《No Control》Chapter twelve



"It's not that you don't look lovely miss, because you do, but do you think that's something a princess should wear out in town? Especially since this is your first outing as the kings future bride." The new maid that the kings had hired just for me, Victoria, questions me hesitantly.

I look down and scan over my choice of clothing. I was clad in a simple black T-shirt with neon pink lettering, and distressed faded blue jean shorts. To top it off I had on a simple pair of black high top converse laced up.

"Victoria, in America this is called style. We don't have to dress up every day for no particular reason. We're able to be normal teenagers there, and I intended to carry as much as my old life here with me." I inform her as I glance at myself one more time, letting my hands brush over my outfit neatly.

Though I was putting on a confident act, it was a slight facade. It was easy for me to speak like this around a girl close to my age. Though once I come face to face with the kings, that may change.

It's not that I don't intend to stand my ground, and defend my choice of clothing. It's just that they intimidate me so much. Living with three grown animalistic men, who were utterly infatuated with you is complicated to say the least.

Especially when you find yourself becoming infatuated with them as well.

I shake my head at my own subconscious thoughts. This would be so much less complicated if I could continue to resent them as I had when I first found out that I would be living here.

Yet I can't. Despite everything that has happened, every string they have pulled to control me, I find myself interested in them.


"Very well your highness. The kings would like you to meet them at the end of the steps, near the front of the palace doors." Victoria sighs out softly, and bows as she makes her exit.

Having someone wait on you is quite different. Though I didn't come from a poor family by any means, I definitely did not come from one this well off.

Well you aren't of royal blood Annalise. Of course you weren't this well off.

I laugh lightly at my own thoughts and nod as if in agreement. It was true, I did not come from royal blood by any means. Just will be married into it..

I shake my head and rush to go down the grand, dark velvet covered stairs. My converse covered feet carrying me down each step as I make my descent to them.

"Ah there you are darling." Dominic sends me a kind smile as he takes my hand to help me down the last few steps.

"Here I am." I give a forced, nervous sort of laugh as I stand there in an awkward manor.

Delrick and Dalton each had their faces in their phones, their brows were pulled in as well as the rest of their features. Whatever they were doing, they were sure concentrated. They hadn't even heard me come down, or speak for that matter.

Dominic makes a clear gesture to get their attention as he coughs rather loudly and clears his throat.

Dalton grunts in response, where as Delrick doesn't even give a mere blink. Dominic sighs in frustration, and sends me an apologetic look.

"You'll have to excuse my brothers manners my dearest princess. They don't seem to see anything except those silly screens right now." Dominic practically yells out as he gives Dalton and Delrick each a sharp pat on the back, affectively gaining their attention.


"What the hell is your problem Dominic?" Dalton growls out and finally breaks his attention from his screen, as he focuses it on his brother.

Dominic sends me a cheeky grin and I let out a giggle in return. At this, the other two pair of eyes snap towards me, and all phones are forgotten.

"My apologies Annalise. We had a minor conflict to attend to, and we found ourselves disconnecting from the outside world." Delrick is smooth with his words.

"That's alright." I mumble out lightly.

"You look very cute little doll. Though that outfit makes me feel very old." Dalton chuckles out as he scans my very American choice of clothing.

I let out another giggle at this, and the other two join Dalton in his chuckling.

"Shall we?" Delrick holds out his arm, as does Dominic from the other side of me.

I hook my own arms through the both of them and give a small smile.

I was very ready to tour this city, and get out of that castle for a bit.


"This is delicious!" I gush out as I finish chewing the cakey dessert I had just been fed.

"We knew you would love it. After all, it does contain some of your favorite ingredients such as strawberries and chocolate." Dalton explains to me.

I nod as I finish the last bite of the treat before speaking out,"Well you guys were totally right! I did love it. Very much actually."

Today had been amazing. The kings took me out, bought this lovely rose gold bracelet for me, treated me to an amazing mediterranean styled dinner, and finished off the evening with this delectable treat.

"Well we're very happy that you liked it babygirl." Delrick smiles as his hand finds its place on my lower back.

Dalton takes a step so that he is on the other side of me, his hand falling just above Delrick's.

I blush at the slight touches that are made, before my eyes avert to my far left. I see a big shimmer in the road, and I immediately feel an urge to go to it.

Curiosity gets the best of me and I make a sharp turn, dashing to the object. I knew to be quick. Though there were no cars nor carriages as of right now, doesn't mean one will come quick and crush the sparkling object that I so needed to see.

Just as my feet were about to make contact with the street, I'm snatched back roughly.

"What in the hell were you doing little girl." Dalton harshly growls in my ear as he holds my body close to his own.

"I-I saw a sparkly thing in the road." I mumble and push against him, wanting to be released.

"You must be far more careful Annalise. You do not go anywhere without us. And you most certainly do not cross into any street." Dominic scolds me, making me lower my head in shame.

"Sorry." I mumble out, completely embarrassed.

"Sorry whom?" Delrick pinches my exposed thigh and I let out a small yelp.

"I'm sorry daddy." My voice is hushed.

Though it was powerful. At that simple statement I felt Dalton grow hard beneath me.

Just from a title they insisted that I call them.

I must have much more control over these men than I had once thought.

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