《No Control》Chapter twenty-two



Last night was truly magical. We dined with our beloved Annalise atop of the Eiffel Tower, one of her bucket list wishes that she once believed to be a pure fantasy. One that would remain on that list that was not feasible at its time of creation, one she could never imagine would come true. Not in her wildest dreams, yet we were able to make this lavish aspiration of hers come to life. We made this luxurious lifestyle her own reality.

For it was the least we could do, for she had made all of our wildest dreams and hopes come true. She had given us our purpose.


She was our sole reason for living. For without our little doll we would be utterly miserable. There would be no ray of sunshine in the dreadful day to day eternal sequence we call life. I took pride as the head dominant knowing that I was able to make this dream of hers come true.

Though my brothers did play a very big role as well, I'd like to think of myself as the organizer. Hell, that's exactly what I am. It's a known fact that I as the eldest brother and head vampire king of Florenia withhold the responsibility of taking charge.

Sure both of my brothers were very dominant men as well, but this is the way its been since we were mere children. Whenever my mother and fathers went out it was I that they instructed to look after my siblings. Obviously being of royal blood we had an outside source of higher protection, but they still engrained and groomed me with the mentality that I as the eldest was in charge. My siblings were my responsibility. Even more so than your typical older overbearing sibling that your parents undoubtedly forced to take on the duty of attending to the younger siblings. Meaning I was no babysitter.

I was a prince, a king in training. The childhood I had shaped me into the creature I am today, as well as my brothers.

"Is it ready Delrick?" Dominic's ears must have been burning for he entered at a slightly ironic time.

"Indeed it is brother." I respond cooly, moving from my spot in front of the mantle heading to the bar area.

"Do my ears deceive me?" Dalton peers in now, taking swift strides as he enters in a rather bodacious manner.

"Nosy thing." I shoot him a playful look as I swirl the glass of bourbon I had just finished pouring.


He grunts in return before repeating himself, making me chuckle aloud at his clear frustration.

"Oh calm down Dalton, you're liable to burst one of those bulging veins with your ill-tempered ways." Dominic remarks laughing.

"Oh shut the hell up Dominic." Dalton gruffs out, still clearly pissed off.

"Oh but he's not wrong my littlest brother. I'm surprised you haven't been prescribed some sort of medication for those anger issues of yours." I raise my glass and take some of the burning liquid down my throat as I antagonize him.

His entire demeanor changes as he pauses before speaking ever so cooly,"Annalise is all the medication I need. So let me ask this again, do my ears deceive me brother? Or have we got the perfect piece?"

I nod my head bested. Dalton was not wrong, Annalise was certainly his medication. There had yet to be a major outburst since she had been here, adjusted. Of course during the time of her adjustment there was a handful of small incidents. Still nothing compared to what used to go down with him. His dominant side was much more at peace with our little girl home though, and even more so beyond satisfied when she was being compliant and returning our love.

"Well?" Dominic grows a tad impatient as he pushes for my answer.

"The ring is picked out and the plans have been finalized. Have a look." I can't help the grin that etches its way onto my face at the thought.

"It's perfect."

"Absolutely stunning."

I'm not exactly sure which of the replies came from which of my brothers, but both were very much so correct. Besides the obvious physical beauty of this ring, it held a much deeper meaning to us.

This was the ring that would bind her to us forever. The ring that would forever change our eternal life and her hopefully soon to be eternal life. Hopefully that is. Marriage in this rather traditional kingdom is typically done at a younger age then hers, so this was not abnormal in the slightest to us.

Though specific circumstances make this rather difficult on her American teenage self. Yes, we know how bad this seems to others. However love is love, and there was nothing that cured us but her. She was made just for us, without a doubt. And here it was completely legal.

However even if it wasn't we would make it so. Nothing would keep us from our little doll, and I am certain that we have made that abundantly clear. Everyone in the kingdom knew so.


And we intended to keep it that way, we intended to reinforce it with this seal of our eternal love.


I stretch, feeling my limbs seemingly vibrate as they make a small cracking noise as the air within my joints is released. I had awoken from my mid day nap, after being put down for being fussy. I had one too many naps the day before on the jet and couldn't sleep when we returned home that evening, so I was a very grumpy girl to say the least. Dominic sensed my other daddies frustration and swooped in to dress me into a comfortable outfit and put me into that easing headspace and then cuddle me to sleep. A true sweetheart if I do say so myself.

My tummy gives a small grumble and I release a giggle at the noise. I hop out of bed and land on my sock clad feet, and make my way to the kitchen.

As I walk past the grand library I catch the sound of my daddies voices, seeming to come from Delrick's office.

I go to open the door but I'm left baffled to find out that it was indeed locked. Why would they do that? They know I'm the only one who enters without knocking first.

"Whatever." I grumble to myself as I resume my journey to the kitchen.

Once there I reach into the fridge to see way too many ingredients and not enough cooked food. I can't cook in the slightest bit, so this was less than ideal.

"Can I help you your majesty?" The voice of our head cook catches my attention.

"Do you think I could have a snack?" I turn to her bashfully as my stomach lets out yet another low grumble.

She smiles at me before responding,"Why of course your highness."

She turns back and begins to prepare what I think to be a grilled cheese which I smile at. Grilled cheese happened to be a favorite of mine.

"Annalise? What are you doing babydoll?" I jump slightly startled by Delrick's voice.

"I'm waiting for my lunch." I reply shortly.

"What's with the sour face little one?" Dalton now makes his entrance.

I simply shrug in return, before heading back to the fridge to grab a side of grapes to go along with the sandwich.

"Don't be rude Annalise, use your words. Besides, you should be much rested after your well deserved nap. Wouldn't you say?" Dominic looks at me in a stern way.

I sigh before speaking up,"You three locked me out."

"Come again?" Dalton's brows are drawn into an expression of confusion.

"Daddy's office, you three were in there and you locked the door so I couldn't get in." I told them, this time meeting their eyes.

Realization takes over each of their faces as they look back at me and suddenly smile simultaneously.

What the heck?

It is I who now furrows my brows in confusion.

"We locked the door because we had some very important business to attend to and we know our little minx. There's no way we could've focused with her presence." Dominic is smooth with his words making me flush.

"I suppose so." I tell them jokingly.

They chuckle lowly and then the chef enters with my now plated and cooked grilled cheese.

"Here you are your highness." She bows and sets down my plate.

I go to grab her hand to lift her up but she is quick to make an exit seeing my dominants. I don't know if I'll ever fully adjust to the royal lifestyle.

"Mmm." I moan lightly as I take a bite of the gooey sandwich.

I watch as my kings look me up and down, licking their lips with a quick swipe. I cross my legs and attempt to ignore the affects their hungry and lustful gazes have on me, focusing my attention on the sandwich.

"Come to think of it I'm actually pretty hungry myself. How about you two?" Dalton doesn't break his gaze but it is clear he is speaking to Delrick and Dominic.

"I most certainly am, and I know exactly what it is I am in the mood for." Derrick speaks, his tone husky.

"Indeed I do as well my brothers." Dominic joins in.

Before I fully have time to react I feel myself being lifted from the chair to straddle Dalton's lap. Chaste kisses are placed on the valley of my breasts and harsher ones on my neck. I throw my head back in bliss as they attack my sweet spots, not being able to help the delicate hushed moans that fall from my lips.

"I think that sandwich will have to wait little girl." Delrick speaks.

I can't help but take notice of the bulge growing from within his suit pants.

This is the one time I can say that I most certainly do not mind waiting to eat that sandwich.

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