《R U L E S》R U L E 21



Eva called me back and we spoke for a little while.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't answer." She sighed.

"We were all so worried about you, if you ever run away just come back to my house, you know I'll always keep you safe."

"You're right and I'm sorry I was being selfish, next time I will definitely remember that."

"How are you and Corey?" I asked.

"We're good, I told him we'll speak about it when we get home I don't really know what's going to happen."

"Everything will be fine. You're one of us now and we aren't going to let you go that easily."

"Yeah, I guess. I'll call you later."

"Okay, bye!" I said before hanging up. James has just pulled back into our driveway and had came to open the door for me. He grabbed my hand and escorted me into our house where he closed the door quickly.

"You know you're kind of sexy when you order people around."

"James, now? Really?"

"Come on, you can't tell me you don't want me."

"I don't want you." I said with a smirk on my face I tip toed my way up stairs with a little sway of my hips and James was right on my tail.

"Let me take care of you Tanya." I rolled my eyes.

"James I-" he had picked me up and gently laid me on the bed, no doubt I was feeling arousal now.

"What were you saying?" He asked, he used his finger tips to drag my shirt up, placing lingering kisses on my stomach.

"James." I moaned.

"Let me take care of you mama." Oh shit well okay then go 'head. He used the flat of his tongue and made his way from my pelvic bone to my belly button. He slowly started to take my pants off and I helped him a bit. "I missed you so much." He said throwing the pants to the other side of the room he spread my legs and got in between them coming up to my face. We were now eye to eye.


"What did you miss?" I asked breathily.

"Your face," he said kissing my cheek, "Your lips," he said placing a delicate kiss onto my lips. "Your beautiful brain." He said placing a kiss on my forehead, he trailed kisses down my stomach and placed one on my panty clad clit.

"James." I shuddered.



"Are you going to eat?" Santiago asked, he was quite the cook I had to admit.

"I just ate Santiago." I said with a bit of an attitude.

"Okay?" I sent him a glare and we held gazes for a while before Keano interrupted us.

"Are we going to stay here forever? I miss my Batman bed." He asked me.

"N-" Santiago cut me off.

"You like Batman? How about we get you a new Batman bed, we can even redecorate your room to look like the bat cave." I frowned as soon as he said it because I knew Keano was going to get too excited.

"Santiago can I talk to you?" I asked pulling him into the very large pantry. "Stop feeding my kid false hope."

"He's my kid too Sandra, I wasn't able to be in his life for a while and now that I am I want him to have anything he wants."

"We can't stay here forever." I sighed.

"Why not?" Santiago asked, he had stiffened up and I regretted putting us in such a confined area.

"Because we just can't."

"Sandra, you can and will stay here with me, it's safer for you guys here, plus I'm eventually going to put a ring on your finger so save us the headache."

"I'm not getting married to you." I chuckled, he was still as eager to marry me as he was in our high school years. He pulled me closer to him and looked down at me with a grin.


"Yes you are, we were meant for each other Sandra. Remember how happy we were?"

"I know you didn't stay single after we broke up, I'm sure there's someone else for you."

"You're the woman I gave my virginity to, of course I stayed single." I remembered that like it was yesterday.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked walking into my room, no one was home so I don't know who let him in.

"I came to see my girl, make sure she was okay."

"I can protect myself Santiago." I said putting some of my stuff away.

"You know we live in a very dangerous area, I can never be too sure." He said plopping on my bed.

"I'm sure I'll be fine, I've survived this long." I said sitting next to him. He turned to look at me and I could see the sadness in his eyes. "Hey what happened?" I asked becoming concerned, I knew Santiago didn't approve of the gang life he was forced in and that it caused him a lot of emotional distress.

"Some stuff happened and it just reminded me that I need to protect you." I wiped away one of his tears as my eyes started to water, this man was so passionate and sweet. I don't see how his family could force someone so soft into their life.

"I appreciate your concern Santiago. You want to spend the night?" I asked, he nodded and I got up. He always kept a spare change of clothes here just in case he spent the night so I went and got it for him.

I came back into my room to see him in nothing but boxers and I felt my skin get warm. I had seen him like this many times but it was something about this time that really got me.

"H-here are you clothes." I said. He turned around with an obvious smirk on his face noticing my composure.

"You gonna give them to me?" I didn't want to get any closer to him, afraid that I would act out everything my friends had talked about. But I did.

His hands grabbed my waist as soon as I was in arms reach and I could feel my heart rate quicken as I looked up to him. His darkened eyes and long curly hair peering down at me.

"Tell me what you want my love."

"I want- you." I finished, a huge relief falling off of my shoulders.

All I remembered was the dangling of his gold chain as we experienced a new sensation together.

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