《Second Wife》Chapter Ten


The moonlit party had come and gone and the Second Prince had thrown several more parties within the last month. Though the Feng House had decline to attend anymore parties, gifts were sent to the Second Prince for each refusal.

During that whole month of lack of activity, Feng Huang was busy dealing with matter of national security and was hardly seen either by his wives not his mother. Cong Wei Yang on the other had had finished her time of punishment and had been strangely quiet.

"Mistress, the First Madam is seeking your attendance in the front room." Meirin said as she walked into Da Fan's bedroom.

Da Fan sighed and got up from her little reading nook. "Tell First Madam I'll be with her in a moment."

Meirin nodded and left the room. Da Fan's brow creases, what is she doing here?

Cong Wei Yang was sitting comfortably in the room with Meirin serving her tea when Da Fan entered.

"First Madam?" Da Fan said greeting as etiquette required.

"Little sister, I told you to call me older sister."

"I'm sorry I haven't gotten used to it as of yet."

Cong Wei Yang smiled, haven't gotten used to it yet? She's been here almost four months and her nine.

"Little sister, I came here to give some more cream to use. I was wondering if you were running out.

Da Fan almost wanted to split blood. Cong Wei Yang knew that Feng Huang hasn't laid with any of them in a month. What is she trying?

"Many thanks older sister, you are so kind. I was planning on heading into the site with the little I have left to see if I can find some more."

"No, no, no; no need to do that. If you need more just inform me. The cream is very hard to get here in the capital."


To distract Da Fan from the matter, she patted Da Fan's hand and said, "Come little sister, lets greet Mother together."

Da Fan's eyes harden, ice cold. What a ruthless woman she was. Willing to make a woman barren to secure her own future, She's somewhat similar to her sister. Only less smart.

"Little sister, my older sister told me she met with you at the Moonlit party."

"Yes, I met with the Second Princess Consort. Such a pity you were ill Older sister. I am sure you would've enjoyed it,"

Da Fan wanted to rub it in Cong Wei Yang's face that she couldn't attend.

Cong Wei Yang felt her teeth were getting sore with the effort to maintain her smile. "Yes, it was a pity. Next time will attend with Husband."

Cong Wei Yang wanted to remind Da Fan that she was still the First Wife."

The walk to Madam Feng's courtyard was ensued with silence. Each woman had said her own part. There was no further need for them to keep up frivolities.

"It's been more than three months since you've both been here." Madam Feng said speaking to both her daughters-in-law. For any other mother in law, daughters-in-law like them would undeniable make them happy. One has the power of position. The other the power of information. Each with the ability to strengthen their husband.

After morning greetings Madam Feng decided to speak and open up more of the Feng House to her daughters-in-law.

"By ancient customs, the men should be the ones to be in charge of the household and stores, they still are but times have changed allowing women some freedom. As wives, it's time for you both to take part in the daily running of the household."


Conge Wei Yang was happy, it's about time she started to exercise her right as First Wife.

"First Daughter, the Grass Roots Clothing store shall be left in your care. Second daughter, while not as prosperous, the Heavenly Pavillion tea shop shall be in your care. With your expertise in tea business, I'm sure you'll make it a success.

Da Fan smiled the tea business is unexpectedly popular all kinds of information can she shared there.

Right away you can see that there was a difference in how Madam Feng treated her daughters-in-law. Cong Wei Yang sneered in heart, she swore when she got Feng Huang's heart she'll make him send the old lady to a temple.

"You'll have full reign over the stores, but I expect periodical updates from both of you.

Both women bowed to Madam Fend and left the courtyard with smiles on their faces. Coming out of the courtyard, Da Fan released a breath to which Cong Wei Yang turned her way and say.

"Little sister you sound worried. Big sister will help you if you have any troubles. Growing up such a small family must not have prepared you for the life of a wife."

As Cong Wei Yang spoke servants nearby stopped and listened. Is First Madam implying that Second Madam isn't educated. News of Madam Feng appointing them in charge of stores have already reached the ears of others. Would Madam Feng appoint an uneducated person even more would she left an uneducated daughter-in-law in the family.

Da Fan smiled mirthlessly and followed with, "I know I am a rough kind of person. I was never raised as well as a General's daughter, but I have already established myself in handling my previous Cheng household. As the First daughter, I knew my duty and so the preparation isn't far off from ours."

Listening to Da Fan's ambiguous words, Cong Wei Yang wanted to throttle her. "I meant no harm little sister. I was just worried about you and how you'd managed."

Two pairs of eyes met, Da Fan's held laughter. Cong Wei Yang's smile on her face became colder. "I won't follow you Little sister. I have to sort out my store's finances."

Conge Wei Yang took her maid Yu Yan and left. Da Fan's eyes followed her figure to the end of the path before turning her head to look at the eavesdropping servants.

"You missed a spot." She called to the servants who flinched when they saw her smile. "You don't want others to say our Feng servants are lazy, do you?"

As Da Fan left with Meirin, the caught servants released a sigh of relief.

"Just now, Second Madam's atmosphere seem frightening."

"Who wouldn't be angry." One of the servants said. "First Madam implied that Second Madam wasn't educated enough to managed the stores."

"Aren't both Madams first daughters, surely their education aren't that different?"

"Poor Second Madam having to compete with an abhorrent First Wife."

The servants held pity for their Second Madam.

Unknown to Cong Wei Yang that her behaviors had swayed most of the servants to favor Da Fan.

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