《R U L E S》R U L E 11


I woke up the next morning feeling like someone pressed the reset button, it was great actually.

Until I realized it was almost one in the afternoon.

I got up and checked my phone.

Hey love, whenever you wake up can you bring me lunch, I forgot it at home.


Sent at 12:44

Which was three minutes ago.

I scrambled to get up and I felt the cool air hit my naked body. I looked down and rolled my eyes remembering what happened last night, which was also a great experience.

After hopping in the shower and fixing a quickly lunch, with James permission I drove one of his amazing cars to his job.

"Hi I'm here for-"

"You can go straight to his office." The girl said, her smile was too wide, it creeped me out. His office was distinguishable from all the others. It seemed glorified. Nonetheless I walked into his office with glow, not bothering to knock I barged in.

That seemed to be a mistake on my behalf.

My jaw dropped as I saw a woman on top of James, it seemed as if I was bothering them, she looked at me in disgust, I didn't even get a chance to see James face.

James pushed the busty blonde off of him as he saw my face, I clenched my jaw and suddenly my eyes watered. I convinced myself that this was something to get upset over.

"Here's your lunch." I said giving a tight smile and tossing the lunch to the floor.

"Tanya, wait-" I had slammed the door behind me and walked out of the building before people could register what had happened. I got in the car and sped my way home.

I took a minute to think about what happened.

I walked into James office.

A woman was sitting into of his lap, they seemed deep in a make out session.

How did I feel about it?

I had to admit I was actually sad, disappointment, but I knew I would be okay.


There's no relationship between you and James, he is still allowed to have relations with other women.

But God forbid a man looks my way, I'm tucked into hiding and I'm not allowed to go anywhere.

I tried to convince myself I wasn't going insane, that I was starting to get attached when I know I shouldn't. I thought with James things would be different, but I still managed to catch feelings and get ruined. Fuck!

"Tanya!" I heard him yell. I was standing in the middle of the kitchen. I stayed silent. "Tanya, please let me explain-"

"I really don't want to hear what you have to say." I said trying to busy myself by washing dishes.

"I-" I cut him off with a glare.

"You do not have to explain yourself to me."

"I know what I don't have to do." He said quietly. I continued to pay him no mind to him and his words and he went upstairs angrily. I let out a shaky breath and kept my mind empty as I finished cleaning the house.

James was in his home office taking on a conference call. I went to our room and got a change of clothes, I couldn't sleep in the same room with him tonight. I snuck my way into the guest room which was right next to his office. I took another shower, my feelings were confused but numb, I couldn't explain it but I didn't want to.

I sat in the movie room watching legally blonde for the fifth time, still a classic.

"Tanya there you are, are you not going to join me for dinner?" I saw his shadow in the doorway and I sighed, I was getting tired of making and eating full bags of popcorn, I could tell I needed some actual food.

"Sure James." I paused the move and I saw a look of relief pass over his face as he escorted me to the dining area, it was evident that he had cooked for us, if I were to cook I would've poisoned him.


"This is an apology dinner." He said sitting in front of me, I connected eyes with him and sudden emotions ran through me. "I know you don't want to listen to what I have to say, so I'll make it short by saying sorry, it was wrong of me and I understand how you could be extremely angry at me." I said nothing and continued to eat the salmon in front of me.

"I hope that you forgive me Tanya, I really do. Ever since you've been here I've had certain emotions that attracted me to you." Was he confessing that he liked me?

"So when did you find out these feelings? Last night after I gave you a show?"

"No, long before that, two weeks ago to be precise."

"James, can you tell me why I'm here." I asked looking him in the eye. "Why me?" I saw him clench his jaw.

"It'll all be explained tomorrow." He said silently

"Well until everything is explained I don't want to hear, or see you." A shocked expression ran across his face but it was hidden.

"Okay, deal." He nodded. We concluded dinner silently and I went back to the theater room.

What the hell was I going to do.

After my third movie I passed out from exhaustion, the sleep was well needed and I found myself back in our original bedroom when I woke up, it was no doubt that James had done this. I stretched and got up, I picked out some clothes to wear, something classy, because shit was going to go down today, I could feel it.

My phone rang and I saw it was Sandra.

"Hey girl, have you seen the news?"

"What news?"

"Girl, some bitch was trying to get with James, as like some evil plot or shit, it says they were interrupted."

"Yeah. I was the one who interrupted them." I muttered. "Wait what do you mean evil plot?"

"Apparently this girl was gonna roofie him and steal his files, he reported her to the police after they were interrupted. Ima send you this video." A Ping went to my home and I knew it was the video.

Now I felt guilty.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"Whatever you did. You need to fix it. He likes you girl!"

"That's what he told me yesterday."

"What? He actually told you!" I chuckled a little, a small burden being lifted off my shoulders. "Y'all gettin married, y'all gettin married." She sang, I could imagine her twerking while she sang, I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah whatever, I have to go somewhere I'll call you afterwards."

"Alright. Keano said hi."

"Tell him I said hi back." I sighed. I hung up and slid on a fit and flare dress. I didn't bother looking in the mirror to see if I looked okay, I just hoped I did.

I walked downstairs and saw James, how was I going to confront him about learning that it actually wasn't his fault and I had jumped to major conclusions?

I wasn't.

"I'm ready to go." I said clearly.

"Great." He said, a small smile was plastered on his face.

"James I'm sorry, I jumped to conclusions, I heard what happened." I said in a small voice. He grabbed my hand and led me to the limo, not replying to my apology. I sat across from him, I could tell he was stealing in a few glances.

"I guess I accept your apology." I looked at him and their was an obvious smirk on his face, I laughed and rolled my eyes. "So we're on good terms again?" I nodded. "Great now I can do this." He said before reaching over the aisle and kissing me.

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