《No Control》Chapter five



I scan myself over as I stand in front of the long, vertical mirror lined with gold trimming inside of our hotel room. Everything in this country seems to be gold or at least have gold on it. I can't help but wonder if it's got some significance behind it.

Well besides the money value. I can't help but think that is of some importance.

I sigh aloud softly as I take a few pieces of my freshly curled blonde, almost white hair and tuck it behind my ear. My hair has the tendency to fall in my face quite often, so I do my very best to attempt to keep it in place.

"You look beautiful." My mother comes in, smiling at my appearance.

I was told to dress up some-what since we would be dining with the kings. Though my mother didn't want it to seem as if we are 'trying too hard' as she put it. Whatever she means by that.

I was clad in a knitted, soft white tank top that left just the slightest bit of my mid drift exposed to the nice summer air. I wore a high waisted, baby pink skirt along with pretty white sandals. I learned my lesson about wearing jeans here, it is far too hot for them.

My mother herself had chosen a pretty summer dress, one that would flow ever so slightly if a fresh breeze were to pick up from the warm air outside. Her own golden locks didn't hang freely like mine, but were kept in a tight ballerina bun on the top of her head with a few bobby-pens to secure the uptight hairstyle.

"All ready?" My father comes in next, as he fixes the cuffs on his dress shirt, his face concentrated.

They made quite the Ken and Barbie couple. Both having the golden hair, my mom adorned in the signature Barbie pink, as my dad wore an airy light blue dress shirt with khaki pants.


I nod in return and grab my phone as we head out of our hotel room, and then the lobby. My head snaps to the sign that read Knight, being held by a significantly older gentlemen.

He sent us a driver?

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Knight, I am Arlo, the royal driver. The kings have requested that I bring you all to the palace myself." The man explains as he opens the side door to a limo, allowing me to step in first.

I can practically feel the excitement radiating off of my parents as they follow me in.

As I stare out of the window and take in all of the beautiful scenery, my mind flashes to the incredibly handsome man I had met earlier.

Not just any man at that, but a king. One of the kings at least.

I can't help the blush that sprawls over my cheeks at the thought of seeing him once again. He had been on my mind ever since we had left. Sure I was excited to see the palace and stuff, but I was even more excited to seem him yet again.

Though he was older, quite older at that. Surely he'd think it's funny that a sixteen year old girl like me would dwell on such a short encounter.

I can't help but find it slightly odd that he would invite my family over though. He was royalty, and yet he was to dine with people of a lower class? And ones not even belonging to his own country at that.

Though that may be a certain custom of Florenia, what do I know. I do plan to learn some history of the country while being there though. It's a great opportunity and I've always been fascinated with World History. This will give me a chance to further my knowledge, and get an in-depth look.

My thoughts are cut short as our limo rolls through the gates to the breath taking palace. Literally breath taking. As I scan over the area I take note of how high up we are. The palace was uplifted and oversaw the whole kingdom.


It was gold encrusted at all of its highest points, along with its beautifully framed windows. It was magnificent.

The side door to the limo opens, and my parents exit first. Arlo gently takes me by the finger tips of my hand and helps me out of the car as well. I smile in return and say a quick thank you, which he nods at with a kind closed-mouth smile in acknowledgement.

"The kings are expecting you, please enjoy." With that being said, Arlo takes his leave in the long in size, luxury car.

I look towards the doors to the castle before glancing back at my parents. My mom sends me a reassuring smile and my dad motions for me to continue moving. I shake my head, not wanting to lead the way into something like that.

My dad chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully before leading the way with my mother, his hand resting on the small of her waist as his arm encircles it's way around her.

Royal guards aline both sides of the doorway. They stand stiff, their chins pointed upwards with their chests puffed out. They are strong.

The doors are opened and my parents walk through first. I make eye contact with the last guard as I make my way through the door. I get a slight nod from him.

What was that for?

I brush it off as we walk into the castle. My eyes roam around the enormous room we were in. A delightful smell of vanilla mint wafts through the air.

Dessert perhaps.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts once more as my mother nudges me, making me look up. When I do, I come face to face with three men. One of which I recognized as the devilishly handsome king.

I break my gaze from him to notice the two other men staring at me expectedly, their eyes seeming to contain intense emotions. I can only assume they are his brothers, the other kings.

The one I can assume to be the oldest has black hair with tan skin, his bright blue eyes shine out. His slight bit facial hair suits him well. His broad shoulders and muscles look like they are dying to get out of the suit that he wears.

My eyes scan to the other side of him, and I'm met with such an intense look. He's staring right at you.

They all are.

I blush and look down at the thought. I wanted to stop staring, but I couldn't. I felt a draw towards these men.

My eyes go back up as I take in the looks of what I assume to be the youngest of the lot. He has deep green eyes, littered with light golden flakes. Though his suit is looser than his brothers, his muscles do not disappoint, for they are still so prominent.

Their aura is one of dominance. That much is clear. Though they are kings of a country. They are of a high end bloodline, of course they are powerful. Power and dominance do tend to go hand in hand.

"They asked you a question love." My dad breaks the staring contest that we were having with his words.

"Huh?" I snap out of my trance, confused.

"It's of no matter. Please Annalise, follow us to the dining room." King Dominic spoke out, the one I had met just a few long hours ago.

I nod and glance at my parents who nod their heads as they begin to walk forward. I watch as the kings lead the way, how they look. The way their muscles flex with each step, the bounce in each of their hair as they stepped, and their ass.

I'm gonna eye-rape those guys all night.

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