《No Control》Chapter fifteen


Just a quick picture of daddy Delrick bc he's hot asf.


Carmen, my best friend ever.

My mother and father, the people who raised me.

Jessica, my cheer captain.

All of the girls on the rest of my squad.

These are my people.

Were your people.

I can't help the small tear that trickles down my cheek oh so slowly. I missed them more than anything. I longed for a chance to see them.

Though I couldn't even call them. My phone doesn't work at all here, and I haven't talked to my kings about getting a new one for myself. I knew it would be of practically no cost to them, but I still didn't want them to make the purchase.

I wanted a sense of freedom. I was always used to being micromanaged by my mother, but this was different. There's no doubt that I love them being my dominants, but I need a break. I can't continue on like this, they control everything.

I just want to speak with Carmen.

I need to talk to her. To vent to her, let her in on all that has happened to me so far. Sure I'm a princess now, which they never fail to let me know, but I'm still a sixteen year old girl.

Who needs to speak with her best friend about all that has gone down from our time apart.

"Your highness?" The timid voice of a maid breaks through my own saddened thoughts as a frail knock is heard.

"Please, come in." I welcome her with a warm smile, smothering my true feelings.

Though I don't see their temper being blown very often, I do know that the kings were not exactly kind to their servants before I arrived. Not that they act perfectly now, but they are in much better moods from all of the stories and recollections I had heard.

"I have your favorite nightgown washed, and the matching socks. Shall I go ahead and put them away? Or is this a bad time?" She smiles back at me gently as she makes her way into my chambers completely.

"That would be lovely! Thank you so much miss." I send her another smile, letting it reach my eyes this time.

She nods graciously and then goes about her business of tidying up my room as she puts the laundry away.

"Can I assist you in any other way before I make my departure this evening?" She asks respectfully.

"Actually there is something. Do you think you could find a pen and some paper for me?" I ask her, an idea formulating in my head.


Her brows furrow slightly before she answers,"I'm sure I could find some for you your highness."

"That would be lovely." I tell her honestly, setting my feet on the ground from the bed.

"I shall be back." And with this said, she makes her exit from my room.

My idea was to write to Carmen. I didn't know of any house type phone around here, and the only computers were in my kings office. Which they were typically on, dealing with business.

I had been staying here for a little while now, yet I haven't learned exactly what kings such as themselves do. I know that much of their time is spent in the study. That is when they aren't with me. Curiosity often gets the best of me, and I'm sure I'll be asking Dominic about their duties soon.

He seems to be the one who understands me best here. At least so far. Though he is a dominant man who can have a temper, he is very kind and understanding. He's shown me a great deal of compassion, and had made me feel happy in such a different situation.

You mean the fact that three grown vampires basically kidnapped you?

I shake my head at my own thoughts. Was it really kidnapping if I'm staying here so willingly now? And dare I say even enjoying myself..

"Sorry that took so long madam, but I've found your writing supplies that you requested." The same kind maid who had tended to me earlier makes her reentrance.

"Thank you so much." I reply, walking over and taking the fresh white paper and crimson ink pen from her hands.

"Will that be all this evening?" She asks me yet again.

"That'll be all. Please, have a wonderful night." I tell her respectively, and mean it.

Sure, I could be a brat. Though I always respected the ones who helped me, and this lady had been kind. I know it's her job as maid to tend to the castle and all it's inhabitants, especially the princess and her kings, but i still found it to be generous.

"You as well miss." And with this being said, she makes her final exit through my bedroom door.

I turn my attention to my writing utensils, and paper. I make my way over to the desk that was standing proudly in my room, and take a seat in the pink cushioned, gold-encrusted chair.

Just as I begin my letter, I hear the door being opened yet again. My eyes meet the ones of Dominic who sends me a heart throbbing smile. His pearly white teeth contrasting with his tanned skin.


He's so handsome.

"Hi daddy." I greet him from my place, setting the pen down to lay across the paper.

"What're you doing little one?" His brows draw in slightly as he scans over the paper.

"I'm writing a letter. It's to my best friend Carmen, I really miss her." I shrug as I try not to make it seem like such a big deal. Even if it was a pretty big deal to me.

In all truth I hadn't exactly been so friendly to the kings lately. It hurt me that I was missing my family and friends. It even went as far as to spark a small rage inside of me.

Though nothing compared to the rage they hold within them. That burns like a flame unlike no other. For they aren't even human, and their animalistic vampire side often gets the best of them.

Sure, they treat me as perfect as they can. And I do admit, their tempers are even sexy at times. There's something about being intimidated yet intrigued by the men in front of you, that drives you wild.

At least that's how it is for me.

"You miss them?" Dominic breaks my trance with his smooth, cool words.

I nod my head rather sheepishly as I look down to the pen and paper in my lap.

"I'll leave you to it babydoll." And with that, he turns on his heel and makes a swift exit, leaving me to resume my writing.


It seemed as if my two feet couldn't carry me fast enough. Our little princess has had a change of mood lately, and it has become blatantly obvious she missed her friends and family. I intend to fix this, and to make my little girl happy yet again.

She could visit them. We could all take a vacation down to America, and escort her throughout her journey of a visit.

The perfect plan.

"Ah, there you are brother. Have you seen Annalise?" Dalton stood me in the hallway, grabbing my shoulder rather firmly. A mysterious glint in his eye.

I give his shoulder a glare as I throw it off, dusting my shoulder as if it may have caught some disease.

"I don't know what you're up to little brother, but now is not the time. She needs us for something more than our fierce, sexual appetites." At this his attention is gained, and he focuses in on me.

"Well what is it?" He questions, his focus obviously being changed.

"Not yet. Where's Delrick?" I brush off his question slightly and then ask him a different one in return.

"He should be in the foyer, shall I send a maid to fetch him?" Dalton replies.

"No that's alright. We can go to him." I dismiss and then begin walking towards the foyer with a purpose.

Dalton follows in pursuit, his pace matching my own.

"I've got an idea to purpose brothers." I successfully gain Delrick's attention as we make our entrance.

"Do tell." Delrick shakes his head with a small chuckle at my sudden announcement.

"It has come to my attention that our little girl has had a change of mood. She has been avoiding us politely for a little while now. And when I went up to her chambers just moments ago, she was clearly distraught about missing her loved ones." I explain.

"Continue." Delrick says, as his blue eyes pierce the airway that is between himself and I.

"I believe that we should take a trip to America brothers. For our baby." I exhale finally, finishing my speech.

"Absolutely not." Delrick is the first to answer me.

"That's absurd Dominic, she's just starting to get used to this life." Dalton buds in, adding his own opinion.

"I realize this. However seeing her in such dismay causes me great sadness. Consider this Delrick, and we can speak again about it." I turn my attention to my older brother, the head dominant proclaimed by tradition.

"There will be no need, she will adjust soon enough. We'll just make her happy with another way. Perhaps a phone." He addresses the subject in an entirely different manner.

I hadn't thought of the possibility of a phone. Yet I knew she longed to see them, and not just through a screen. It'll do for now I suppose.

"We should get on that immediately then. No sense in her being sad longer than needed." I commented, still off put by the fact that we couldn't give her exactly what she yearned for.

Though I knew this would only hold her for a little while, I was not entirely off put to tell you in the earnest. We had very big plans coming up for our little doll.

Only time will tell how she copes with it all.

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