《No Control》Chapter four


*Youngest brother, King Dalton*

Played by Sean O'Pry


"I'm telling you brother, her tits were nothing like the last girls." I compare the size of the random fuck we had just had, to the girl right before her, with my eldest brother Delrick.

My other older brother, Dominic had been out for quite sometime now, and we had decided we couldn't wait any longer. We needed a release. Of course it was much harder to achieve, seeing as there were no girls that interested us anymore. Sure there are always some pretty faces in a crowd, but it was nothing to the one we desired. We craved.

We wanted our perfect girl, our love. Yet that's not to happen in a thousand years, so I'm not holding my breath over it. Not anymore at least.

There was a time where we all were so miserable. We would spend our years searching high and low for her, traveled around the globe, and yet we found nothing.

We fell into a great depression, and couldn't seem to make it out. We spent our days moping about the castle, or locking ourselves in our own chambers.

As we've aged, though it doesn't show, we've just been filled with rage. A deep, dark rage from within. First it started with the random killings and feedings, breaking our own laws. Dominic, being the sensible one out of us put a stop to that soon though.

Instead, we bottle our rage up until we can release it, quite literally in sex. And we're always horny, seeing as we can barley get off to just anyone anymore. Though it's a complicated system, it works. A method to our madness as one may say.

Delrick opens his mouth, about to let out a reply to my previous statement when suddenly the doors to the foyer busted open.


Dominic ran in, causing a loud thud from the two wooden doors. His footsteps were heavy as he sped over to us, seemingly out of breath.

"Slow down brother, the girl has already left. We finished with her about ten minutes or so ago." Delrick shakes his head at Dominic's state.

He's never cared that much about getting a good fuck in anyways.

Though it's no real problem, seeing as he's a king. A good looking one at that, seeing as he looks like me. Oh and Delrick. With his title of power and wealth, complimented by his looks he can get any girl that he wants.

"Fuck that girl." His tone is rushed, as if he's got something else to say.

Spit it out already brother.

"Kinda just did." Delrick holds back a chuckle as he answers, jabbing me in the ribs with his elbow jokingly.

I snort in return at Delrick's immature comment. It's quite funny to see this side of him, he's always so stern and authoritative when others are present. Though when it's just us siblings, his attitude becomes much more light hearted.

Though he is still a control freak, don't get that twisted.

Dominic pays him no attention as he just rolls his eyes before speaking,"No brother! I've found her. I've found our girl."

I instantly drop my bourbon filled glass, making it shatter on the dark wooden floors as I speed over to Dominic and slam him against the wall, looking him in the eyes to find some indication that he could be lying.

Did he actually say what I thought? After all of this time? Could it be?

"This better not be a fucking joke Dominic." Delrick growls out as he approaches us, where I stay holding Dominic by his collar.


Delrick's icy blue eyes were piercing into Dominic's own dark green orbs.

He moves me off of him swiftly, and smiles widely. Something I haven't seen before, not since we were kids. A true, genuine grin coming from my brother.

"Where is she?" Delrick looks around as if Dominic has our angel hidden.

I immediately release whatever grip I had left on him and begin looking around as well. My feet carry me to the busted doors, that were now hanging by the creaky hinges. Though I couldn't blame him, if I had found our girl I would've reacted the same. If not have caused even more damage.

"She's coming around tonight." He answers and his town drops to a steady, cool one again. His grin follows the trend and drops down to a light smile.

Why tonight? Why didn't he bring her here now? I needed to meet her. We needed to have her.

"With her parents. For dinner." He breathes out, grinning once again like a love stricken fool.

However I was still left very confused, and by the looks of it Delrick was as well.

"You'll understand when she comes." This was all he said in reply.

Okay. I've never really given in that easy, but I can't wait to meet her. I need to meet her. I need to hold her. The confusion is immediately over taken by my other emotions, ones I haven't felt in forever.

Excitement, joy, and a sense of gratitude.

I was beyond ready to have her here, in my arms.

"Well what are we waiting for? Call Ruban. Have him order the staff to fix these doors. Alert the maids as well, and order them to have this castle spic and span. Have our chef prepare the finest blood bags we can find as well." Delrick's previously stated authoritative attitude kicks in.

Times like these can tell you who the head dominant really is.

"That won't all be necessary brother, no blood bags. She's a human." Dominic answers as if it's nothing.

My eyes widen in surprise. No wonder we couldn't find the little minx.

Our family had always told us it was meant that we would rule with a vampire queen by our sides.

Though we always had a thought out mate wouldn't be vampire. Or a supernatural creature at all at that. The vampire women especially tend to be the most headstrong.

We wanted someone that would submit to us. Would give her entire life and self to us.

To her daddy's.

"Well then. Have the chef prepare a full course, five star worthy human meal. With the finest wine." Delrick changes his order with a clear of his throat.

Soon, she will be here soon.

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