《No Control》Chapter two


*Eldest brother, King Delrick*

Played by David Gandy


I watch as my brother, Dominic, throat fucked the younger, but of age servant girl as she grinds her lower region into the fingers of my other brother, Dalton.

I've been trying to get a release for almost thirty minutes, but nothing will work. My wrist and hand are dead at this point, and there was no way in hell I'd let that slut put her STI infected mouth around my dick.

This girl is still headstrong as well. She continues to defy them, cumming when she's told not to. Showing disrespect. Certainly no where near our type, personality and looks wise. We preferred a much more submissive girl, one filled with innocence. Not just an act of innocence, but true pure-hearted innocence.

Our little girl wouldn't do any of those things. No, she'd be put in her place very quickly.

"Ahh." I hear her delighted moan as she finally pops her mouth off of Dominic's cock, her voice hoarse from sucking him off for so long.

"Aren't you gonna finish for me sir?" She attempts to look sexy as she pushes her body upwards and arches her back, so it appears she could have curves.

Curves aren't everything, but she's for sure lacking.

Dalton rolls his eyes and takes his hand away from his own cock, frustrated knowing he won't be able to finish either.

"Get out." I snap as I stop jacking off and take a deep breath, beginning to get dressed.

"Excuse me?" She looks over in my direction.

"Get the fuck out, now." Dominic voices and throws her the tattered grey dress she was once wearing.

"And for goodness sake, let's keep things professional now. No more begging, and no bringing it up." Dalton gruffs as he pushes her out of the room, closing the door fairly harsh.


I hear her scoff in disbelief and mumble a string of curses as she makes her way down the hallway with heavy feet.

"We need to find her soon." Dominic sighs, standing fully dressed now.

"I couldn't agree more brother." I mumble out, my hand rubbing the light stubble that frames my jawline and the scruff of my chin.

You see, in Florenia it is custom that the kings share a bride. Their queen. Yet after all of our years of ruling, we haven't met the perfect girl. More specifically our perfect girl.

Sure we've had a few good fucks over the year, but it simply just won't do anymore. It is said that you'll feel a spiritual connection, almost as a wolf does to its mate. We crave the feeling.

However we are not wolves, just vampires. That's why all of our traditions seem old fashion. Because they are. Almost a hundred thousand years old to be exact.

"How do we know she's even out there?" Dalton pours himself a glass of bourbon frustratedly as he sits by the fireplace that's crackling as it burns, providing the glow of a dim light for the normally darkened room.

He's always been the negative one out of us. I'm the oldest out of the three, being the most responsible. I'm used to making the decisions, having a fairly level head.

Dominic is the middle child, he's much more soft and caring. However you shouldn't let his patient side fool you, he is still quite the dominant man.

Before Dalton and I started to let out our sexual aggression on the very willing servant girls, Dominic would simply be in the library reading. We feared at one point that he was loosing his dominant side.

He took this as a challenge, and quickly put us in our place. He had us watch as he destroyed the one girl beneath him, her practically withering into nothing as he continued to make her beg for more.


We all learned that day, that no mater what we will always be dominant men. Inside and outside of the bedroom, our dominance being used to rule if it wasn't being exerted in the bedroom. It's in our genetic makeup. Both of my fathers ruled over my mother. She was their possession, just as our bride will be ours.

Dalton is the wild one out of us all, and he's the youngest. His temper often gets the best of him, and he acts out of rage the most. Going on killing sprees, using his aggression to fuck the servant girls senseless, but it just wasn't the same.

Once we have our girl, we'll be complete. Everything will fall into place, just as it should.

I see us finally settling in, becoming much more happy.

"Now, now none of that Dalton. We stay positive for her, no matter how long it takes." Dominic pours himself a drink as well, and turns his attention to the fire.

I nod my head in agreement as my mind wanders to the thoughts of getting our girl. Wondering what she'd be like. Knowing that we all loved a challenge, getting to put her in her place.

Craving for the feeling of what I imagined her soft skin would feel like against my own rough skin. My large hand around her throat, and then helping her dress back up afterwards, giving her plenty of sweet cuddles.

Taking her out and introducing her to the kingdom. Breaking the news that the queen was finally here after all of these years. Getting to show her off as we walked around the villages. We'd bring her to all of the many balls and galas we always dread going to.

Though with her it would be no dread. I'd love to compliment her all night, my brothers as I taking turns slow dancing with her. Showing her off in the beautiful ball gown she would be wearing. Watching it twirl and flow out as we spin and dip her, dancing our way across the entire marble flooring.

Or perhaps her dress would be tighter, and a bright pigmented color. Of course not too tight, no eyes should be caught staring too long. She would be ours and only ours, and that much would be well known.

Though I'm sure her running around the palace and calling us daddy each time would prove enough.

Soon. We won't stop until we have her, and I can practically feel it. It's in my gut, I know that she will be with us in short time.

Daddy's are coming doll, wherever you may be.

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