《No Control》Chapter twenty-three



My eyes shoot open in a sudden state of alertness. About the same time as that, my stomach lets out a low gurgle sound. My sock clad feet react quickly and make their move springing out of my comfortable bed, stumbling my sleepy form to my bathroom where I hunch over the toilet.

The nausea becomes too much, and before I can spare a second to process everything I find myself emptying the contents of my stomach into the once spotless bowl. I cringe at the awful bitter after taste, and immediately head to the porcelain sink.

I turn the golden encrusted faucet on and take the small cup that's typically used for mouthwash, and then proceed to rinse my mouth before thoroughly brushing my teeth.

The minty fresh toothpaste seemed to do the trick after a good three minute scrubbing of my teeth, along with my tongue. I have always hated the throwing up process, but I especially hated the clean up. I would have to ask for a new toothbrush now.

Am I coming down with something?

My mind quickly wanders to a new subject, trying to come up with a reason as to why on earth had I thrown up. It wasn't something normal for me at all.

Though to be quite honest I surprisingly felt fine. Almost relieved actually, it's as if my body needed some form of a small release.

However I truly didn't feel ill in the first place.

Puzzled, I pressed the back of my hand to my forehead gently feeling for any indication of a raise in temperature. Yet there was none. The only thing to be felt was the clammy palm of my hand that had been vigorously brushing away at my teeth.

To be quite frank, now that I had gotten everything out of my system I felt perfectly well.

Then there's no need to worry your kings.

My subconscious was always thinking of them. Their feelings, how they'd react to the simplest of things.

Though it's correct, and I agree with it fully. I definitely don't want to worry them over some silly morning spell. I'm sure it was due to the stress of the traveling we had done recently.

That must be it. A bad case of jet lag, nothing more.


A knock sounds on my door before I hear the slight creak of it being opened.

"Princess Annalise?" The maid's tentative voice sounds out and catches my attention.

It's sad to think of how she must feel approaching me. It's clear in her voice that she's nervous, as if she's walking on eggshells around me just as she does my kings.

Though I've only personally seen the kings lose their temper a time or two, I've heard plenty a stories to know that they weren't the kindest people before I waltzed into their lives.

I however wanted the servants to know that I'd never mistreat them, or even yell at them for that matter. I was a gentle person, one with a full bleeding heart.

Quite literally the opposite of them.

Although I didn't mean it in the literal way, it's also quite true.

"Yes?" I turn to her with inviting eyes and a small, soft kind smile.

She can't help but let out a small breath of relief and return my alluring actions, the ones that had put her at ease.

"The kings wanted me to inform you that an outing is to take place, you four will be spending time together inside the kingdom. I was instructed to help get you ready, your highness." Her voice is far less tentative now, and seems to be relaxed.

Not fully relaxed of course, which I understand. It's respectful, but also one that you may use with an old friend you have just reconnected with.

"Well that sounds lovely! What's the weather like miss?" I get excited at the thought of leaving the palace with my kings.

"Well Princess Annalise, it is around the winter season here. It's chilly, but not snowy like it has been. I think a sweater of some sort will suffice, and we could go from there?" She addresses me in such a formal way.

"Please, I don't mind if you call me just Annalise!" I smiled at her.

Being reminded of my current status here was something that I carried heavy mixed emotions about. On what hand I took great pride in being recognized in a royal way, one that settled me directly with my kings. It was a sort of correspondence that I love, and it makes my heart swell with admiration for Florenia as well as them.


On the other hand it was something that I had grown to find unsettling. Of course I loved my dearest daddies, but I didn't adore the attention that comes with the title of princess to say the least.

"Oh I could never. I must address you with respect, you're my princess and besides that the kings have ordered us to do so. I can not put your word over theirs, and I do sincerely apologize for that your highness." She responded meekly.

It is for this that I took pity on the servants and others alike for that matter. It's clear that I am far too soft hearted to be a lone ruler. Though I suppose this works out perfectly. Well it will that is.

Once I become the queen of Florenia, I plan to do a great amount of charity work. I plan to involve myself with as many projects I can. I want to be of aid for those in need, those who were too scared to speak up in fear of the once ill tempered kings.

I want my soon to be people to see me as a compassionate woman. A woman whom they can trust to take care of them, and balance out the kings harsher sides.

For I would be the one they come to for any burdens, even the slightest hiccups. I will take care of their needs in that matter, while Deleick, Dominic, and Dalton took care of the country's business and safety.

It'll be perfect.

Simply perfection, and I can't wait for the day to arrive.

"That sounds lovely." I smile out at her, finally responding to her outfit recommendation.

I can't fight the grin off of my face that appeared when my thoughts had arisen. It was a true dream of mine, and any thought of it brought my spirit true joy. It was something to look forward to.

The maid busies herself with picking an outfit for me while I take a seat at my vanity. I busy my hands by deciding to do two french braids on my hair, almost in a french pigtail style. Boxer braids is what we called them in America, though I'm sure the term is incorrect.

My makeup look is simple, just running a spooley through my brows and adding some black mascara to my blond lashes.

"Here we are." The maid lays the beautifully pieces look upon my soft duvet cover set.

It consisted of an oversized grey sweater, accompanied by a mauve overall dress. I'd pair it with a pair of soft grey knee highs, and that'll keep my legs warmer.

"I love it, thank you!" I tell her in earnest.

She makes her departure from my chambers and I waste no time in throwing the outfit on. and then neatly smoothing it out.

My kings will love it.

I smile at the thought of pleasing them.

I check the clock above my vanity and decide that I should head down stairs, I'm sure they're awaiting me patiently.

My feet carry me down and my mind wanders to what we could be doing. I rule out the option of shopping, seeing as we had just done a great amount of it on vacation.

Perhaps we'd have a romantic dinner. The thought of that is enough to make me speed up my pace, and end up right in front of my handsome daddies.

"Truly stunning." These were the only words to slip past Dominic's lips as he stares at me in approval.

Delrick takes my hand and helps me down the last two steps.

"You look lovely babydoll." Dalton presses a kiss to the crown of my hair.

A blush dances its way across my pale, freckled cheeks and I thank them.

"You look very handsome daddies." I tell them.

They chuckle and thank me.

"Let's get going, Arlo is waiting outside." They say while ushering me out of the castle doors.

"Where are we going?" I look up at them as we walk, causing them to slow their pace and place their gaze down upon me.

They then look around at each other and a slight smirk graces each of their features.

"It's a surprise princess."

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