《A beautiful mistake》20


All this seemed like a joke to her. One minute she was getting intimate with her husband and the next he was lying on a hospital bed recovering from hideous bruises. She got to the hospital later after begging Raque to go to the mansion and watch over her sleeping son.

She didn't know why but her hands trembled mercilessly. Mikaella never knew that marrying Roman Cervantes would cause so much chaos in her life. And by chaos she meant, the turmoil in her heart, the worry eating her from the inside that Roman could have died in that cell. This is not what she had signed up for. She looked up watching her in laws playfully smack their son, Kevin. Were they not worried? Or were they used to things like these?

"Ma'am, ma'am?" The nurse who had witnessed Mikaella's state of shock tapped her hand slightly, "you asked for your husband's room number?"

Coming to reality, she released a forced smile,'yes'

"It's 609"

And with that she left, making smooth strides towards the hallway. What would she say to him? That he was a moron for beating a man out of the blue, or stupid for talking back to a police officer or would she succumb to her heart's desire and declare how much she loved him and wouldn't bare the thought of losing him? By the time she gathered her thoughts, she was already standing outside the door reading the three numbers again and again. 6...0...9.

Opening the door slightly, she sneaked her head slightly and instead of being surprised by Roman's bruised body what she saw made her heart stop.

"Come on, Ro. I know you. I know your temper, couldn't you control it for Christ's sake?" The woman dressed as a nurse smoothly ran her finger down his jaw and the surprising part was that he...he was awake and he did nothing to stop the woman's actions which hurt Mikaella the more.


But who was she in the first place? Mikaella assessed the woman starting from her fake black wig to her little nurse outfit. She was pretty without a doubt, her toned skin, a really good bust and perfectly long legs that were on display.

"But don't worry Hun, your Jo is here to take care of you," she smiled and even had the nerve to push her lips on Roman. Mikaella held up her tears waiting for Roman to push her away, waiting for Roman to remind the woman who she knew now went by the name of 'Jo' that he had a wife. A wife who ran to the station immediately she heard of his arrest. But that's the thing, he never pushed her back, he never resisted while Jo kissed him and that made Mikaella slowly close the door, stiffle her sobs and rush out of the hospital like a scorned woman.


"Here have this,"Raque clutched the warm mug of cocoa sliding it towards a heartbroken Mikaella.

Pathetic, she knew she was pathetic. Once again something happened in her life and she'd run to her best friend like a loser. Questions ran in her head, was she ready for this? What would she tell Seth? Her son sleeping soundly upstairs? That she got jealous and decided to run?

But why, why did it ache so bad? Knowing that Roman's love was back, knowing that at this time her husband was in the arms of another woman. She tried believing in his words, his words that he loved her but even she wasn't a fool. Roman's eyes said everything, he still...still loved his Jo.

"Mick? You haven't said anything till you got here. And the suitcases?!Are you planning on..." And before Raquel could pry any further the knock on the door startled her.


Who the hell knocks when there is a freaking door bell? Raquel questioned standing up from her living room to the door.

"Is she here?" A sudden hoarse voice filled the room that even Mikaella cocked her head towards the unwelcomed guest.

"I do not want to be involved this. So you talk to her" And she went upstairs.

He took long strides to where Mikaella sat, taking the mug in his hands and drinking it without caring whether or not Mick was surprised by his presence.

"So my guess was right. You are really planning on leaving him," he chuckled occupying the seat that Raquel was in earlier.

"K... Kevin. What? What are you doing here?"

Kevin flushed a smile and even if it seemed unnecessarily at the moment, she wondered how Roman would look while I smiling. A smiling Roman appeared in her head.

"You know if there's one thing I love about Chloe is that she's relentless in chasing after me. I push her away every single time and you know what she tells me?"he paused momentarily,"that she loves me and she'll make me realize I love her too. That's one thing I love about her, she's never a runner. She sees me with a woman, she claims me as hers. I push her away but she keeps coming back every single time that it drives me nuts!

Now the difference between you and her, Mikaella is that you give up easy. You've been a runner all your life. Running away not to get hurt, running away to escape the pain. Yeah I noticed, you wanna run don't you? Leave my brother and what? You think the pain will go away? Don't be such a baby, Mikaella. Seth doesn't deserve it. So what? You saw Roman with Joana"

And Kevin recalled that amidst the whole jail fiasco and Roman getting to the hospital, he had witnessed everything. A sobbing Mikaella running down the hall, Jo coming out of Roman's room in some stupid wig and he didn't have to think twice about Mick's decision. She was still the same woman who kept Seth away from all of them...

"Fight for your man if you love him. And when you fail to know how, call me and I'll give you Chloe's number. She's a firecracker when it comes to fighting"

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