《No Control》Chapter seven



"What do you mean I'm to spend the day with the kings?" I ask my mother with furrowed brows and slightly pouted lips, confusion clear in my voice.

My father lets out a short, sarcastic chuckle before speaking out,"Were you listening to a word that was spoken at dinner just last evening?"

No. I was too busy staring at them and lingering on the wonderful food.

"Of course I was listening." I lied right through my teeth, my features still pulled in to rest in a small childish pout.

"Well then you should know the royal driver, Arlo, will be here for you any moment now. You're to be getting a special tour and some background knowledge on the castle, which will help to further your schooling." My mother interjects the conversation, her tone slightly snippy yet still playful all at the same time.

It doesn't surprise me that they took the kings up on their apparent offer. They've always cared a very great deal about my studies, seeing as both of their parents always pushed them in their own schooling. It's all they have ever known, so they've instilled the same principles upon me.

They both became respectable people in the work industry, and make a good living for our family. They've established a meaning to the last name Knight, people who commit. Respected people.

Although I'll be well set off, they still want the best for me in terms of learning. Knowledge is power, this quote is lived by in my family.

"So with that being said, you'd better get those pajamas off and get into some real clothes." My dad laughs once again, as he scans my choice of nightwear over.

I was clad in old, tattered Disney princess shorts, and a big tshirt that fell to my mid thigh. It gave the appearance that I was wearing no pants on underneath, which I normally don't to bed. However, since I was staying in a foreign bed I decided pants were the safest option last night. Besides, while these shorts are so old, they're still so comfy all at the same time. Appearing so small under my long shirt, and the silky material giving the feeling that my skin was so smooth and I was wearing nothing underneath.

Those are the best.

"And do dress nice darling. I don't want those handsome men thinking we've raised a hooligan." My mother interjects my father yet again. This time her tone held no playfulness, just one of seriousness.


Hearing the phrase 'those handsome young men' fall from her lips strikes something inside of me. I don't know why, but I don't like the idea of her calling them attractive. Perhaps it's because she's my mother, who is married to my wonderful father.

Don't be foolish. You don't like the idea of anyone taking notice of their looks but you.

The voice in the back of my mind pipes up again. I can't help but feel that it's right. These feelings are absurd, but I know that there's an underlying truth to them. An underlying meaning of why I keep having these thoughts. Not just some silly, old school girl crush. These were real feelings, they have to be.

"Right." I mumble out breaking my thoughts of said nonsense before my subconscious gets too carried away.

I head back to my section of the hotel, preparing to pick out an outfit and make myself presentable for the day. My fingers rake over the clothes that I've got hung up fairly neatly, until they land on a pretty, pale blue, marble, mini skater skirt.

Wow, that's a mouthful.

I choose a similar top to the one that I wore yesterday, being a lightweight cropped white tank. This one was far more sleek though, seeing as the material was a richer material, being made in Indonesia. I pair it with a costume jewelry gold chain that has a triangular pendent on the end of it, holding many patters inside.

I grab my high top blue converse and just like that, I'm bounding down to the lobby once more.

"Annalise!" My father shouts, his head turning so his voice would be able travel up the stairs and into my ears clearly.

However as he turns he comes face to face with me, making me stumble back in a small fright. His arm jolts out to catch me, taking a firm grip around my own forearm as he catches me. As I begin to fall back, I'm yanked up right in a sudden quick motion.

The far from gentle rescue makes a yelp fall from my lips as I'm brought to stand up right once more. My hand swats his own away once I've maintained composure and I rub the now red marks that cover my pale skin, surely to begin bruising shortly.

"Jonathan! Be more careful." My mother scolds my father as she comes over to us.


"I didn't realize she was so close to me Sarah." My father defends himself.

They begin bickering lightly, as I'm left to rub the stinging sensation in my arm.

"Are you alright m'lady?" An old, sweet tone breaks my concentration, and my eyes travel up to meet the ones of Arlo.

Their driver.

I nod before speaking up hesitantly,"I-i'm okay. Thank you."

He nods once more, his eyes containing sympathy before he breaks his gaze to look at my still bickering parents.

"I'll be taking Miss.Knight now. The kings have requested her early so that they are able to get all that needs to be done, done in a timely manor." Arlo's tone is no longer one of comfort, but strictly business as he speaks to them.

My mother stops mid-sentence as she sees me beginning to walk away with him. She rushes forward, letting a string of apologies for her rude behavior fall from her lips. She was surely embarrassed for her and my fathers poor behavior.

In return, Arlo waves her off and reassured that it was quite alright. Though in my opinion he didn't sound too convincing.

"Ready?" He asks me, once we are both inside of the car and situated.

My mind wanders off the the three kings once more. The ones that this whole fuss was over, the men that I could not seem to get out of my head.



"Here we are Miss, I do hope you enjoy your visit." Arlo opens my door and escorts me to the castle doors that the same stiff-faced guards align.

I smile and thank him as he walks back to the car, leaving me face to face with that same door I was too intimated to open first last night.

"Allow me." One of the two guards that was posted at either side of the door speaks up, and then pursues the action.

His white gloved hands that were peeking out of his crimson and gold uniform reach out as he opens one of the two doors for me.

I thank him quietly as I hesitantly walk into the palace. My feet carry me to the foyer where my eyes scan all around, taking note of the many golden chandeliers that align the ceiling of the large room.

"There you are. Please Miss.Annalise, follow me." An older woman wearing the same colors as the guards speaks up.

The same colors that I've seen all over this kingdom.

Her outfit consisted of a knee-length crimson skirt and matching blouse with gold detailing embroidering it.

"The kings have requested your presence in the dining hall." She explains to me, as she walks over and takes my arm to begin our decent.

I wince out as she touches the sore spot, making her look down and let out a small gasp.

The marks had turned a faint purple, but were still so very prominent.

Stupid pale skin.

"It's nothing." I shrug it off with an awkward smile, wanting to move off the subject very quickly.

"The kings will not be pleased." This is all she says with a grim expression, before we come face to face with another room.

My brows furrow once more, but before I get the chance to speak out in question we're once more entering a room.

Well, more like me stumbling into a room as she shuts the door behind me.

"Careful little doll, we don't need you getting hurt." My head snaps up at the same tone that sent chills down my back the first day I was here.

King Dominic.

"I'm a little clumsy." I shrug and attempt to laugh it off with a lame excuse.

"So I've noticed." He responds, a small smirk on his face.

"Please, join us for breakfast." The man at the head of the table speaks up.

King Delrick.

I walk towards them, until I take note that there's only three chairs. All of which were being occupied by them.

They notice my confusion and are quick to respond,"Right here babygirl."

King Dalton.

He pats his knee twice, as if expecting me to sit there.

I gulp before walking over and hesitantly placing half of my weight onto his knee.

He then pulls me in from my waist, trapping me firmly against him.

"There's a good girl."


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