《R U L E S》R U L E 5



I watched her facial expressions as she told me her life story, I knew she wanted to cry but she suppressed her feelings well. I wanted to tell her it was okay to cry but I didn't know how. Things were different with Tanya. I didn't know how but I knew this woman had been through some shit and she wasn't just going to submit to me without a fight.

I was okay with a fight, as long as I knew I would win.

As I listened to her story everything from the files is what she told me, I had done extensive research on her and her friend Lasandra as well as Keano.

"Would you like to see Lasandra and Keano tomorrow?" I asked quietly. Who knew I could be so caring? Her eyes widened.

"Yes, please. Would you allow me to go?" I nodded. A big smile was plastered on her face and it wasn't a fake one, suddenly I felt the urge to smile as well, Tanya was addictive and contagious. I found myself wanting to get her pissed off but I also wanted to be happy when she was happy. I scowled at my inner self.

"Yes, I will allow you to go. Just tell me when and I have someone drop you off." She frowned.

"You're no-" she cut herself off. "Thank you James. I really appreciate this."

"You're welcome Tanya."I said before getting up and leaving. I had to get out of that room. There was something about Tanya that was lethal maybe it was her smile, or how even when she was mad at me she was still so kind. I remembered watching her sigh and put back a few things, of course I had taken notice to the things she put back and ordered them online.


I wanted to make sure Tanya had everything.

I felt the urge to spoil her.


I was so excited. I was going to see my favorite person in the whole entire world. Maybe staying with James wasn't going to be that difficult.

"Tanya! Dinner." I heard him yell. I slipped on my fuzzy bunny slippers and hopped my way downstairs happily.

Maybe this was the life I deserved.

"You got Chinese takeout?" He sent an amused look my way. "You're so uptight about everything else I didn't expect you to be interested in low quality food.

"You're pushing my buttons sweetheart."

"Sorry." I muttered quietly, I was scared that he was going to take away my incentive and lock me in the house forever. So I had to play on his nice side. I sat down at the table and he followed me.

"Tanya you don't have to kiss my ass, I just want you to know if I tell you I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it. No matter what." Real ass bitch give a fuck bout a nigga, wait why was I singing?

"That's nice to know." I said with accidental sarcasm, I wouldn't say I didn't believe him but, I didn't believe him.

"I don't know what guys you came in contact with but I am not them. I am a man." He claimed. I noticed his clenched jaw and immediately my hand reached out to his as a reaction to try to calm him down. I touched it softly before trying to withdraw it. He grabbed my hand and held it. "I'm serious Tanya. I would never play around with stuff like that, if I say you're going to see your friend, you're going to see your friend." A small weight was lifted off my shoulders. His large thumb ran over the knuckles of my hand.


"Thank you James."

"So tell me about Lasandra and Keano." I shoved some shrimp fried rice in my mouth before speaking. Our hands were still intertwined giving me a sense of peace.

"Lasandra is like a little sister to me, she's only twenty and her son Keano is four, she had been working at the club after her mom kicked her out, so I found it my duty to protect her, I never allowed her on the poles and always gave her half my pay." I but into an egg roll.

"Is that where half of your pay is going to?" I nodded. With James' pay I was able to get her a new apartment in a safer place and Keano was able to go to private school. Five thousand a week really helped.

"That's brave of you Tanya."

"Thank you James. I tend to go all out for the people I love."

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