《No Control》Chapter sixteen



I sit neatly, cross legged in a comfy arm chair that rests in the grand library. My eyes scan over the words from within the book that was decorated appropriately with a crimson colored cover. Inside resided an example of perfect penmanship in a signature gold color. This was the book of the kingdom, the one that just about everyone here had read.

Everyone but you.

Yet that will change. To fully understand a nation such as this one, much research is necessary. And I intend to fully understand all of its customs traditions from sizes small to large.

Though my plan soon came to a halt as Delrick made his entrance, and in suit followed Dalton and Dominic. All three of my daddies, my kings. Instantly, without being asked my eyes snap upwards to them.

"Hi." I mumble out awkwardly, like a teenage girl speaking to her crush.

Which is not an entirely false comparison.

"Hi little doll." Delrick is the first to speak, a small chuckle emitting from his light colored lips.

"What're you reading Annalise?" Dominic then walks over, placing himself in the seat right next to me.

I can't help the small smile that takes over my face at his interest in my literature choices. It was like a breath of fresh air to be able to speak of something I enjoyed so throughly such as reading, and Dominic never failed to provide that refreshing breath seeing as he was quite the book worm himself.

It's the little things.

I flash him the cover of the book before clearing my throat to prevent any extra awkwardness on my part before speaking up,"It's the book of the kingdom daddy."

I see Dalton smile in my peripheral vision. Dominic lets out a small praise at my choice of litterateur, and Delrick flashes a smile in a sense of pride as well.

"That's our girl." Dalton moves over closer to me, and places a sweet kiss affectionately atop of my snowy, blonde haired head.


His actions and melodic praise sends me into a frenzy, my heart swelling with the pride and satisfaction I took in making them feel that sort of adoration, the sense of making them proud.

Pleasing my daddies.

I loved it. Even when I was frustrated with them, I absolutely loved it.

"We have something to speak about babygirl. Do you think you could put away the book for a moment please?" Dominic being the ever so thoughtful gentleman he is, asks me kindly.

I nod and stand up, placing the book back atop of the shelf. Of course only after I had found its rightful spot, and marked my place. I then walked back placing myself where I was once before.

"We've decided that it's time to present you as our princess to the subjects of Florenia." Delrick wastes no more time and tells me very straight forward.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I may not know much of everything, but I do know a generous amount considering the time I had spent cooped inside of the library and at my own desk.

Though the tradition of sharing a bride was not only normal, but expected, it was practically unheard of to share a human bride. And one of my age in the modern days.

"Why?" I can't help but ask.

"What do you mean why silly girl? You're their princess too. Just not in the same way." Dalton addresses me, attempting to explain their reasoning.

Of course I knew that I needed to do it. However that didn't mean that I wasn't nervous, or even dreading the thought of doing this.

"We intend to host a ball, and introduce you there. You will need to be fit for a dress today babygirl." Dominic furthers the explanation of the plan.

My mind swirls with thoughts, but one stood out of the confusion of the mass hysteria that was called my brain.

I bet that dress would be so beautiful and sparkly.


Of course my childlike self would think of such things in a serious conversation such as this. Yet I could not help it, for thinking too adult like for too long was simply not possible.

"I get to try on a lot of pretty dresses?" I ask for confirmation, my brows un-furrowing as my interest peaked.

"Indeed you do little girl." Delrick lets out a throaty chuckle.


"Up you go!" Before I realize, I'm being picked up and my sides lightly tickled as Dalton sets me on his hip.

"Daddy!" I giggle out and squirm, hiding my face into his neck.

They all coo and mutters are made about how adorable they think I am, which of course leaves me a blushing, flustered mess.

"Ready to see those pretty dresses princess?" Dominic asks me, taking me off of Dalton's hip which earned him a low growl.

In return, Dominic stuck his tongue out making me giggle profusely.

I loved seeing them act so freely, and even more so I loved that I was the one who brought out those sides of them.

"Yes daddy!" I exclaim happily as I stare down the corridor that had just come to an end, leaving us to enter another large room.

This one was filled to the brim with various clothes, men's and women's. My daddies told me that while some were new, some were old that had been worn by past rulers and were altered and tailored each year to fit the new rulers.

My eyes widen in interest and I immediately wiggle my way off of Dominic's hip and onto the floor, standing on my own two feet.

"You search here little one, while daddies are over there looking for suits. Keep in mind the country's color is gold, and that must be incorporated into your dress. In fact, idealistically it will be the main focus of the fabric. Understood?" Delrick takes charge as he instructs me.

"Yes sir." I tell him, ready to start the search for my perfect dress.

I couldn't even focus properly, seeing as all of these beautiful eye catching dresses were in sight.

"Good girl." And with that, they walk away leaving me to navigate my way through all of the women's clothing.


Time seemed to pass by fairly quickly, though in reality it had been a few hours. I had narrowed down my dresses to three choices, but only one of them had gold as the main focus.

Here was the true test though; the try on. It all came down to this, and whichever made me feel happiest shall be the one I wear.

The first dress I had put on was a long, olden styled cream and gold dress. Beautiful white buttons adorned the back holding the dress upright, as beautiful ripples of elegant gold flowed throughout the dress which poofed out at the bottom making it a true ball gown.

It's perfect.

I smile to myself happily as I twirl around.

"Annalise, darling it's been nearly three hours. Please tell daddy you've found a winner." The tired voice of Dominic makes its way to me from the other side of the dressing curtain.

"Yes daddy, I have!" I gush out enthusiastically.

"Perfect. Let us see little doll." Delrick is the next voice I hear.

"Nope! I want this to be a surprise." I tell them confidently.

Grunts and words of disagreement were passed before they finally gave in, under the promise that its main focus was indeed gold.

"You'll look simply stunning in anything. I'm not worried about a thing little girl." The voice of Dalton is the last thing to be heard as I strip and redress back into my earlier attire.

This will be a fun ball.

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