《Her Heart Keeper ✔》~ 11 ~


It's been three days since we got married. In these three days we didn't even get a little time for us. I have a lot to share with him, but am I ready to open all those closed wounds? I know one day or the other I've to open up to him. I can't keep him in the dark for too long.

"What's up girl? What are you doing?"

Sravya asked, coming inside my room.

"Nothing I'm arranging my clothes", I said, pointing at my suitcases.

"Ok, let me help you. God! Why did you buy these heavy sarees man? I bet you won't wear them more than twice", She said, folding my sarees.

"Those are selected by our mother Indias not me", I said, chuckling.

"Where is Anna, I didn't find him any where?" She asked me.

"He is in the study room. He got a call from the clients asking him to send some documents related to the project. So he is busy with that", I told her.

"Oh! So, when will you tell him about Rajesh?" She asked me.

"Soon", I said.

Suddenly, I started feeling dizzy.

"Sravya, can you please get me lime water with a pinch of salt?", I asked her, holding my head.

I seriously can't move down in this position. I don't know where I will faint.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern.

"Can you bring it quickly? Please", I said, sitting on the bed.

"Okay, you just lay down and take rest, I'll bring", she said and ran outside the room.

I nodded my head and lied down. I closed my eyes and opened them, but everything around me became blur. After that, all I felt was blackness.


Avi's pov:

I was in the study room studying the file for the next project. I have to send some important documents to the clients; that's the reason I'm working now. Arpita and Yash went to meet one of his friends. Mama and atta, along with the twins went to Maya's house. Dad and Arjun are out for some work. Maa and Nanamma are resting in their rooms.

I couldn't concentrate on the work. Damn, my thoughts always roam behind my wifey. It's been three days since we got married, and I didn't even get a single minute to spend time with her alone. Yesterday we had Satyanarayan puja. All the guests had left except for my Mama's family. Arpita would be leaving today at night with Yash. Twins will be here for some days, as Arpita will come back after a week.


We have to leave for Maya's house tomorrow as there are some rituals left. Tomorrow is our wedding night, and I'm tense about it. I know we're both not ready to take our relationship to the next level. Before we take a step forward, I want all the things clear between us.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Sravya shouting my name. I got up and went to see what the problem was. But what I saw made me numb. Maya was lying lifelessly on our bed. For a moment, was blank.

I went to bed and took her in my arms. Her face looks pale, and her body is cool. Maa sat on the other side of her and started rubbing her hands.

"What happened to her?" I asked, looking at Sravya.

"We were arranging her clothes. Suddenly, she told me to bring lime water. By the time I came back, she was lying lifelessly on the bed", she said, crying.

I tapped her face lightly, but there was no response from her. I looked for water, but the jug was empty.

"Go and bring water", I said, looking at Sravya.

I again tapped her face, but there was no response. Oh God! Her body is so cool.

"Maa see, she is not opening her eyes", I said, looking at my mother.

"Kittu, first of all, you calm down. Call Diya and ask her to come here fast", she said.

I nodded my head and called Diya and told her that Maya had fainted. She said that she would come. By that time, Sravya came with water. I sprinkled water on her face, but again there was no response. I heard Sravya talking to Arjun and telling him to come fast. Soon Diya came and started checking her.

"No need to worry, she passed out as her BP levels went down", said Diya.

"Nothing serious, right?" I inquired.

"She is fine, Anna, and will wake up at anytime. By the way, where is Arjun?"

She said.

"He and pedananna went out for some work and are on their way", said Sravya.

"Okay", said Diya.

"Kanna, don't worry, she will be fine. I will go and send both of your lunch to the room only, okay", Amma said, patting my head and went from there.

"Maya! Maya?" He shouted her name, coming to our name. "Oh God! She fainted again. How many times do I have to tell this girl to take care of herself? But she won't listen at all. What do I have to do with this girl?"


"Is there anything serious, Arjun?" I asked, looking at him.

"She has dyspnea and low BP", he said, looking at her.

"But neither attaya nor mamayya mentioned it", I asked him.

He sat beside her and took her hand in his. Sravya and Diya sat on the couch.

"They don't know about it." He said, looking blankly at the wall.

"What do you mean? How come they don't know about this?" I asked, looking at him curiously.

"Umm, nothing she herself has come to know recently. Leave that and take care of this girl. She doesn't know how to take care of herself. I know I don't need to say this for you, still I'm warning you. A tear drop from her eye I won't hesitate to punch you, forgetting that you are elder to me", he said, diverting the topic.

I was about to ask them more, but I felt Maya shivering. I hugged her tightly and hid her in my embrace. She was mumbling something. I whispered sweet nothings in her ears, which calmed her a bit. I covered her with the quilt and moved to the balcony.

"You should have told him", I heard Diya and Sravya telling him.

They are definitely hiding something. Suddenly, I felt guilty. Maybe I should have taken things slowly. She might have stressed herself with all the things.

"I should have taken things slowly. Even after knowing that she was not ready for marriage, I forced her into this", I said, feeling guilty.

"You do not need to feel guilty about this, Anna. If not with you her marriage, then it would have happened with someone else. But I'm glad she got married to the person she loves. You don't know how much she loves you. Just give her a little time. That's it. she will be fine. For years, I hadn't seen her smiling genuinely, but on your engagement day I saw her smiling freely, that smile she had lost years ago. Anyways, I've kept lime water on the table give it to her once she woke up. I'm leaving now", saying that, she left the room along with Diya.

"Sorry Avi, I know you have many questions to ask. But, I want her to tell you all these things by herself. That's why I didn't tell you. Also, I didn't know many things. That idiot hid many things from me also. She has hidden her pain behind that fake smile of hers. After a long time, I saw my pumpkin smiling whole-heartedly. You are the best thing that happened in her life. I know you have been in love with her all these years", he said, drawing a wide-eyed look from me.

"What? Don't give me that look now. I have waited for you to propose to her. But you took this much time", he said, grinning.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"I was also once in love, man, though with the wrong person. So I knew it. I saw you admiring her many times. The way you behave when she is around you. The way your eyes shine when you see her and you get tense for her. Everything says how much you love her", he said.

I smiled sheepishly at him. Soon, he too left, leaving both of us.

I'm happy that I can bring a smile to her face. I know she loves me. I can see her love for me in her eyes, but I want to hear those words from her. I will make that happen soon.


I went inside the room and sat on the bed admiring her with a smile on my face, but soon I frowned as I saw her murmuring something. I went close to her to hear what she was mumbling, but I couldn't understand. Does she get nightmares? What must have happened for her to be having nightmares? I think Arjun also doesn't know about these nightmares. Otherwise, he would have told me.

Suddenly, she started shivering badly. I lied down properly and scooped her up in my arms. She snuggled more into me, as if sensing my presence. I covered us with the blanket as she was shivering. I placed a kiss on her forehead and patted her slowly, and soon sleep took over me too.

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