《He Finally Cares》Alexandria and Gabriella


I spent hours screaming into a pillow as Darry cleaned and stitched my back. Stitching just one cut is easy, but slowly stitching several little cuts across my entire back, now that is painful.

Every time I screamed Darry and Dally would wince. The pain is unbearable and I nearly passed out. When Darry finally told me he finished, I let out a quiet sob. Darry sighed and left after not being able to see me like this anymore. Dally Sat in the corner silently crying as he watched me.

I finally stopped crying and sat up. My shirt and the bed sheets were pure red, so I did the most stupid thing that someone could do. I stripped the bed down and brought the sheets to the washing machine. Before I could leave the room though, Dally carefully wound his arms around my waist and pulled me back.

"Ry, don't. It's okay."

"No. It's not okay. They were gonna hurt Johnny and Pony. This is all my fault."

He shook his head and started in on this long thing about how it's not my fault and blah blah blah.

"B-but it is my fault..." I cried as I collapsed into his arms.

I don't know why but it's easier for me to deal with pain if I take the blame. Dally wouldn't let me take the blame. He just cradled me for a minute then put me on the bed.

As impossible as it seems to fall asleep in such pain, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out cold.

When I woke, it was about 3 in the morning. Pony was asleep with his head down where my feet are and Dally was in the rocking chair, snoring away. I carefully got up and maneuvered my way through the living room and out the door without stepping on the gang spread throughout the room. I know it's stupid to go for a walk at 3 in the morning with a jealous ex after me, a gang that is still possibly after me, and in the condition of someone on there deathbed, but what could happen?


I just can't sleep after the nightmare I had. It was so real...

I checked the clock. 3 in the morning, not to early for a walk ,right? I walked out the door, avoiding the gangs bodys, and headed to the park. I don't know why but for some reason I feel drawn to a tree behind the fountain.

I walked up to it and leaned against it. A deep drunken voice came from above.

"Hey Ryls. Long time no see."

I looked up to seek father and brother impossibly sitting in the branch above.

"Dad? Brother?"

I know this is bad but I don't know my own brother's name. I was.never aloud to know. But during that time I felt so rejoiced that his name didn't matter. Until I saw sitting up there with them.

But that can't be me. I'm right here. I looked closer and realized that there was a rope tied around her neck and to the branch above her. Fear filled her eyes as my mom hop down from the branch, just finishing tying the rope.

They all let out a sickening laugh, all except for the girl who was now dangling from the tree by her neck.

I then realized that in her arms was a child of no older than 3, limp and pale.

It then only crossed my mind that I was going to the exact tree that "I" was hung in with the child. Along with the sudden chills that crept down my spine was a feeling that someone else was here. I turned around to ironically see my father, brother, and mother. Plus two.

Me and a child.

They were staring right at me and "I" gave myself a pleading look as "I" gripped the child in "my" arms.


"Rylee. Long time no see." My father spoke up with a wicked grin.

"That's enough." My mother snapped. "Rylee we have kept a secret from you this whole time. You were never supposed to be born, let alone be a twin. To be completely honest we all hated you. Well, except for your father. But now he absolutely loaths you."

How can someone just talk about something like this and keep such a straight face?

"Ok let's get to the point your twin, Alexandria and your youngest glitch of a sister, Gabriella have been living in the basement their whole lives. You probably had it worse though considering all the times we beat you. Well now that you are no longer our problem and you still seem to be alive, we are hand them over to you."

My father dragged them over by the neck and practically thew them at me.

They left laughing and stumbling clearly drunk. I turned towards Alexandria and Gabriella.

"I have sisters?"

Alexandria nodded. I slowly walked over to them, confused and scared. Gabriella leaned away from her and reached out with her skinny little bony fingers and touched my face.


"How does she know me?"

Alexandria shrugged. We know your name and nothing more."

I looked at Alexandria and saw a skinnier, and honestly prettier looking me. I smiled. She smiled back. She started to cry and I couldn't help but cry too. Even though we just met it feels like we've known each other for years. I felt connected to her, like we're a puzzle. Without the other we'd be incomplete.

And Gabriella, she just had me under her spell across the park. She leaned over to me again but this time pulled herself into my arms. I need to protect her. Both of them. My sisters.

Alexandria and Gabriella.

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