《Broken Interface》Broken Interface - Book 2 - Chapter 11


Chapter 11

As they trekked up to level twenty-five, Daniel and his club played with the mace that was intended for Dave. Their power flowed into it and like with the girl’s weapons Daniel focused on what he wanted. Dave was a powerful man. He was about force not finesse. Magic defence would be helpful and a weapon that could really lay on the hurt when used offensively. The problem with the concept was that wood was not heavy enough but if this club could selectively increase its mass. It was a concept that he suggested to the developing sapient seed mace, but he did not know how to implement it. After all, it was not like he had seen any animals doing it.

Unfortunately, the weapon was not alive, yet, but that was also an opportunity so he quietly slipped in a further six moth cores. Was it a good idea? Daniel couldn’t tell all that he knew was that his own club didn’t object, which meant it probably was not harmful. Then again, even though it was a sapient seed, it might not understand this. It wasn’t like Daniel knew how to take a single fertilised human egg and turn it into a baby. Sure, so to speak he knew the magic that had to occur first to set up the situation required, but after that the process was mysterious. Same here. He knew what…

Nope, he thought to himself that analogy did not work for him and he wasn’t going to continue it and now he found his thoughts were fixated on the magic bit.

They reached floor twenty-five and Luke stood guard.

He waved. “Guys.”

“Has anything gone wrong up her?” Ivey asked.

Daniel tuned them out the moment Luke shook his head.

He did not know why Dave’s club had not awakened yet. He had put almost as much effort into this as he had into the girls. Once more he imagined what he wanted, and he could feel Blood Drinker working with him to increase the depth and power of the image.

That’s what I want.

Then he infused his consciousness into the wood, projecting that image. His power was brought to bear. It was not a request for growth or folding the wood tighter together or to raise the density instead he imbued the mace with power. He forced his energy into every bit of that mace. What he was pushing through felt right. It had its own unique flavour. Hope blossomed in him and then excitement as he felt the mace responding to what he was doing. Those cores that had been sitting as foreign objects interacted with his power and his energy was a catalyst. They started to melt into the surrounding wood.

The process demanded more power and Daniel knew he was witnessing the creation of a seed club first hand. And this time, he learnt what to do. It was repeatable.

That flavour of energy that he had hit upon was critical. The image, well, Daniel, was not convinced it did anything, but it couldn’t hurt, so he would keep it up. The secret was selecting the right type of energy to push through the wood. Daniel figured in practice what that meant was that he was drawing it from a unique spot in his core, but he lacked the level of internal awareness to confirm that hypothesis. Once the right flavour was selected, you then infused it throughout the entire object and that was the magic bit completed. A bit of a letdown, really.

After that, the sapience process took over to create something from what he had fertilised.


Instinctively, he knew it was not sufficient by itself. The materials inputted into the process were critical. A million lightning cores from the bugs would not wake a sapient seed. It required a higher quality base to work. The core had to be from a current sapient or ex sapient. It was a concept which made Daniel shiver, knowing exactly what he had in his own chest. It was the interaction between his power and that special core that created the reaction needed to form the seed.

As he monitored what was happening in the mace, the wood and the cores had dissolved into each other. It left cherry sized chunks or plum sized in the case of the hulk core where the wood was special. Those new bits of wood were now a combination of that computation power and sapient base structure from the core and the special energy he had pushed into it. Then, like someone was stirring different paint colours in a big pot those special spots started moving inside the mace. There was no change on the outside, but inside invisible currents were running through the future weapon. They were mixing the specialised wood with the normal stuff.

To anyone watching Daniel knew he was just standing there holding a club and a mace with a constipated look on his face, but the beauty that was happening in his hands took all of his attention. There was no room to be self-conscious.

No need, he was witnessing creation. The various flavours of special wood merged and the multicoloured hew of that mixing pot was replaced with a single consistent feel throughout the internals of the weapon. Then the mace was alive and his mana reserves were at zero.

“That’s great,” Ivey was finishing still talking to Luke. “It’s nice to have had a night with nothing unusual happening.” She looked pointedly at Daniel.

“Good to hear,” he said automatically his brain still transfixed by the miracle of creation he had just witnessed. As with his club, he could feel that budding intelligence within the weapon.

Then he realised what Ivey had said. His head snapped up, and she gave him the smallest of nods. No one had noticed Marco’s disappearance yet, which probably met that neither the guard nor anyone else had noticed them heading upstairs.

His treacherous stomach grumbled again. “We’re going to get some food now.” Then Daniel paused a thought occurred to him. “Luke, are you strictly sword and shield?”

“Well, I have general weapon mastery skills and lots of tanking ones.”

“How about shield and a spear?”

Luke half shook his head. “Spears have their place. But in here fighting humanoids, in these restrictive spaces. Nope, the sword is better.”

“That’s fair enough. I’ll try to make you a sword and shield combination.”

“Wait. What?”

“He was going to give you a sapient seed spear.” Ivey interrupted unhelpfully.

“Wait? I can switch.” Luke said, theatrically dropping his sword so that it thumped onto the carpet. “As I said I’m able to use either equally well.”

“Nah,” Daniel said. “I know how to make them consistently now. I’ll get you a sword and shield combination tomorrow.”

“When we get outside a spear will be better.”

Daniel stopped. “I’m not giving you this.” He shuffled the weapons he was holding to show him the sapient spear. “It’s generic, and you’ll be better off with a sapient shield than a spear. My question is, if you had a choice do you want a shield? A sword and shield? or spear and shield?”


Luke considered it. “I guess a straight shield will be best. That way I can switch out my weapon based on the encounter. Unless you make a chimeric weapon.”

“A what?”

“You know how your club adjusts its shape a little. I’m thinking sort of like that, but out of battle and can shift to anything I want. Bow, Spear, Sword or Axe.”

“Sounds like a great fantasy.” Daniel agreed. “But shield it is.” He heard a slight rumble. “Ivey, did your stomach just?”

Ivey looked at him, her face colouring slightly. “No, but we should go eat.”

Luke was laughing at them. “Go, go.”

They continued along the corridor and then two doors from the kitchen. Tamara emerged from a room that had been converted into an informal gathering spot. A few couches and tables filled it. They stood awkwardly for a moment.

“Go,” Ivey instructed him, abruptly pushing him towards Tamara. “Go show Tamara her new toy. I’ll get someone to bring you food.”

Ivey continued on toward the kitchen. Daniel looked at Tamara, feeling as self-conscious as a kid at a school disco trying to find the words to ask the girl he was crushing on for a dance.

Tamara gave a helpless shrug and then studied at the bundle of weapons he carried. “Dan, did Ivey mention a new toy?”


“Come, show me.” She went back into the room.

When he entered, he discovered the kids were present and gathered suspiciously in the corner. They were clearly up to no good.

“I came out because I thought I heard your voice.”

“And wanted a present?”

“No.” She looked offended.

“Sorry, when I’m nervous I sometimes put my foot in it.”

“Why are you nervous?”

Daniel could have strangled Ivey just then. “Ivey has been teasing me.”

Tamara blinked at him as she processed that comment.

“Anyway,” Daniel said self-consciously. “I did a bit of crafting last night.”

“Did it work?”

“Well yes, two staffs and a spear, bow and now mace. But most importantly, I now know how to do it repeatedly.”

Tamara clapped her hands in excitement. “That might make you too valuable to risk on the front lines.”

“And who’s going to stop me.”

“Not me. I like someone who will kill the big bad meanie before it reaches me.” She sat on the couch in front of the window and patted the spot next to her. “Let’s see what you’ve got. I can identify them.” He watched as she slipped on some leather gloves.


“Alisha was bored. And I need gloves on to handle non-bonded seed clubs.”

Wordlessly, he handed her the mace.

“Did you do anything special to this one?”

“Well, it’s for Dave.”

She smiled at that. “It’s sapient seed level one. But high level.”

“Remind me again what that means.?”

“Just starts off more powerful. Long term?” she shrugged.

He handed the other two weapons generic weapons that he had created.

“They’re both sapient seed zero.”

Daniel nodded at them and the mace. “Can’t you do your magic and work out what they do?”

“No, they need to be bonded first.”

Daniel considered that response and it decided it made sense. There was a sense of unassigned potential in the weapons. The materials he had invested in their creation sort of formed the basis for evolution but were not the final result. “Finally,” Daniel picked up the staff. “I know you’ve been eyeing this one off. It’s the one I created for you.”

Tamara did not touch it for a moment just admiring it. “You could have been an artist.”

Daniel coughed uncomfortably at that. “I don’t think so?”

“Mystic Explosion is so beautiful.” Still, without touching her fingers was tracing a curl of wood. The heavy top looked like it was constructed by a tangle of vines or roots. However, Daniel knew structural it was a single piece. “Exquisite.” She pulled off a glove.

“The arts, not just me. I think the wood guides me.”

“It does have that natural feel,” she agreed.

“Are you going to take it?”

“I don’t know. It seems too much.”

“I was thinking about it when I made it. Not like that,” he continued hurriedly. Maybe like he corrected in his mind and wished he could sink into the couch and disappeared when he realised the ridiculousness of what he had just said. “It was designed for someone with your magic abilities. It should tailor itself easily to your magic type.”


“There you are.” Jayden’s loud voice cut through the room.

Both him and Tamara jumped. He could see the apology in her face.

“Tamara,” Jayden walked in. “I just woke up.”

“Do you want me to get breakfast?” Tamara asked.

“That would be great.” Jayden winked at him and then sat heavily beside Daniel the moment Tamara stood.

She went to walk away.

“Tamara!” Daniel called out.

“What?” She half turned to face him.

“You forgot your new weapon.” He threw the staff to her.

She caught it instinctively with her ungloved hand and she saw the wave of surprise that went through her upon contact. “Thanks.” She smiled and hurried away.

“I’m feeling hungry, so make sure it’s a big serving.” Jayden yelled after her. “What are these?” He waved at the pile of weapons.

“Weapons I made,” Daniel answered immediately.

“Are they any good?”

“I think so?”



Jayden immediately looked at the bow and spear that Tamara had separated to one side. The sapient seed ones. “Magic, hey. Do you mind if I have these? If I have them, it will bolster our offensive ability.”

Daniel felt a compulsion to agree. Priscilla bit his ear and his head cleared. The weapons had been for the fighters, and giving them to Jayden was like throwing them away. “Sure. Are you certain you want those? They’re not the best.”

“Which would you pick for me?”

Internally, Daniel smiled at the greed in the other man’s eyes. The compulsion had been layered into that question as well. He had a desire to choose the most powerful? His ear stung as Priscilla helped clear his head.

I had that under control. He thought back to her.

Safe, not Sorry. Priscilla told him… and… there was a hint that she enjoyed biting ears especially if they were washed. Me Keep Helping. There was an image of lots of benevolent ear biting.

“Umm, these are all good.” Daniel leant down and tapped the pile of weapons that Ivey had put down.

Jayden picked up a nasty-looking axe, and a failed small bow. “Are these two special?”

“Yes.” he answered instantly. Special because they don’t work and the bow was special because it was a kiddy one he had been intending for Gabby. He was going to have to deal with Jayden. It had gone too long already. He considered acting immediately but decided it would probably backfire. After breakfast, Daniel would get him along and there was going to be a reckoning. If he did not have this compulsion to do everything as fast as possible and a commitment to the health of the community, Daniel would have acted earlier.

“I’ll take these then. Everyone will feel safer with me being armed.”

Ivey and Tamara returned with two and one bowls of porridge, respectively. Ivey a step in front of Tamara.

“Oh, you got me two.” Jayden grabbed the two bowls off Ivey each of which had come with their own spoon. Daniel could see Tamara’s indecision as she looked between Ivey and Daniel.

Ivey took over, directing the bowl to be given to Daniel and that Tamara should sit between the two men.

“Not enough room. Babes.” Jayden complained. “If you sit,” he waved to the ground in front of you I can give you a neck massage. Daniel saw the look of annoyance in her eyes. They had come to Australia together, but she did not look happy with their current arrangement.

Jayden put one bowl on the seat between them, the other wedged between the couch side and his leg, and used his free hand to massage Tamara’s shoulder. She scooted closer to give him more access.

“Thanks for the weapons, man.”

“No problem. It’s important to get them into the right hands.”

Jayden smiled happily and Daniel hurriedly finished his bowl and got up. It had not been gruel but a fancy porridge with real long life cow’s milk and chunks of dried fruit and crushed nuts. It was actually amazing.

Ivey had not returned when he was scrapping the bottom of his bowl and the atmosphere next to Jayden was frankly awkward. He got up to return the bowl to the kitchen. Once there, Ivey waved from her spot against the wall. She was happily sitting next to Dave, eating her food. Daniel did not blame her. He hadn’t wanted to stay near Jayden, either. Dave was not currently eating so was busily talking. The low growls he produced even through Daniel was used to it, made the hairs on the back of his head rise. It was not helped by the fact that he was also waving his claws around in a very emotive way and having them slash through the air triggered memories that were better buried.

Ivey laughed and elbowed Dave in the side. Who pretended he was hurt. Mildly amused at the byplay Daniel went to the wash up basket and cleaned the bulk of the mess off the bowl. He had heard that Hua Chua would give them all a good once over later, but the cleaner they were then the last mana it would take her. Daniel understood from his plant work how important that could be.


The hairy man looked up at him.

“Catch.” He tossed the weapon and Dave proceeded to drop it and then scrambled hurriedly to get it.


“What?” Ivey translated instantly.

Dave stared straight up at him. “Ra Rauge.”

Ivey giggled. “That means. I love you.”

Then Daniel realised that Dave had stood up fully and was only a half step away from him. Momentarily, he considered activated speed and then the arms encircled him and the opportunity was gone and he was yanked off the floor in a massive yeti hug.

Daniel came out of it spitting out fur.

Dave was cradling the mace in his arms. “RC RAfacw. RC RAfacw.”

“Do I want to know?” Daniel asked.

Ivey shook her head.

“Dad’s saying you’re not a dickhead druid.” Janice translated, laughing.

Dave immediately wagged a claw at his daughter, provoking laughter.

Smiling despite being the butt of the joke, Daniel walked out of the kitchen and ran straight into Zac. apparently Janice had just been the vanguard of the kids’ legion because all of them were gathered in the corridor.

Zac grabbed his arm. “Where are we fighting today?”

Multiple eyes turned to look at him. It looked like everyone was ready for a battle as in the corridor there were over ten people in armour or in the process of slipping armour on.

“Twenty six and seven and then we’re going to go fight down the stairs.”

Priscilla bit him.

He almost dropped his bowl in surprise. Jayden had not said a thing. He looked toward the room Jayden had been eating in, but he had not emerged.

Wrong way.

Daniel listened to Priscilla and swung his direction the other way. The penthouse family was coming down the hallway. All of her focus was on red-white king’s Charles caviller. The mouse was almost quivering in excitement.

Do it now. Do it now. Her thoughts were relentless, breaking over his mind like waves on a surf beach.

He lifted his eyes from the dog to examine the whole family and Alex, the dad that Ivey had warned him about.

Priscilla was practically dancing on his shoulder. She was more excited than when she was offered chip packets.

More flashes containing images of the dog with hope overlaid over them hit him.

“Alex,” Daniel projected his voice. “This might seem forward. But my class is beast whisper.”


“I was wondering if I could form a bond with.” He got down on his hands and knees and extended his hand and both the red cavalier and the white and red dog ran over to him. “This one.” he patted the dog that was already licking his face.

“Not my call. They’re Cindy’s.”

“Yes.” the eldest daughter said instantly. “You can. His name is Finnigan, and he’s usually not so friendly.”

“Do you mind if I do it now?” Ivey and Dave had followed him out so he would be protected from any sort of hostility.


“Go for it,” Alex said. “But I smell food. I’m not waiting.”

All of his mana had regenerated over breakfast. Without hesitation Daniel knelt and engaged his entangle animal spell.

Because his instincts told him it was necessary, he sunk all of his power into the spell. Priscilla added her own strength, and he was surprised by how strong it was. It was only a fifth of his magic, but she was tiny, so she was packing a heap of power into her tiny body. Even Blood Drinker contributed, throwing its own unique magic into the blend. Even as all this happened, Daniel instinctively engaged the communion spell.

All three sources of magic flooded into the two enchantments.

“Finnigan.” he whispered. The dog was still trying to lick him, and a web of connections formed between them. Unbridled excitement hit him from two directions. Blood Drinker could not care less.

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