《A beautiful mistake》14


Don't look! Don't look again Mick! But she ended up looking once more while Roman chuckled at her nervousness.

"Um...dinner...go to make" her words came out wrong so being the woman she is, she scrammed out of the room so fast.

Minutes later, she stayed in the kitchen with Marga sending glances at her.

"I saw it! Why did I look? Did he want me to look at it?"

"Ma'am, is everything okay?" Marga asked noticing that Mick was talking to herself as she chopped the carrots.

"No I mean yes. Yes, yes I'm fine" she lied.

"Marga I'll help her out, you can take some rest" his voice came from behind.

He opened the fridge taking out the other ingredients for the meal. She pretended to be so engrossed in the carrots but it was hard to. He already got rid of his suit and was now wearing casual clothes, a grey full neck sweater and blue faded jeans.

His hands came from behind covering hers and grabbing hold of the knife.

"This is how you chop carrots, in thin slices" he said as his minty fresh breathe fanned her ear.

What was happening to her? What was he doing? Why was he this close? Her back faced his chest and she took in his masculine scent that hypnotized her. But...but this how it had begun also with Owen. It was like history repeating itself, she falls in love and the man dupes her again. But was Roman the same as Owen? Was Roman showing interest in her?

She easily got away from whatever sort of get up they were in and Roman frowned. She almost got knocked out by the wall that popped up from nowhere and Roman was quick to check up on her.


"Are you okay? That's gonna leave a bump" he said rubbing circles on her forehead.

She didn't feel pain instead her heart pounded hard as his fingers brushed her skin. Her body and more so her heart was giving in to him. An electric spark was definitely coursing through her veins. He kept asking if she was okay but she stood there like a zombie. It was then he raised his head and met her eyes. They held eyes each trying to fight whatever force that was pulling them together.

"Next time don't just run into walls like that" he whispered breaking the eye contact and leaving her to breath.


"And Farhan you should have seen his face when the paint fell on top of his head. Do you know what he said" she laughed placing her fork down as he watched her amused by her laughter.

"Do you know how expensive zis suit is? Zis suit cost more zan your life" she laughed then continued, "and you know what the painter answered, 'wee wee?' yet he's from California!"

She clutched her stomach laughing then her eyes shifted to Roman. His expression wasn't what she was expecting, heck she didn't think he was listening to her at all.

"Roman? Are you listening?"

She frowned worried that she had bored him to death.

"I'm trying but I can't. I have to admit that I'm distracted by something"he stared at her baggy blouse and Mick followed his eyes.

Her breathing hitched when she realised her buttons were not completely done making her breasts which were cupped by the tightest bra on full display to him.

Tit for tat?


She rearranged the files in her office. She had a really tight schedule not to add Raquel who had her own personal issues and thought it wise to vent out her anger on Mick. Mick could sense that today wasn't one of her days, no flowers for her or a note that her husband always managed to order for her.


She rubbed her forehead stressfully removing the heels that had made her feet hurt. Why didn't he send flowers to her? Was he that busy? She wondered. She was angry. Angry that she felt this way because of him instead of the work that was piling up on her large desk at the moment.

She dialled his number which was the first contact on her cell when he bought it for her. No one was picking up. Mick what are you doing? She asked herself. Why was she concerned about him? Why was she acting like his wife in the first place? Him doing bringing her family to her, him teasing her, him getting closer to her had changed everything in her head. Had he brainwashed her?

Getting Roman's office number from Marga, she called his office. A woman's voice talked from the end of the line.

"Is Roman around?" She started.

"And who's speaking?"

She hesitated but whatever she was about to say was true anyway.

"His wife speaking. Now please put him on the phone"

"Ma'am I can't. He's with a woman right now and he said no one should bother him"

And she hung up, crushed by what she had just heard. Roman was cheating on her? She wanted to cry since it felt like deja vu all over again but she insisted on remaining strong. There was nothing going on between Roman and she therefore no need to act like a jealous wife.

As if the universe could sense the pain in her heart, Phil walked just right in her office.

"Wanna grab lunch? Now before you say no, I promise there's a new restaurant that you'll absolutely love"

"Yes, I'm starving" she smiled. If Roman was going to enjoy himself so would she even if Phil would be caught in the middle.

The new gourmet restaurant had the best food she had tasted in ages. Phil made sure that the lunch date was nothing like she had ever had. He made her laugh, that she covered her mouth when she thought the people around her were disgusted with her obnoxious laugh.

"The only thing that they should be disgusted with; is not having you in their life" Phil said and she really wished her heart fluttered but it didn't.

He slowly creeped out his hand on top of hers rubbing circles on the back of her palm. She was in the moment. At that moment, she could see Phil about to lean in and kiss her and that got her terrified. She hadn't kissed in ages. What if just what if Roman...

"Get your hands off my wife!" Roman growled towering over them catching everyone's attention.

He dug his fingers on Mick's arm to yanking her from the chair.

"Roman you are hurting me!" she cried but Roman wouldn't budge.

"Let go of her" Phil shot but Roman was quick to throw a punch that landed on his jaw making him tumble to the ground.

His fingers went back to Mick's arm and he stormed out with her.


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As always pardon the grammatical errors

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