《No Control》Chapter eleven



"Daddy?" My voice comes out confused, as my features draw into a matching expression.

"We'll discuss all of our rules and regulations that will apply to you as our princess and while you live under our roof. Please get dressed in something nice for dinner, and meet us in the dining room." Delrick is smooth with his words, as he basically brushes off my very question, paying it little to no mind it seems.

My brows furrow in farther as I stand there confused, watching them as they take long, synced strides to the door and make their exit. I look down at my outfit and give a simple shrug, there was no need to dress up farther. After all, this is my new home. Palace or not, I will be remaining comfortable in whatever I choose to wear.

Though comfortable may not be the best choice of word. Seeing as I'm living with three grown men, who expect something absolutely absurd out of me. I'm hoping that everything will clear itself up at dinner tonight, and that I may bargain my freedom with them.

Though with that being said, perhaps it would be wise to listen to them. At least for now, a simple command to change my outfit. It won't be that hard.

As I step into the closet, making my way towards what seems to be causal dresses I run a plan through my head. My idea is to target Dominic. From what I've seen I know that he's the reasonable one of the bunch. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders, despite the fact that he's still one of the men that forced a teenage girl to live in his home for his own personal benefit.

You've got great taste in men Annalise.

My mind ridicules me and I roll my eyes at my own sarcastic thoughts. I know that I'm upset to be here, but there's still that feeling in my stomach. The one where I know that deep down, this is mutual. That I'm infatuated with them, almost as much as they are with me.

Sure, I wasn't as serious with wanting to act upon these feelings, but they are. They had already taken action to get me here, for me to live with them.


I shake my head lightly from side to side as I finally pull a dress off of the gold encrusted rack, and look it over. I had chosen a baby blue dress. It had spaghetti straps on the shoulders, and farther down to my biceps were off the shoulder sleeves. My collarbones were left exposed, as well as my shoulders. I nodded in approval as I head to the set of doors inside of my new room, and into the hallway.

My feet seemed to carry me on their own, as if they knew the way. My eyes scanned the numerous paintings with golden encrusted frames that aligned the walls of the elegant hallway.

"This way your highness, the kings are expecting you in the dining room." A maid catches my attention as she gives a slight bow of her head as she speaks to me.

As her dark eyes peek out I send her a small smile of gratitude before speaking out,"Thank you. I'm sure I would've ended up in the library or even a closet with my luck."

Her face lights up at the small praise I had given her and she leads me towards what I'm assuming to be the dining room.

"Here you are ma'am. I do hope you enjoy yourself." She sends me one more smile as she takes her leave.

Upon this, I make my entrance and I step into the grand room.

"There's our girl." Dalton smiles from his spot at the dining table.

"Don't be shy. Please, come take a seat." Delrick tells me as he motions towards the seat at the other head of the table.

I make my way there and just as I'm about to sit down Dominic stands from his place next to me and pulls out my chair. I blush lightly as I take my seat, crossing my legs over one another as he pushes the chair back in place.

"You look absolutely stunning my dear Annalise." He tells me in a hushed tone of voice, as his brothers nod their heads in agreement.

"Thank you." My cheeks seemed to be stained a faint pink color, seeing as the slightest compliments from them set me off, turning me into a pile of mush.


"You three look very handsome as well." I squirm in my seat slightly as I return their compliments.

"Thank you very much darling." The three of them chuckle out with a slight shake of their heads.

My mother taught me to always be polite, no matter the situation. Though this is quite different, and though I thought for certain I would fight tooth and nail to get out of this position, I find myself loving the attention. No matter how mad I get at myself for it.

The doors open once more, and this time two golden, high standing carts are rolled in. They're topped with large platters that were beautifully decorated with a variety of food. From main courses that were dark colored and meat filled, from small bright side salads.

"Dine well your majesties." The chef gives us a slight bow, and his eyes linger upon me slightly longer.

It's odd being the center of attention. You'd think with me being an only child, I would be use to it. However I'm not. My parents have always hovered over me, yes. But more in negative ways. My mother is obsessed with self image and how our family comes across. They put such importance on little things, and make sure that I'm following in suit with them as well.

"I do hope everything is to your liking babygirl." Dominic smiles at me as the servers finish plating everyone's dishes.

I flash him a smile as my eyes avert back down to my plate. Everything looked delicious, but the salad that had touches of red and yellow catches my attention and I decide to start with that.

My assumptions were proved right as I finish up three more bites of the delicious salad. My fork next carries itself towards the grilled chicken that was cut up into fine strips.

"How is everything doll?" Dominic swallows and asks me, as I begin to finish up as well.

"It's really good! You guys always have good food here." I tell him, remembering every meal I had gotten the chance to eat here.

They all let out a string of low chuckles at my statements while their forks make a small clinking noise as they are set down.

"Getting down to business, we have things to discuss." Dalton takes a sip of what looks to be red wine, and then clears his throat.

"Ah yes. Annalise, while you stay here there are certain things that will be expected of you." The eldest king, Delrick, tells me.

"Like?" I raise a brow, looking intently between the three of them.

Dominic places his hand on my thigh reassuringly, tracing small patterns into it.

"Nothing unreasonable. For starters, as our princess, you'll be expected to attend the royal galas and balls with us." Dalton smoothly says, and I nod in agreement.

That shouldn't be too hard.

I've always wanted to wear one of those beautiful, poofy gowns that made every girl to appear as a princess.

And now you really are one.

My subconscious reminds me and I can't help the smile that takes ahold of my features.

Their princess.

"Though there won't be set chores and such for you to do around here, you are expected to listen and obey us. You are ours, and you will submit." Dalton continues, saying it as if it's nothing.

I brush it off, focusing my attention at anyone but him. The way he's looking at me sends chills throughout my body.

"And one last thing." Dominic catches my attention with a slight squeeze of my thigh and his smooth voice.

"You will always address us as daddy."

My own fork drops from where I was absentmindedly twirling it around, and I choke on my own air.

They shoot up, coming towards me in a hurry. Dalton pats my back rather vigorously as the other two check me all over.

"What the fūck!" I yell out, genuinely shocked.

They all three let out an animalistic growl, and Dominic's fingers pinch my thigh harshly, leaving a stinging sensation.

"Language like that will not be tolerated." Delrick is close to me, his lips right at my ear as he whispers into it with a gruff voice.

I whimper as Dalton's lips begin to attach to my neck, his kisses are nippy as he marks my skin.

"You belong to us little one. Wether you like it or not."

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