《No Control》Chapter nine



"W-what?" I stutter out confused at Delrick's blunt statement.

They like me like that?

"I'm sorry I think I've misunderstood something." I say, my voice treading very lightly.

"No mistakes babydoll. You belong to us, simple as that." Dalton speaks so smoothly, no hesitation comes from his tone.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, and my head spins around thoughts in rapid circles. How could three, attractive men like me? Want me as their princess? They're literally kings.

"I don't understand." I tell them in the earnest. None of this was making any sort of sense to me.

"Stay seated Annalise. We'll explain." Dominic says, as Delrick pulls me impossibly closer to him.

Dominic and Dalton take a seat across from the two of us, taking a couple of moments to get situated.

"You've read some of the book that my great grandfather wrote, the founder of this beautiful country. We are special creatures Annalise, ones of so much power." Dalton starts off the speech, and the other two kings nod in agreement.

"Well of course you three are powerful. You are kings." I tell them in a tone of voice that suggests that they were simply stating the obvious.

"This is true. However our royal blood is not the only thing we draw power from. My brothers and I all come from a very strong family. A very strong country." Dominic says, putting an emphasis on his last statement.

Though I didn't know for a fact, I was sure Florenia was doing quite well economically and politically. The kings do not strike me as rulers who take any unnecessary shit so to speak.

"Well yeah. I assumed as much." My nose scrunched up as I answered them, my tone being one of dismissal.

I can see them share a knowing look, as if they were communicating between the three of them with just their eyes. I've taken notice that they do this quite often.

"Hello?" I turn so that I'm straddling Delrick's lap as I wave my hand in front of his face a few times.

He looks at me in amusement in return. His eyes scanning my bare legs, up to where my skirt falls to mid-thigh. My cheeks instantly heat up as I take in our current position.

"S-sorry." I fumble out nervously as I reposition myself once more, so that I'm plainly sitting on his lap.

"It's no mind darling. Though I can say that I preferred that other position quite more." His tone is husky, sending a fit of chill bumps down my arms.


The tiny, little blond hairs standing on attention as he lightly traces soothing patterns on my bare arms.

"As we were saying, we come from a powerful lineage. One of dominance." Dominic clears his throat, starting off the conversation once more.

"An immortal one to be exact." Dalton speak up this time, as if it were nothing.

Wait what?

"Immortal?" My tone is filled with confusion yet again. It seems as if these men liked me confused at this point.

Delrick and Dominic send a harsh glare towards dalton who just shrugs before speaking up,"Was bound to come out somehow. I think it's best if we just rip the bandage off."

"We won't push the vampire subject this early Annalise. That can be controlled and explained at a much later time." Dominic smoothly covers for his younger, hot-headed brother.

Vampire? Are they fucking with me?

"Wait. You mean to tell me that you guys are vampires? I'm sorry, but that's hilarious." I struggle to form a sentence as a fit of giggles takes over.

This whole thing must be a joke, and they were stretching it as far as possible I think. Of course that would make the most sense. There's no such things as vampires, and there's no way that these men would want me in such a way.

"Annalise. This is no laughing matter." Dalton

grunts out, growing impatient with every laugh that leaves my parted lips.

I couldn't help it though. The things these men were telling me are so far fetched that I had to laugh. There would be no other solution.

"Right." I calm myself some, to the point where I'm at a light school-girl type giggle.

The sound of something animalistic comes from deep within Dalton's throat and he stands to his feet. His pupils grow darker and dilate as his stare intensifies.

"Brother, remember where you are." Dominic stands, and I burry myself further into Delrick's warm chest.

It's as if they were speaking once more through their eyes. I watch as Dalton's gaze shifts towards me, taking in my scared state.

The K-9 teeth that everyone has, begin to grow from his mouth. They were extending downwards, growing. Like fangs.

"What the fuck?!" I yell out and immediately fight to stand on my own two feet.

Delrick growls at my exclamation and tightens his grip, ceasing my fighting. No matter how much I pushed against him, I couldn't escape the deadly grip that he bestowed upon me.

"Relax doll. He's fighting it for you. You just need to relax." Delrick coos sweet things into my ear in a whispered voice, as he rocks us.


I shut my eyes tight, just wanting to go home. Waiting for everything to return to normal once more. I had, had enough of Florenia and for certain enough of these things.

These insanely hot men.

Though they were no men. For they were beasts, who fed on the blood of others. I can only imagine all the pain and hardships they had caused in their lifetime.

How long had they been alive? Been like this?

Thoughts were racing in my mind and there were no answers being given out. No solutions to all of the problems that were about.

"It's okay Annalise. Please, let us continue. The vampire speech can come later." Dalton's tone had completely changed, and I hesitantly lifted up to take in his appearance.

He sat once more, in his original placement. He no longer had fangs, and his eyes were normal yet again. If his hair hadn't been messed up from his harsh grip, I wouldn't have known anything had ever happened.

They expected me to let it go.

No way was I letting that go, but no way I was pissing them off again.

"Okay." I falsely said, knowing the subject wouldn't be dropped and far from forgotten.

"There's our good girl." The sentence makes me weak at my knees. Good thing I was sitting down.

Still on his lap.

"As we were saying, you're ours babygirl. You belong to us, our little princess." Delrick says oh so smoothly.

"You're so much older than me though." I tell them, referring not only their vampire age. Their human facades that they've put on are much older too.

They're old enough to be your dad.

And you love it.

"Age doesn't matter here doll, if you haven't figured that out yet. We are men of immense power, the capabilities are endless." Dominic reassures my question.

"What if I don't want to be yours?" I challenge them.

Dalton chuckles loudly, almost sadistically.

"Oh babydoll. You have no control over the matter. You belong to us. You have from the minute you Dominic laid eyes on you."

I whine out before speaking up,"My parents won't stand for that. I belong with them. I'm a minor for goodness sake."

Again he chuckles, this time Delrick joining in.

"There's no way around this little girl. You are ours." He speaks up.

The sounds of knocks interrupt the important conversation, breaking the kings attention and my own.

"Enter." Delrick's tone isn't playful in the slightest, his ruling voice had surfaced.

"My kings." A guard clad in the signature uniform enters, bowing down to Delrick and the others.

"Stand and speak." Dominic speaks up, his voice the same as Delrick.

A side to him that I hadn't quite seen. The other two have voiced their dominance multiple times, but I only saw Dominic become like this when he saw my arm.

"The princess' parents are here to collect her. Should I send them away?" He stands and speaks out just as instructed.

The princess? How many people knew of me?

Before they get a chance to speak, I take advantage of Delrick's loosened grip and bolt to the door. A daring move for certain, but one I knew to take.

"Little girl!" Delrick's tone is harsh and warning me, but I press forward and round the corner.

I hear their footsteps following in pursuit quite quickly. I glance to see how much distance I had on them, when I crash into what I knew was my parents. Knocking them off balance, and almost causing us all to fall.

"Annalise! Don't you dare run in this palace! Don't you know how much money this stuff would cost if it were to brake?!" I had never been more relieved to hear my mothers nagging.

"It's no problem at all Mrs.Knight. This little one was playing tag with us." Dominic is quick to cover it up with a lie, as they all stand in front of me.

Although they are smiling, I know the look they are giving me. Their eyes held it all.

"Thank you so much for having her here. I do hope she wasn't too much trouble." My father chuckles out and rubs the top of my head.

I pout slightly at my now messed up hair.

"No trouble at all. We had quite the time, didn't we Annalise?" Dalton smiles to them in return, sending a promoting gaze my way.

I nod my head in return.

"Well thank you again your highnesses. Enjoy your evening." My mother says as my father begins to lead us out.

"We'll be in touch." I hear Delrick say.

As I walk out, I turn around to see them standing there. Their faces adorned with smirks, ones filled with confidence.

And with that I leave, my heart conflicted.

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