《No Control》Prologue



"It's funny that you think the choice is up to you babydoll."Delrick's icy tone sends chills through my core.

All I can do is back up in an attempt to escape, seemingly running into a wall. Though as rough hands encircle their way around my waist I knew it was Dominic that was holding me.

"When in reality you have no control at all." My head snaps to the voice belonging to the youngest of the Valentine brothers, Dalton as he makes his way towards me.

Dominic's hand wraps around my throat possessively making me arch my back into him. This gives Delrick clear access to my lips as I look up at him, in which he wastes no time. His lips meet my own hungrily.

"Who do you belong to Annalise." Dalton gathers my blonde hair into his hand, tugging making me break my kiss and tilt my head up at all of them.



The kings had been in rule for well over thousands of years. They were the beasts that everyone had grown to respect yet fear.

They were respected in the fact that they had created a sense of ruling for vampires to roam freely. A safe place. They made a sense of order, created a peaceful environment. They've managed to salvage old traditions, keeping the vampire community a happier place.

Florenia was the only kingdom still standing in a modern world to have this type of ruling. All other vampire societies had fallen apart.

I'm sure you're all wondering, how could vampires roam freely? What about all of the tourists? Surely a beautiful, remote country such as Florenia would get some attraction for scenery meanings.

Well you're right. The kings have set off a special place just for tourists attractions and lodging purposes. The vampires aren't allowed to harm them.


Everything has worked out so great for them, they had everything they wanted in life.

Well..almost everything.

You see, Florenia carries customs of the old school rulings. The kings are to share a bride. They're mates if you will.

Yet the kings are different, they've not found anyone strong enough to deal with three very dominating men such as themselves.

They believe that their mate is assigned to them, by a sort of fate. Their fathers had all shared their mother as well, and generations before that.

All of the women were very headstrong, though just about all vampire women are. The kings longed for something different, someone different.

They aspired to have a fragile, dainty woman. Someone submissive, who will willingly give them full control.

A little girl.

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