《No Control》Chapter eight



"Wow! So it's hot here almost all year?" Annalise asks Dominic as we continue walking to the royal library.

"That's right princess. Except for in the winter, when it's snowing great amounts and it ices over." He smiles down at our little nymphet as he explains our weather patterns to her.

After our breakfast, which consisted of her two favorite fruits that she had previously mentioned, she had begun to ask us many questions. Our girl is such an inquisitive little thing, always wanting to know more. That is something that I already loved about her.

I was still in awe of her. Everything about her, from the sweet sound of her smooth voice, those beautiful bright blue eyes, and those gorgeous blonde locks that fell from her head in loose curls. Oh and don't forget the divine aroma that surrounded her, she smelled of sweet mint and vanilla.

Simply intoxicating.

Her beautiful porcelain skin, reminding me how much of a little doll she is.

Our little doll. The perfect girl.

My eyes scan her over as they did when she first entered the dining hall, though this time is different. I'm able to get a long, much more full view of her.

The short skirt and small top that adorns her body does not go unnoticed in the least bit. It was outfits just like those that made me want to take her right here, just as the rest of my brothers.

I scan her legs that were still fairly long, despite her short height. They were beautiful, so fair toned and small. I loved how small she was, it allowed me to feel superior. Even more dominant than I already was. Yes, her legs were certainly a favorite of mine.

Oh how I'd love to have those legs wrapped around my shoulders and neck as she screams for mercy while I fuck her senseless.

My eyes next travel up, taking in the small bit of midriff her top left exposed yet again. She was simply stunning, head to toe. The way her collar bones popped, as if they were begging to be kissed and sucked on. The way her shoulders would stand high, exhibiting that she had such good posture.

Her little arms that-. My mind instantly stops me in its tracks as I look at the bruises that covered her forearm and a small bit of her wrist.

They looked like fingerprints and a hand.

Who had been touching what's mine? Who in their right fucking mind would even go near what is mine? Let alone handle her in such a rough manner.

The only ones that should be leaving bruises on that little body is us.

And even then they wouldn't be on her forearm. We're sadists, not monsters. No, I'd prefer to have my hand around her neck while my brother paints vibrant red across her ass. One of us pleasuring her with a counteract of pain. The perfect balance.

"Where on earth did you get those fucking marks little girl?" Although the sentence is a question, it did not come out like that.


No, in fact it was a demand. A demand growled out from her daddy, to know who in their right mind was handling her in such a way. Who she must have let do that.

"What on earth are you on about brother?" Delrick shoots me a glare for the tone I had just taken with our baby, his features pulled in to a look of confusion as well.

"Look at her arm brothers. Someone's been touching her." I seethe out, feeling the steam that was brewing from within me fighting to find an escape.

I did not want to loose my temper in front of her, but if I don't get some answers soon then that is exactly what will happen. I have no shame in blowing up over something so important. And everything involving that little girl is important to me now. To all three of us.

Dominic's eyes become hooded as he looks down at the same marks I had just come to notice. His jaw ticks into place and I can tell he's fighting to keep those fangs in, just as I am.

He looks her dead in the eyes before speaking up in a cold, stern manor,"Where Annalise? Who?"

His words held no questionable tone either. They were straight demands, he felt the same as I.

"It's nothing, really." She mumbles out, breaking her gaze as she shifts so that she's staring at the floor instead now.

She was nervous.

"Bullshit!" Delrick slams his hand on a near by wall as he screams aloud.

And I'm supposed to be the one with a temper.

"I won't ask you again little girl. You'd better start speaking up." I warn her, my dominant side fighting to take control as I try to reign him back in.

"It really is nothing, I promise. Earlier this morning, I lost my balance and started to fall. However my father reacted quickly and caught me by my arm. I did tell you all that I was quite clumsy." Her tone is soft, intimidated even.

Her eyes don't break away from the same spot that she had been so focused on the marbled floor as she stares down. Far too intimidated to look up. Who could blame her? We're three very powerful, dominant men. Men of royal vampire blood to be exact. Though all in due time she will come to see this.

Delrick seems to relax, his shoulders visually releasing their tension as they begin to sag down into a resting position. Where as Dominic pinches the bridge of his nose, and exhales slowly as to calm down as well. I myself feel instant relief. No one had touched our girl, all was well.

"Come then. We have much to show you." I speak up first, breaking up any remaining tension.

As if they were in a trance, they'd been instantly snapped out at the sound of small feet following my much longer, louder steps.

We make our way to the library, her following in my footsteps as my brothers follow in her own. Undoubtedly staring at that pert little ass of hers that bounces slightly with each sway of her hips. Though her curves weren't huge, they were great. For her stature they complimented her oh so well.


"Woah!" Her voice is one of excitement as she lets out a small gasp.

She was taking in the sight of the royal library. It was Dominic who spent the most time in here. He loved to read, anything from classical pieces to very grim, eery ones. Delrick preferred to spend his time in the study, his office space. He busily worked away on numerous pieces of papers, his fingers rapidly typing away on a keyboard.

Personally I spend my time in the fencing room, or occasionally accompany Delrick to the study. Mainly when there's trouble brewing in other areas, and we plan to go to war. I am a great strategist.

"Can I read one?" The sound of my angel's voice breaks me from yet another one of my rambling fits that goes on in my mind.

"Which one babydoll?" Dominic's voice is smooth and sweet. Nothing like the tone he had taken earlier with her, the same one we had all used.

Her cheeks tint to a shade of pink at the small pet name that he had used, as her finger lifts and points to a book with a solid gold cover, the words on the front were in-scripted in a maroon color. I instantly recognize it as the book. Our country's official one, written by my late great grandfather.

"Of course." Delrick is quick to grab it off of the high shelf and bring it over to a chair, placing himself on it.

She looks at him curiously as he signals her over by patting his lap. She shakes her head lightly and a small whine omits from her lips. My hand twitches in slight irritation, as it fights not to come down against her bottom in warning. Not yet.

"Go on Annalise, sit with Delrick." Dominic pushes her gently, as if leading her in that direction.

She turns around to shoot him a look at the forceful action, but the one that he sends her in return causes her to loose all confidence. Her feet carry her to Delrick, where he pulls her by her waist to sit on his lap.

She wiggles some, adjusting herself as to get comfortable. Delrick's head throws back some, his Adam's apple popping as he swallows hard. I stifle a chuckle as I watch in pure amusement.

"You two get to reading, Dalton and I will be right back." Dominic said, and then gives me a look as to say 'go with it'.

So I do. I follow him out of the library, and into the foyer.


Delrick had been reading to me for quite sometime, and I could tell he was beginning to grow tired. I had learned so much about Florenia already, but I wasn't done soaking it all in yet.

"I can take over." I tell him as he finishes up a paragraph on the page he had just finished.

He shoots me a small smile as he hands the book over, one hand resting on my thigh as the other is running through my hair softly. Something that has genuinely always relaxed me.

Florenia is a country of many old customs and culture. If there is more than one eligible male heir to the throne, they will all rule together. In most cases this occurs with brothers. This tradition stems from our first ever rulers King Chan and King Cullen, who fell in love with the same woman. Instead of battling it out, they agreed to share her. From this point on, it has been tradition for siblings to share a bride.

Share a bride? My eyes squint in confusion as my eyebrows draw together.

"How's the reading coming?" I look over and see the other two kings, finally making their way back into the library once more.

"Splendid. Don't you think so princess?" Delrick responds, but I'm still caught up on what I had just read.

Siblings share a bride.

A light tap on my thigh brings me out of my trance as I look up to all three of them.

"Do you guys have a wife? Like one that you share?" My words come out before I even think them through.

Their faces turn to one of recognition and everything visibly becomes more tense. I can't help but feel the anticipation, as I wait for their response. Though I know it would crush me if they did have one. I don't know why exactly, but feelings are feelings.

Delrick clears his throat before speaking,"We do not."

I feel my heartbeat go back to normal and I relax into him yet again.

"But we will." Dalton says, nonchalantly.

"Oh." This is all that I'm able to say in return as my heart feels as if it could burst right in half.

"That's right. We've almost got her too. We just have minor details to take care of." Dominic shrugs it off as if it's no big deal.

I feel my eyes begin to burn as tears want to appear, but I fight them off.

"We want her as our princess first though, not our queen. We want to own every inch of her, explore the reactions we cause. Let her grow up a bit more, seeing as she's still quite young." Delrick clarifies.


"Such a good point brother. She's absolutely stunning now, with that light and long hair. Her skin like porcelain, and her body simply amazing. Her aqua eyes that light up from the simplest things. I can't wait to see what she'll look like older as well. I just know she'll age gracefully." Dominic could be a poet, his own words make me blush and feel jealous all at the same time.

"She's a lucky girl." I whisper out.

Dalton chuckles at my sentence, and I become embarrassed quickly. They must think I'm such a silly kid.

"That she is, and she's sitting on my lap."

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