《R U L E S》R U L E 19


It was kinda awkward having a man walk around as protection, maybe because I've never felt protected but I did manage to buy clothes. Lots of them. We went into seven stores total and my bill never came higher of three hundred dollars per store so I spent around two grand. I hope Corey didn't mind.

"You ready to go?" Rio asked when I awkwardly stood in front of him. I nodded and he led us out, glancing over his shoulder every so often. He had offered to carry the bags but I refused due to my pride and waddled my way out. Rio drove me back to the mansion in which Corey resided and I gave him a small thanks before heading up to my room to put my things away.

It took a while for me to put my things away but when I did I was exhausted. I changed into some shorts and a large t-shirt before heading downstairs.

As I made my way into the kitchen I noticed a group of men all accompanied with women on their laps, including Corey who had a brunette who was doing her best to grind on him nonchalantly. Their conversation stopped as all eyes were on me, I felt uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

"Well who is this?" One of the men said. I ignored him and grabbed an apple. On my way back to steps I called out for Ace.

"Ace." I said strongly and like that he was by my side going up the stairs. Once I got back to my room I let out a deep breath. I bit into my Apple and stared at the wall, thirty minutes, an hour, two hours passed.

My door opened abruptly.

"What you did was rude." I didn't bother looking at him. I had two options, play dumb, or be smart.


"How?" I asked.

"If someone is talking to you, you should answer."

"Are you my parent?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"If you're going to live with me then there are certain rules you need to follow." Okay I did not sign up for this part.

"Listen I have no problem cleaning your fucking house or picking up dog shit everyday but you're not going to reconstruct my mannerisms just so I can have a conversation with your druggie friends." He balled his fists up and clenched his jaw. Corey no longer frightened me, this display I've seen too many time.

"You will obey me. If a man is speaking you listen." I scoffed.

"You sound just like the men who took me." I said without missing a beat. He swiped the lamp off of the desk infront of me with power.

"Don't ever compare me to them." He said before leaving. Ace whimpered and I sighed. I was not going to live here under this condition so I started to pack some things, things I could sell, things I could wear, things I could keep.

I waited until the moon was higher in the sky before I left. I looked down at Ace one last time and pet his head.

"I'm gonna miss you." I whispered. With that I opened the front door and started walking.



I woke up to eight missed calls from my brother. James was speaking into his phone furiously.

"Babe what's going on?" I asked. James turned nervously to me.

"Um nothing." I frowned.

"Let me speak to my brother." I said demanding the phone. He gave it to me and I took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" I asked. There was a long pause before Corey answered.

"Eva is gone."

Gonna be a double update today y'all. Hope you guys like.

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