《R U L E S》R U L E 17



Was I highly nervous about going home with Corey? Yes.

Was I going to express that?


I didn't have high expectations of Corey, I haven't had high expectations for men since I was sold into that life. But I definitely kept an open mind.

"Welcome to my humble abode." He said pulling out a driveway of a really nice house. "You looked surprised." I turned to face him and he was staring at me.

"I'm not." I said flattening my facial expressions to be more smug.

"Okay." He shrugged, an obvious smirk on his face. He got out and came around to open my door.

"I could've opened the door myself." I whispered.

"But where's the fun in that?" He asked grasping my hand and helping me out of his large truck. How snobby of him.

We walked to the front door and he unlocked it. Further confirming that this was his house.

"Ace!" He shouted, I jumped a little and expected a butler to come running down the stairs. But instead it was a big pit bull.

The cutest pit I have ever seen in my life. My eyes widened as it charged towards me.

"Sit." Corey said in a strong voice which unexpectedly set off my horny bells. The dog sat and I could only do the expected.

"Aww you so cute." I said crouching down to pet the dog. It's tail wagged as it leaned into my touch. "Hi wittle baby. My name is Eva nice to meet you who's a good boy?" It laid down and turned to it's stomach allowing me to give it belly rubs. "Who's a good boy, you are yes you are." My eyes happened to meet Corey's who was giving me the wierdest look known to man. I suddenly got up and straightened myself out.


"Sorry. I just really like dogs." I mumbled, I was definitely going to keep quiet after that.

This is awkward.

"Okay, I'll show you your room." He said walking towards the stairs. I followed behind him, Ace not too far behind. He walked down a narrow hallway and opened a door.

"Here ya go." This was a nice cozy room, I actually liked it a lot.

"Thank you for letting me stay the night."

"I have a feeling you'll be here much longer than a night." He mumbled but I ignored his comment. "Ace let's go." He commanded. Ace stared at him then sat down, a small smile developed on my face but dropped when I realized Corey was staring. He groaned.

"Fine but only for tonight." He said to Ace. "Goodnight Evangeline."

"Goodnight Corey." I said he walked out and closed the door behind him. "You wanted to spend the night with me buddy didn't you?" I asked. Ace wagged his tail happily.

"Okay let's get ready for bed. Are there any clothes here?" I asked searching around. There were a few things, men's boxers, men's shirts. I hope Corey didn't mind. I would have to go back to James and Tanya's house to get the rest of my things.

"That's if I do move in. I don't think I will, do you Ace?" I asked aloud. He wagged his tail quicker than before and I took that as a yes.

I got ready for bed quickly and snuggled under the covers. I sank deeply into a dream.

Something rang in my head.

Please don't touch me.

Please don't touch ME.

Please don't TOUCH me.

Please DONT touch me.


I woke up in a cold sweat. Ace was barking his mind off but seemed to quiet when I sat up. The door opened and corey was standing panicked with a gun in his hand. I caused this.


"I'm sorry. I-I just had a bad dream." I stuttered, I grounded myself by looking at what was around me and counting to ten, also reassuring myself that I was in a safe space.

"Are you Okay?" He asked, even though I could barely see him I could see the pity dripping off of his voice.

"Yeah I'm okay. I'm really sorry to wake you. I just have bad dreams sometimes." I said, it went silent and I bit my lip. What was he gonna do?

"Can you toss me a pillow?" He asked I tossed him one which he effortlessly caught despite the lack of lighting and settled himself on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm going to sleep and you should to. We have a lot to do tomorrow." I frowned but nonetheless settled myself into a sleeping position on my back. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"You know you can sleep with me." I said.

"What?" He asked. I felt my face get red.

"On the bed. You can sleep on the bed, with me." I said whispering the last part.

"Are you comfortable with that?" He asked. I nodded then realized he couldn't see me.

"Yes, I'm okay with that." I said sitting up. He stood up and walked across the room the moonlight from a window outlining his silhouette. Six foot four, probably two hundred pounds of pure man.

Get your mind out of the gutter Evangeline.

"You gonna stop staring?" He asked crawling into the bed. Boy did he look sexy as fuck.

"Yeah sorry. Um goodnight." I said turning the opposite was and clutching the comforter closer to me. Ace laid down on the pillow that Corey left on the floor and I took slow deep breaths that lured me to sleep.

I'm safe now.


I woke up and the first thing on my mind was warmth.

The heaviness, I opened my eyes abruptly to see me cuddling with Corey, his head on my chest. My leg pitched over his hip and my hand on the back of his head drawing him closer. My heart rate quickened and I slowly saw myself out of the situation. I removed Corey's hand from my thigh and scooted off of the bed.

I should make him breakfast. I tiptoed my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I marveled at every appliance in there it was just so beautiful. I heard claws hitting the floor and I had no doubt that it was Ace. I watched him stretch then give me a look.

"Are you gonna help me make breakfast?" I asked.

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