know it we are being seated, myself being between Dominic and Dalton seeing as Delrick heads the table. The eldest always does, it's tradition and it's one they never have broken nor do they intend to break.

"My kings, what could I get you?" A waiter approaches our table, slightly nervous.

Dalton and Dominic both place their orders, and Delrick follows suit. I however was very confused and must've missed the memo that we'd be served so soon. I almost began to panic, but my worry was swept away as I hear Delrick order for me.

The waiter leaves and I turn to my oldest daddy.

"Thank you daddy." I blush and smile at him.

He gives me a grin before replying,"Have you ever had to lift a finger while with us, princess?"

His words are true. Florenia was very traditional in ways that America was most certainly not. Although most women here are vampires and are very headstrong, I am not.

It just was in my nature to be submissive to them, and I didn't mind it one bit. Don't get me wrong, I speak up when I deem it necessary, but just naturally I love them taking care of me. It's a great sense of comfort knowing that I've got the best and most well structured support systems.


Red wine being poured into three glasses catches my attention, and I can't help but pout noticing my own glass was skipped.

"Please daddy?" I turn to face Dominic, the softest of the three

He lets out a small chuckle and rests his hand on my thigh.

"You know you're far too young to drink little one. Besides, you wouldn't care for this much anyways." He takes a sip of what I thought to be wine, but I now notice it's much thicker.

My brows furrow in confusion and my curiosity is only peaked at this. I turn to face Delrick, skipping Dalton reasonably seeing as he was the strictest of the three.

"Plea-" I was cut off by his hand being waved in a short dismissal towards me, and his free hand signaling the waiter.

They have a conversation very quietly, and it doesn't result in me receiving the thick, red wine I wanted so badly. Instead the waiter walks away, and returns a brief moment after with red sparkling grape juice.

Part of me wants to be embarrassed, but the little part of me is beyond satisfied with having the sparkling juice in the fancy glass. Not to mention it even matched the ones of my dominants.

"What do you say Annalise?" Dalton asks me after my drink is finished off being poured, as well as my food being plated in front of me.

"Thank you." I smile out.

"Anything for you little girl." Delrick smiles in return.

I avert my eyes down to my food, which looked amazing to say the least. My dining fork makes its way to my favorite pasta and I begin eating, pausing ever so often to sip my own red drink.

Before I know it my kings have finished up and I find myself wrapping up. I notice my glass was empty and my bladder was most definitely full.

"I need to use the restroom." I turn to Dalton who was seated to my left.

"Of course darling." He stands, pulling my chair out and helping me up,"It's right that way."

My eyes follow his finger and I immediately spot the restroom. I walk there, and find an empty stall. After finishing my business I head towards the mirror and sink, washing my hands. After I've dried them off I take a dry paper towel, tearing it in half and blotting my face.

I've always had rather oily skin, and it was a nuisance to say the least. I finish up and discard the used paper towels into the trash-bin as I exit.

As I'm making my way back to the table I hear a piano begin to play. A confused expression takes over my face, and I look around once more to notice my kings standing.

Their broad shoulders squaring as they face me, looking ever so powerful. Everyone's gaze is on us, their attention most certainly captivated.

"What's going on?" I mouth to them silently.

As soon as the words silently fell from my mouth, they all three dropped to one knee. I gape at them in clear shock, as they all three stare back at me so confidently.

"Our dearest Annalise, our babygirl, our princess. The time we have spent together has been absolutely perfect. Before you, nothing made sense. We were all three so belligerent all of the time. Our actions as well as distasteful attitudes clearly depicting that. However now that we have you we feel complete. We feel at peace.

Be the reason we stay that way, forever.

Will you marry us?" Delrick pours his heart out into the proposal.

Tears cloud my eyes as I cry softly and nod repeatedly, "Yes."

I repeat that word over and over before running over and embracing them. Cheers and loud claps as well as a few whistles overtake the crowd of diners and serves who were watching us.

"Let's hurry and get the check." Dalton says, pulling away from our embrace.

I sniffles and wipe my tears of joy before facing him,"What's the rush?"

His face lowers to meet my neck, he inhales shortly before nipping at it ever so discreetly.

"We're ready to take our queen to bed."

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