《No Control》Chapter three


*Middle brother, King Dominic*

Played by Jon Kortajarena


"I'll be back." I call out to my brothers as the guards open the doors for me to walk out.

I can hear Dalton grunt in response and Delrick gives a light chuckle. They were in the dining hall, which doesn't serve much purpose to us to be quite frank.

Though Delrick and I usually don't enjoy feeding live, Dalton does. So we are never really around at the same time for a nice family dinner if you know I mean.

"Good afternoon your highness." I hear a few villagers greet me as I make my way through the streets.

I give a small wave and a very light, half-hearted smile at them in return. Well a vague smile, if it could even be called that. My eyes were fixated on the wonders that surrounded me as I breathed in the fresh sea water, that could be spotted just over the bridge.

Florenia has beautiful home grounds, the earth being rich and lush in vegetation. Flowers were always seen growing wild, as well as huge trees with vines wrapping around them. Little buds of lavender and other colorful flowers would also litter the vines, almost like serving as a garnish. Despite our large ocean, there's still many animals and an enormous plant life. One of the many wonders of this small island country.

Though soon I'm snapped out of my small trance when I run into someone, seemingly knocking them down.

I barely flinch in return and just as I go to scold the person for running into their superior, my eyes connect with a small, frail girl.

Well, a small girl with long, pale blonde locks covering her face. A mere teenage girl so it seems, and a human one at that. Her scent was very vibrant, smelling of peaches and faint vanilla.

Definitely a human.

"I-I'm sorry sir. I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm so clumsy at times." She rambles on, and her thick American accent doesn't go unnoticed.


Neither does the tone of her voice. Though it was one of hesitance and was apologetic, it was also sweet like candy, and oh so enticing. Though I had just heard it, I needed it to continue. It sent chills down my back, and brought attention to my manhood.

She uses her small, dainty arms to push herself off of the ground slowly as I stare at her. She stands on her own two feet and dusts her jean covered legs off. Another way I could tell she wasn't from around here, it was quite hot out today. It usually always is here, except for our snowy winters.

I next take in her height next, she was quite short. I couldn't help but love the fact that I towered over her, I had to be at least a foot taller. Though most American girls are very short, at least in my experience.

My eyes travel from the bottom of her bright, bubblegum pink converse all the way up until I finally let them travel to her own, and I inhale sharply.

It's her.

It's really her. Our girl, standing right in front of me, in the flesh.

"Soooo." She trails off in a faint voice, her gaze shifted downward as I stare at her.

Not once have I taken my eye off of the young beauty. Not even to help her off the ground.But how could I not stare at her? She's gorgeous. Stunning actually.

And all yours.

"What's your name doll?" The tone of my voice comes out hushed, taking me by surprise. I haven't used such a gentle town in a long time, not even to calm down Dalton after he's thrown one of his huge fits of pure rage.

All caused by the little one in front of me. The lack of her presence had triggered so many dark sides that lived inside of us to come out.

But she's here now.

I wanted to calm her down, settle her nerves. I want her to feel safe with me, at home. I want her comforted, that much is clear to see.


"A-annalise Knight." She mutters out cutely, playing with the ends of her hair.

She still hasn't made eye contact with you.

Just as I go to reprimand her, and demand her to let me see those beautiful, pale blue eyes once more, she's embraced. By someone else at that.

"There you are! We were worried sick Anna, you were supposed to stick with us. This is a foreign country for goodness sake!" A woman who was significantly older than her scolded.

Though it wasn't too much of a scold, for it came from a place of concern and love. That was clear as well.

Her mother. I nodded to myself in agreement. Yes the two bore quite a few similarities.

"Oh. Excuse me sir." A male voice catches my attention quickly.

He attempts to move me out of the way to see my doll. Key word being attempt.

"And who might you be?" I scan him over, my tone no longer hushed. No, as I stand in front of my little girl protectively it is filled with dominance.

"Her father. And you might be?" The man becomes defensive, and attempts to pump his puny human chest up at me.

Her daddy, my mind answers. However my mouth does not, and I'm able to relax some knowing it's someone of kin to her.

"King Dominic, of Florenia." I answer proudly.

I can hear a small gasp from behind me, and the mans face is filled with shock. I can't be bothered to fight the half smirk of my boldness that fought its way onto my face.

I feel a small tug on the tail end of the dress shirt I'm wearing. I turn to find my babygirl, staring up at me wide-eyed.

"Yes?" I squat down so that I am now eye level with the small nymphet, my voice back to the gentle tone I had previously taken to using with her.

"Y-you're a king?" She asks me, amusement and curiosity is clear in her voice as well as her face. Her beautiful doe eyes were wide and filled with all of her emotions.

"I am." I smile at her in return.

I smiled. A big one as well, which I haven't done in so many years.

"Cool!" She squealed out, and I could hear her mother sigh at her choice of words as her father chuckles nervously.

"You know what. Why don't you and your family join mine for dinner? As an exclusive chance to see the kingdom from its highest point. The castle." I speak as though it is directed towards my Annalise, but my eyes make contact with her mothers.

"Oh sir, we couldn't impose." Her mother is quick to answer with a light shake of her head.

"Dad! Please." She shifts so that she is standing behind me, and I can't help but notice her cute ass as she turns.

"Please, I insist." I decide to step in, knowing that they won't just come so easily.

"It would be a lovely opportunity." Her father hesitantly answers as he looks to her mother, waiting for an answer.

She looks as if she's contemplating it, before turning her attention downwards so she's looking at Annalise.

"Pleaseeeeee." She draws out her plea as she looks up at her mom, a pouty face adorned her features.

"I suppose that's alright." The stubborn mother finally gives in.

"Perfect. I will see you all tonight then." I smile once more, though it's directed to the teen girl.

Wait until my brothers hear of this.

And with that, I rush home.

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