《No Control》Chapter seventeen



A couple of weeks had passed, and the due date of the ball had grown very close.

Too close for my liking.

For it was tonight that I am to be introduced to the Florenian subjects as not only their princess, but one of their future rulers. Though the queen does not make any decisions solely as kings do, she does help to aid and persuade them quite a bit. This bit of knowledge I picked up from the kingdom's book.

To say my emotions were mixed would be a complete and total understatement. On one hand, my heart swelled at the thought of what could come out of this. I have been living at the castle with my daddies for almost a year now, and though the relationship was forced, I can truly say that I am developing real feelings for them.

Maybe developing wasn't the right word. I have real feelings for them, and strong ones at that. My situation could be so much worse, and this place and its inhabitants had certainly come to grow on me.

Yes, of course I miss my home and my family along with my friends. But this place was home now, and I had excepted that finally.

And on the other hand, it still boggles my mind that I would be becoming a real life princess. Not the kind you were told about as a young child before being put to bed, but a true real life princess.

I shake my head, trying not to focus on that part and rid my swarming thoughts from the containment's of my mind.

"Miss Annalise? It is time for you to be getting ready now. The kings have sent us in to assist you." A dressing maid knocked on my open chamber door twice lightly before she enters.

Time was going by too quickly.

I send her a gracious smile before hoping off of my place on the bed, where my feet would dangle off, before landing flat footed on the hard wood floors beneath me.

"The dress you picked out was quite lovely. It is going to match the kings suits very well." She smiles out at me, a little bit nervous.

"I can't wait to see their choice of clothing! I hadn't allowed them to see mine. I truly am in love with the ball gown, and would like it to be a surprise for them." I gush to her, just like a teen girl who was excited for her first dance would do to a group of friends or best friend.

Again, not entirely inaccurate.


The maid named Cora helps me down into a white cushioned spinning chair, guided by golden rolling wheels on the bottom. Her hands work with a sense of authority but also one of delicacy as they shape up my eyebrows and apply various powders and such to my face. To finish off her look, she adds a soft pink lip to my own lips, instructing me rub them together gently.

Next, she plugs in what appears to be a curling iron to let it heat. Her hands work to section off my blonde mane, picking up pieces and pinning them all over. She picks up the wand, creating a loose curl on each of the pieces. She lets everything down and ruffles out my hair, instructing me to shake it out which I of course oblige to, following the given instruction.

Lastly, she takes a smaller tool and creates a tight curl on the pieces of hair that frame my face. She gathers the hair and creates an updo, leaving out the curled baby hairs that helped to frame my heart shaped face.

I look in the mirror at her handy work and smile widely. I absolutely loved it.

"Thank you so much Mrs.Cora!" I exclaim out, and jump up to hug her.

She's taken aback as she stumbles and then lets her guard down as she laughs out, hugging me back.

"Why it was my pleasure your highness. Let's get you into that show-stopping dress now!" She says in return.

I nod in agreement before going inside of the enormous walk in size closet. I go straight towards the ball gown that was being kept inside of the paper and plastic covering, ensuring that the dress would be kept perfect until the occasion had arisen.

I step into it carefully, pulling the cropped sleeves over my bared shoulders.

"Mrs. Cora?" I called out.

She soon appears inside the closet, and beams at me. Sentences of how beautifully I pulled off the ball gown are spilled as she helps to do the buttons in the back up.

"Annalise, darling. It's time to get going. Please come down." I hear Dominic call from downstairs, making the nerves appear in my stomach and head once more.

I thank Cora one more time before I slip on a pair of nude flats to match the cream of the evening gown, and begin to make my way down the spiraled marble staircase.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I was left to find my daddies, standing clad in handsome suits. Each wore a light gold tie, with a crimson back to it.


The countries colors.

They were breathtakingly handsome.

And all yours.

Delrick is the first to move, taking me from the last step and swooping me down in a ballerina fashion.

"Dear gosh you look fucking incredible." Dalton mutters our in disbelief, causing me to blush and then giggle as Delrick reprimands him for his choice of language.

"You truly look like our perfect little doll. You're so beautiful princess." Dominic tells me, sending an award winning smile my way.

"Very lady-like indeed, and quite mature. Our beautiful girl." Delrick says.

Gosh they made my heart flutter.

And my panties dampen.

"Thank you daddy." I say to them in return, smiling just as widely.

"Everyone's in the ball room. It's time to make our entrance." Delrick speaks again, offering me his arm.

I latch onto him, and Dominic stands at my other side slipping my arm around his. Dalton stands at the other side of Dominic and the large doors to the grand ballroom opens.

The room itself was simply stunning. All activity was halted as we made our grand entrance. Dazzling golden and lit up chandeliers hung from the high ceilings of the room, and as our feet touched the marbled tanned and golden floors, we could practically see our reflections.

Women and men all dressed up just as fancy crowd the room, leaving us just a path wide enough for our four bodies as we walked up to the platform.

I was soon introduced to everyone through the microphone at the top, and then they were told to continue dancing and celebrating the night away.

I felt so loved.

Everything had gone so smoothly, seemingly perfect to be exact.

"May I have this dance Annalise?" Dalton bows to me, extending out his hand.

The most brutish of them all, bowing down to you. Your daddy showing how much he cares about you, doing this in front of all of the kingdom.

"Yes you may!" I exclaim happily and giggle as he guides me to the dance floor.

I spend the night being passed between the three of them, in a complete bliss. Though as I now stand in Dominic's arms, my head resting against his chest as we slow dance, my eyelids feeling ever so heavy, my ears pick up snide remarks.

"I can't believe they're going to marry that."

"She's not even a vampire!"

"She's weak. A mere fragment of a real woman."

"Why settle for something such less."

The words send deep pains throughout my heart, and I blink rapidly as I try to get rid of the tears clouding my vision.

I was foolish to think that they all really did like me.

"Babydoll? What's wrong?" Delrick's hand is gentle as it presses against my back, pulling my face out of Dominic's firm chest.

"N-nothing." I lie, sniffling a little as I wipe my own tears.

"This is not nothing princess. Obviously something has left you bothered. Let daddy fix it." Dalton steps out, his voice slightly gruff as he sees me in pain but he tries to keep his cool for me.

"I'm just sleepy." I mumble out in dismissal.

"Now we know it's past your bedtime, but we also know that's completely and totally a lie. Now tell us this instant what is bothering you." Dominic commands me in a gentle yet stern tone as his fingers go beneath my chin and lift up my head so that my eyes may meet his own.

I can't help the tears that cascade down my cheeks as I begin to confide in them,"They hate me daddy."

Shocked expressions cover their faces before they speak,"Why babydoll they loved you. What on earth would give you that idea?"

I tell them what I had heard, the voices were directly behind us. The kings immediately knew the girls.

They were only a few years older than myself, and were known as the ones who were obsessed with my daddies.

Could you blame them? They're hot.

Yes I could! They were my daddies, and I was about to make that abundantly clear.

"Them daddy." I point behind us as they ask me for confirmation a last time.

Dalton lets out an animalistic growl as he takes the young women and roughly escorts them off the premises. I hear his yells from all the way outside of the castle.

He returns, and pulls me into a kiss. A sweet one, yet one of a small fire.

I loved it. And it excited me.

Delrick and Dominic follow me in suit, as they each press loving kisses to my lips. Delrick turns to everyone, once more on the platform. He tells them let those foolish girls mistakes be a lesson to them all, and to never disrespect their princess again.

After the announcement is made, everyone is told they may continue on with their past activities. I'm led back down to the dance floor by my kings, where I hold their hands and sway from side to side.

I had fallen for them. I was in love with them.

My daddies.

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