《No Control》Chapter fourteen



My eyes squint tightly at the light that shines through the opened dark, crimson curtains. I blink slowly a few times, attempting to adjust to the natural daylight. I've always hated waking up, and I definitely do not like being awoken by bright lights. Even when there's little birds chirping outside, chiming to the winds that flowed by with an ease.

Though by the time I had finished all of my complaining, my eyes have had the needed await and adjusted to the normal lighting. With this, I am able to sit up and stretch, while letting out a soft yawn. My eyes water slightly at the long stretch and I blink quickly, so that my vision may clear up completely.

Though as I scan the room, my eyebrows draw towards the middle of my face to display confusion as I look around the oddly large room.

I don't remember falling asleep here.

Though just as these thoughts cross my mind, memories of yesterday flood through. They had touched me. And I had sucked Dominic off.

And loved it.

Yet hated it so much at the same time. I hated how I got so turned on so quickly by them. But I couldn't have been happier knowing I was pleasing my daddies. The feeling I get from doing that is alike no other.

A pure bliss is the only way I can truly describe it. Yet no words would do it justice. For every ounce of pleasure I caused them, I received double. If not even more than that.

I shake my head at my stupid teenage, submissive brain as my bare feet make contact with the cold ground. At this time I realized that I was clad in just an oversized shirt, with the feeling of simple panties underneath me.

One of their shirts.

I smile at this and quickly decide that I will keep it on, seeing as it modestly reaches to just above my knees. Pants were for sure not on my addenda today. Besides that, they put it on me for a reason I suppose. And it is quite comfortable to say the least. The fabric hangs nice and loose, and the shirt is no where near scratchy.


Though I knew it wouldn't be. They're kings after all, and they expect the best of the best. Their clothes being of no exception of course.

I giggle at my own thoughts a little bit loudly, getting lost in my head as I often do. I hadn't even noticed that I had already made my way into my own chambers.

I shake my head lightly, loving how my feet carried me naturally. I had felt just a bit cold when I left the comfort and ease of the soft duvet from the bed I was just in. I intend on putting some knee socks on. Though no pants is the comfiest option, this castle catches quite the draft.

I open up the drawers and pick out the first pair I see, a simple set of white thigh-highs. I nod satisfied as I finish slipping them up my legs.

As my hands trace my own thigh lightly, just above where my sock ends my mind can't help but wander to my kings yet again.

My kings.

I absolutely loved the sound of that. I smile at this once more, loving how they belong to me just as I do to them. And trust me when I say, they never fail to inform me of their possession over me. Of course this bothered me a great deal at first, that I was being seen as an object. But I know that now, their feelings are developing just as mine are. My feelings are certainly growing past the crush phase so to speak.

Though this is expected of course. For they were not only my first kiss, but they were the first men I had ever done anything remotely sexual with. My cheeks catch a tint as I yet again think of yesterday's events. That seems to be all my mind can go to today.

My friend Carmen had always told me her crazy hookup stories, and everything she had done with them. She would always joke around, calling me her sweet little nun.


If only she could see me now. I would no longer be her sweet little nun, but a developing woman. I would have stories to share with her and the rest of my cheerleading team.

I remembered the times spent before and after practices, gossiping about all the latest hook-ups. All the sleepovers discussing techniques that should be used when doing the deed.

Truthfully, sealing the deal with sex kind of scares me. I've never had anything inside of me, much less something so big.

"Annalise?" I jump, slightly startled as Dalton breaks my thoughts and catches my attention.

"Daddy! You scared me." I place my hand over my chest lightly and let out a deep breath that I had sharply inhaled from the scare I had just received.

He shakes his head at me before speaking up again,"My apologies princess."

I can't help the blush that dusts over my pale cheeks, turning them into a light pink hue from his sweet nickname.

"We had prepared a breakfast for you, and intended to bring it back up to our chambers. Where we had expected you to be lying, still sleeping or at least waiting for us." He explains to me, a serious expression shown on his face.

My mouth opens as my lips fall to part slightly, forming a small 'O'. I hadn't realized that I needed to wait for them, and to be completely honest I forgot that they even slept with me at first.

"Sorry daddy." I look down this time, twisting my sock covered foot into the patterned rug they allowed me to pick out for my floor.

He sighs out again before speaking,"It's alright doll. Just know you need to always wait for us whenever you awake in our chambers. That's all."

I nod, signifying that I understand him.

"Ahh, here they are brother." My head snaps over to the doorway, where I see Delrick standing, and Dominic approaching.

"Why'd you leave babydoll?" Dominic looks at me, and I instantly become red.

All the memories from last night come back to me yet again, just by seeing his face.

"I got cold. I was coming to get a pair of socks." I explained rather sheepishly, and lift up one leg in an awkward manor showing him the sock as if he couldn't see it on the ground.

Delrick chuckles aloud at my actions, as Dominic lets out a low 'hmm' sound.

"I'm assuming Dalton told you that you are to wait for us from now on, correct?" Dominic asks me, his face still soft letting me know he's not mad.

"Yes." I replied, nodding my head up and down.

"Good. Well it's not too late, and I'm sure you've grown rather hungry. Let's go have that breakfast in bed." Delrick smiles and turns to go out of the door.

Before I could register what was happening, Dominic swoops in and grabs me up tickling my sides. I let out a string of giggles as my fists ball up and half-heartedly pound into him.

"L-let go!" I manage to choke out as I continue laughing loudly.

Though he doesn't let go, his tickles cease. He carries me to the room where I had just woken up not too long ago.

There waiting for me was a grand breakfast tray, with my other two daddies in bed waiting for me.

Their formal attire was gone, and they were clad in only boxers. Showing off their incredible bodies.

I could get used to this castle life.

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