《R U L E S》R U L E 12


I sat in the restaurant nervous as hell, I didn't know what to expect. James rested his hand on my thigh and continued to run his thumb over it. It calmed me a bit, he got us what seeming to be a secluded area of the restaurant, it was like we were on a balcony.

"How much did this cost?" I asked looking at the glass walls.

"Five thousand dollars." He shrugged nonchalantly. My mouth dropped and I couldn't breath. "Calm down, if I'm spending it on you then it's worth it." I frowned as he tried to flatter me.

"James, I don't want your money, we could've went to McDonald's and I would've been fine, cause I like cheap shit."

"Language." He said sending a warning.

"I don't think you're understanding me-"

"Look our guest is here." He said getting up to greet whoever this was. I struggled to get up but when I did I regretted it.

I turned around and stared at my "dead" brother.

"Tanya, it's good to see you again." He said wrapping me in a hug. I felt numb again.

Corey was the eldest child, we grew up very close, when I was 15 he was shot and killed by a rival gang, or at least that was what I was told. They said his body was so demolished that we had to have a closed casket funeral. After his death was when my stepfather started abusing me.

Quickly I pushed him off of me.

"Get away, get away! You were supposed-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as I started crying. I felt him back up and be replaced by James.

"Hey, it's okay." He said embracing me and rubbing my back.

"What the hell is going on?" I heard Corey ask, James handed me a napkin and I dried my eyes. "Tanya, why the hell is this fucker hugging you?"


"I don't think you're allowed to speak after what you just pulled."

"How about we sit down and talk about this? The food is going to get cold." James said nervously. He led me to a seat and sat next to me, holding my hand in his.

"So when did this happen?" Corey asked, I simply glared.

"I think you should start by telling me, how you died but are sitting right in front of me. Then I'll catch you up on my life." I sneered, he shot me a glare but softened his expressions.

"So the gang 409 was after me, us, the family. I was putting you guys in danger because of my mistakes so, with James help I planned my death accordingly, and while I was dead I killed everyone associated with the gang, then I started my own, I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you if it was completely safe to come out the shadows." I clenched my jaw. He did have a legitimate reason for this plan. But wait that means James knew about this?

"That's why you chose me." I whispered to James. He nodded. "So you liking me was apart of the plan." Before James could answer Corey was explaining.

"A couple months ago I sent this bastard to find you and make sure you were safe. The plan was for him to keep an eye on you, not bring you into his home and fall in love with you." James is in love with me?

"Well I had to do something. You couldn't continue to work for them." James explained to me.

"Work for who?" Corey asked.

"She was a stripper, at pimpz." James blurted. I felt embarrassed, I sent a glare to James who hadn't regretted revealing the truth.


"You're a smart girl, mom was supposed to pay for your college." I clenched my jaw. "What happened?" He asked noticing my hostility.

"After you left, we were all sad about your death obviously. Mom and Kevin took their anger out in certain ways." I said.

"What are you saying?"

"Kevin, he sexually abused me for years, and mom believed the lies he told her." Corey's eyes became dark.

"Excuse me." He said walking out of the room. I watched as he yelled into the phone, I could only make out a few words.

Find him. Whatever, takes, bring, to, me. If, escapes, kill instantly.

"Tanya, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's okay, it's over with now. I just look to the future." He squeezed my hand lightly, Corey joined us once again.

"I don't know what to say, except for I'm sorry I wasn't there. I thought you would be in safe care but you weren't, I can't go back and change the past but we can definitely rekindle our relationship starting now."

"I appreciate and respect that." I said everything became airy and light before he sent James a glare.

"Is there a reason why my sister is so fucking comfortable around you?" Corey asked. "Is he sexually abusing you?" My jaw dropped

"No, Corey, it's fine we're-" How do we define our relationship? "Acquainted." James grip on my thigh tightened wrong answer.

"You're fucking lucky James, if I didn't know you well, you would've been dead as soon as you touched her."

"Thank you." James said with an obvious smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, men. "I think you should be more worried about the clients she obtained while working at pimpz." My jaw dropped again.

"Wait a minute, why do you have to go out and tell all my business?"

"Your brother deserves to know. I mean I already emailed him a copy of any written transactions you had between your clients and they're being hunted down as we speak." I frowned.

"Can we agree to keep the past in the fucking past?" I asked almost angrily.

"Fine. So where are you staying, we can have your stuff packed and moved into your apartment by tonight." I sighed. Just bury me already.

"I live with James."

"Is your room big enou-"

"Yes our room has enough space for the both of us." A murderous glare was sent to James. I laughed but in a humorless manner.

"So what next? Are you guys going to get married? How long has she been with you? Did she immediately start opening her legs for you huh?"

"Maybe, Maybe not. Let's just say she's trusts easily."

Suddenly my chilled demeanor was thrown off.

"Okay wait a fucking minute. What you guys are not going to do is talk about me like I'm not here. You were not here to protect me," I said towards Corey. "and you are a man who leads with your dick. You're both lucky I've forgiven you for the shit you guys have pulled." I took James hand off of me and scooted away from him. Corey opened his mouth but I spoke over him.

"You and James need to settle whatever shit you guys have going on, until then I won't be talking to either of you." I said simply ignoring their presence.

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