《No Control》Chapter ten



The plan was devised, and is to be carried out straight away. Soon, she'd be ours for good. Everything would become so official in just a matter of mere moments.

My brothers and I had found the perfect way to keep our princess here with us, without having to cause harm to her parents. Well physical harm at least, of course a few feelings would be hurt. Though I hate to admit it, if it would've come to it then we would have killed them. Easily.

We've waited far too long and searched far too wide to loose her just like that. Nothing that a set of human parents do would stop us. Hell, nobody could.

Though I'm not having doubts, I am still slightly worried. With this plan, I know she will be upset at first, which pains me deeply.

Honestly. But it is for the best, we are envisioning the bigger picture. Our future together, her helping to rule by our sides eventually one day. She belongs to us, clear as day. She will come to see that eventually, even if it's forced upon her at first. She will learn to accept it, and us.

Hell, she already knows we are vampires. Sure she was scared at first, but she still sat right in my brothers lap. She was comforted by us, or at least felt some sort of reassurance if she was able to do that.

"Ready brother?" Delrick calls out to me, as he and Dalton settle in to crowd around the telephone in the study.

"Very." I reply shortly, feeling an ounce of guilt as I take heavy footsteps to make my way over to them.

Of course I feel a tad bit guilty, this is bound to happen when you're practically forcing your teenage bride away from everything that she's known, to live with you and your two brothers.

Three immortal vampire kings, who expect an absolute power exchange.

Though I know it will be such a better life for her here. For we can provide her with the world, anything she wants. She is ours. It's as simple as that.

Dalton reads her mother's phone number off aloud as Delrick types it into the old styled, corded telephone. His calloused fingers punching the small numbers, the features of his face were pulled in taut so that his expression was a clear one of sure focus. They both have their mind set on one goal.

Moving Annalise in. She's to become our princess, and eventually our queen. Some of the kingdom already knows of her, mainly the castle staff. It was hard to fight off the way we felt about her, and when we were all alone we felt no need to.

Our driver, Arlo, was the first to know that we had taken quite the liking to the little nymphet. He's been serving for the family for quite sometime, as long as I could remember in fact. He's became apart of our family, and is a great trusted friend.

Our most trusted advisors found out next, and the rest of the staff followed in suit naturally. There's a pecking order in this castle, a sense of ranking. This is one of the old traditions that was carried over.

Like Arlo, most of the servants that worked here had for almost all their immortal lives, and family members before that. The 'business' was kept in the family so to speak.

"Hello?" Her Mother's tone breaks my thoughts as my ears perk up.


There was no way I would miss any of this conversation. I would be soaking in every last word.

"Good afternoon Mrs.Knight." Delrick greets her politely to start off.

"What a surprise! What can I help you with your highness?" Her tone was one of shock for certain, she was reviving a phone-call from the king after all. This is to be expected and a natural reaction.

"I have a proposition that I don't think you can turn down." Delrick turns to us and we all three share a knowing smirk.

Soon babydoll, you'll be all ours. Forever.



My mouth hangs open in shock as I stare up at my parents in pure disbelief. They were kidding, they had to be. There was no way that they would basically give away their only daughter.

Their only child for that matter!

"Close your mouth Anna, you're going to catch flies." My mother comments snidely with a slight eye-roll to top off her sassy attitude.

"I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just shocked that you've basically given me away!" I shout out in disbelief, truly becoming upset with them and the whole situation.

"Oh don't be so dramatic darling. This is such an amazing opportunity, you'll be studying abroad. And living in a real castle, with royal people! How could you even think about turning that down? As a parent we want what's best for you, and this is the best." My father practically gives me a life speech as he carries on, siding with my mother yet again.

Sure, it sounds like an amazing opportunity. But they have no idea what the kings true intentions are. How they want to make me theirs, how they want to control every aspect of my very being. How they think that I belonged to them.

"Mom! Dad! You don't understand. These men aren't who they seem to be at all. They want me in ways that no grown man should." I confess to them, needing to grab onto any sort of hope I have to leave. To get away from them.

But you don't want to. Even if you can't admit it yet, you need them. You crave them just as they do you.

My fathers face immediately pulls into one of concern and anger,"What do you mean Annalise?"

I bite my lip out of hesitation, knowing what I was about to say would truly sound absurd.

"Out with it girl! You can't make such claims and not back them up. What's happened to you?" My mother is quick to join my father. Her tone very accusing as she presses me to answer.

"They're vampires mother! Vampires who have been alive for thousands of years. And they want me to be their teenage bride! You can't let that happen, don't leave me here please." I explain to them all in a shout, taking a deep breath at the end as I beg them.

There's immediate silence before they make eye contact and begin to laugh, hard.

"Making up lies will get you no where Annalise, you should know this. Everything final, you'll stay here with the kings. They've helped to pay for your future schooling as well, show some gratitude." My mother rolls her eyes as her and my father finish laughing at what they believe to be my foolish tale. An excuse to go back with them.

If only they knew that it was no tale, it was the honest truth. Though I know these men aren't even men, that they are of such power, I know I should be intimidated. Don't get me wrong I am, but I can't help but feel as if I need them. No matter how sick and hypocritical that sounds.


My body craves them. Their faces, voices, and those bodies. All of them.

"Arlo will be here shortly. We've taken the liberty of packing the suitcase you arrived with, and the rest of anything you may need or want will be shipped to you." My father explains as my mother disappears to grab my luggage.

This was all happening far too quick for my liking. Though as I open my mouth to speak up in protest, again, the door is knocked on.

"That would be him. Be a doll and get the door Anna." My father says, as he continues up the stairs to retrieve my luggage.

I shake my head in disbelief as I open up the door, coming face to face with Arlo. He sent me a kind, warm smile and I returned it with a half one.

"Are you ready your highness?" He asks me quietly, his smile never fading.

"I'm no royal, please just call me Annalise or even Anna." I shrug it off, not wanting to be falsely labeled.

Well, really I didn't want to be recognized as a piece to the kings. Though there was an undeniable connection, I didn't want to come to terms with it right now. Especially not when it was them who forced me from my friends and family.

Even if that family gave you up so willingly.

I brush off the thoughts as my father leans down and presses a kiss to my temple.

"You be good now. We'll call you tonight." He tells me, ushering me towards Arlo.

"Remember to mind your manners Annalise!" My mother calls out as we step out of the door.

I give one last glance over my shoulder, seeing my Ken and Barbie like parents waving goodbye.

Somewhere deep down, I knew this was the last time I would see them for a very long time.

"You'll love it Miss Annalise, really. Florenia is gorgeous and our study program is the best." Arlo tells me as we drive away.

"Though I won't really be studying here, will I?" I question him bluntly.

His face pulls together in confusion,"Why wouldn't you?"

"The kings. The blood suckers want me as a teenage bride. Didn't you know? They've taken away my choice." I shrug as I stare out of the window.

He makes an awkward coughing noise as his attention focuses on the road.

"Perhaps conversation isn't the best idea right now." He mumbles and cuts the radio on.

Perhaps not.


"We're here miss." I wake to Arlo shaking my shoulder lightly.

My eyes flutter open fully as I take in the familiar appearance of the castle. The place that I'm supposed to live in for who knows how long.

"The kings are expecting you. Please allow me to take your bags as you greet them." Arlo doesn't meet my eyes as he helps me out, and onto my own two feet.

I walk sleepily to the front doors being guarded by the same men, the one from before opening them for me. I look at him, and he sends me a healthy smile. Though I don't return it as I walk in.

"There she is! Over here your highness." One of the maids dressed in their signature uniform consisting of gold and crimson beckons me over.

I walk hesitantly to her, my feet seeming to drag.

"Are you ready to see them? They've waited so long. And we're all so thrilled to have you here, honestly." She gushes out excitedly, her grin never fading.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I speak shortly, noticing her stature droop slightly.

"Right this way." She leads me to a different set of doors this time, ones I haven't seen yet.

"They've been in the study all morning, but requested your presence as soon as you arrived." She explains to me as she walks away.

I raise my hand to the crimson door, whose knob was encrusted in gold. I take a deep breath before I knock on it twice.

"Come in." I recognize Dalton's gruff voice speak out.

I enter, my focus shifted to my two feet as I walk in.

"Eyes up here babydoll." Delrick's voice speak out next, demanding my attention.

My body follows their commands before I can even think of disobeying. My eyes snapping to meet the three sets of theirs.

"We've missed you Annalise, and we're very excited you're staying with us." Dominic tells me.

"I wish I could say the same." I don't know where my sudden boost of confidence came from, but I'm not complaining.

Dalton's eyes become hooded as he takes a step towards me. I back up, growing nervous.

"Not now Dalton. We need to show her to her room." Delrick grabs his arm as he reprimands him.

They face each other, and do the thing where I feel like they communicate through some sort of mind link. Dalton backs down finally as he mutters something under his breath that I don't quite catch.

"Here darling, follow me." Dominic's kind voice snaps me out of my own staring as he takes my hand gently, and begins to lead us.

I was glad to have one with a level head. Sure, Delrick seemed fairly level headed as well, but I knew he was the same as Dalton. He just had a better way of containing himself.

"You'll be staying in this room." He opens the doors and I can't fight the smile off of my face.

There stood a large, king sized canopy bed. It's sheets were a baby pink silk, with white trimming aligning the bottom acting as a bed skirt. The whole room was complete with a theme of the same pink, white, and of course gold.

The book shelves that aligned the back wall were white, and each books spine was a baby pink with gold script. The dresser that sat across from the bed had beautiful jewelry trays, and many hair ribbons organized fashionably.

"T-this is amazing." I stutter out in disbelief.

"Check the closet little one." Dalton smiles down at me, any aggression he previously withheld was subsided upon seeing my now happy state.

I smile out at him before I walk to what I assume to be the closet. My eyes widen as I step into it, and I inhale sharply. The closet was huge, with many ballgowns and a mix of heels and flats aligning one side. The other held hundreds of outfits complete with dainty dresses and skirts with matching blouses.

"This is truly amazing, I don't know what to say." I gush out to them.

"How about a thank you for daddy?"

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