《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chap 33


Chase Pov

Rosy snored softly as I covered her with the blanket. I stroke her flushed cheeks before turning off the lamp on the counter beside the stretcher. The soft beeps of the hospital monitor annoyed me, leaving me with pain and memories.

I texted Steve letting him know we could meet up outside the hospital. It was a little after eight, and I've been in this hospital for hours. I turned off the television and adjusted Rosy head on the pillow. I gave her on soft glance before leaving the room.

I had to get out, I couldn't bear to stay in here any longer. I was tired, and worn out. But after all, I had caused this. If I had never left last night, Rosy would have been fine. I went into the dark parking lot. The reporters were gone now, but I wasn't taken any chances so I went through the back door. Steve sat on the bench near the hospital park,

"Do you have it?" I questioned him, looking at his hands for the report.

He nods, and takes out a folder. "Chase, I think its best if you d-

"Steve, don't worry." I mumbled. "I just can't sleep another night without not knowing about the accident."

I snatched the yellow folder from his hand. "Thanks, Man."

He said something but I didn't quite catch on.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly, patting me on the back.

"No not really." I admitted, "I feel like shit."

"Why don't you go home for the night?" He suggests. "I can call Rosy manager."

"I wish, but she needs me." I say looking back towards the hospital. "It's all my fau-

"No, it not and you know it." He cuts me off. "I just don't know about...Rosy."

I stayed quiet, for a while.



I turned around.

Rosy stood in her gray hospital dress with a grim expression. My eyes widen,

"Rosy, what the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled, trying to keep my voice as quiet as possible.

"No, Chase what the hell is-

She look at my hand, "What's that?"

She comes closer and peers at the folder. "Chase, I asked what that is."

"It's nothing." I hid it behind my back moving to the side. I looked towards Steve for help,

"Well, um I should uh get going now." He then gets up from his seat.

What fucking useless manager.

"I think that's a very good idea." Rosy agrees, crossing her arms.

"Rosy, let's go back inside." I put my arm around, but she's moves just in time to grab the folder.

She scans it, "C-chase, why do you need this?"

"You don't need this." She proceeds to shed the folder into small pieces. "You have me."

"Rosy, what are you doing?" I yelled, picking up the pieces of what was left.

She begins crying dropping unto the grass with a soft thud. "I'm so sorry,"

"I've been so moody, lately." She protests, "And this baby is g-

"Rosy, I'm tired of your shit and using the baby as an excuse." I tried to remain calm, but I had no chill right now.


"What do you mean I don't need this?" I showed her the now ripped up yellow folder. "Why can't I see the report?"

"What is everyone hiding from me?"

She wipes her tears and looks up, "Everyone?"

"Chase, what do you mean everyone?" She brushes the dirt off the hospital dress. "Who else knows?"

"Why does it fucking matter, Rosy?"

She flinches slightly, and looks towards the ground. "Chase, you don't underst-

"Your damn right, I don't fucking understand." I cut her off,

"You try losing all your memoires."

She cups her head in hands, "I-I, C-chase no listen."

She grabs my arm, I pulled away quickly causing her to lose balance slightly,

"Rosy, I-I just can't do thi-

"No, Chase. I'm sorry." Her eyes brimmed with tears. "The baby."

"What about th-

"I will pay child support or whatever the fuck you want me too." I yell, "I just can't deal with you anymore."

"Chase, our baby." She says sternly, her tears were now gone replaced with a dark expression. "We will raise it together."

I shook my head reaching for my finger to take of the engagement ring, "I can't raise a child with you."

"Yes you can, and you will." Her hand reaches for something but it was too dark to see. "Like you said, we're a perfect couple."

"Perfect couples never spilt up." Her hand raised swiftly, but everything happened to fast.

A sudden pain struck my head causing me to drop to my knees. My eyesight fogged up slightly gray dots crowed into my vision,

"I'm sorry, babe." Her voice dragged off. "I'm so sorry."


The cool wind was blowing through her hair, I could only see her back. Her white flowy dress dancing in the wind. The ocean slapped against the shore washing out her soft calls,

"Chase..." Her voice was soft. Her skin was dark, her hair just a few shades lighter. I wanted to see her face.

She said my name again with more force, and passion, "Chase."

Who was she?

When I try to open my mouth no words, or sounds came out. I tried again, but I couldn't speak. She repeatedly called my name over and over again but I stood helpless, and quiet. Her kind voice soon turned into a fearful one.

"Don't leave." She whispered, and soft whimpers came from her mouth. I tried to move my hand but I couldn't, I couldn't comfort her. Her body shook slightly, and with that I had to watch this familiar girl cry.

I wanted to tell her I wasn't leaving, that I was right here. Her body started moving, and everything started to shake. The beach soon disappeared within seconds,

"You may now kiss the bride."

I looked around, the room was crowded with people. I looked in front of me, she wore a thick veil over her head covering her face.

I was ready to see her, my hands were now moveable and my muscles were loose. I slowly, lifted the veil off of her face. My hands dropped, and I felt my body go numb.


My face instantly dropped, and I looked around the church flooded with unfamiliar faces. A small girl came up to me and hugged my leg,



What the hell was going on? At the corner of my eye, leaving the church was the same girl from the beach.

"Chase, kiss me." Rosy voice was chillingly deep. The girl gripped tighten on my leg,

I looked down, the girl gave me a smile,

"Daddy, kiss mommy."

I wanted to say something, but all I could think about was that girl.

"It's just us now, Chase." Rosy gives me a wicked grin, "All three of us."

I woke up panting, and sweating. I looked around the room, I wasn't at a church, or beach. I was sitting on a stretcher.

I was at the hospital, I scanned my mind quickly trying to process the recent events. My head ached,

"Chase?" I look to my left, Rosy sat down beside me. Her eyes were red, and tired.

I looked at her, "W-what happened?"

She breaths out, and smiles, "Thank God."

"Thank god, what?" I asked confused, "Why aren't you still in your hospital room?"

"Let me see your hand."

She shows me her hand, the vein that had been cut opened was now stitched up. Her hand was still tinted red from the blood.

The door opens,

Maya and Wyatt enter the room quickly. Wyatt approaches my right side, and Maya stands awkwardly by the door as if she's scared to come in.

Rosy fixed a tight glare on Maya.

"Bro, you alright?" Wyatt nudges me on the arm.

I nod, "I think so..."

"The doc said you had real bad fall." He chuckles, "What were you doing outside?"

I was suddenly confused, "Outside?"

Rosy suddenly enter the conversation, "Yeah um Chase why don't you get some more rest?"

"You guys should really leave." Rosy adds quietly.

Maya just stared at the ground.

"Maya, what's wrong?" I asked.

She looks up slightly, "J-just be careful."

"You haven't even fully recovered yet."

Wyatt snickers, "Well, Maya and I are going to head out now."

I nodded, but why him and Maya?

What's the relationship between those two? I wanted to ask but Rosy interrupted once more.

"Yeah, goodbye." She grunts.

What was her problem?

Wyatt places his hand on Maya lower back as they left together. I scrunched my eyebrows up together,

"Did you see that?" I asked, Rosy.

She shrugs and shakes her head, "No."

I suddenly felt unsettled, and confused.

I turned to Rosy, "I had the weirdest dream."

"You and this girl was in it."

She was typing on her phone and she looked up slightly, "Oh, really?"

"What girl?"

"I'm not sure, but-

I stopped there, my mind instantly put two and two together. The soft, kind voice, the dark skin. Of course, why hadn't I thought of it before?

The girl has to had been Maya.

"Chase, what girl?" She questions. "What did she look like?"

I pulled the injection needles out of my hand and sat up, "I need to go somewhere."

I had to make sure of something, that Maya was the one in the dream.

"Chase, where are you going?" She asks, "Your head hasn't healed yet."

"You were hit pretty hard."

I stopped on my heels and turned around, "I was hit?"

"I thought I fell?"

She cleared her throat, "Well, uh that's what I meant."

I looked at her, "What do you mean I was hit?"

"Chase, I made a mistake, chill out." She groans.

I left the room rubbing my temples. I took out my phone, and dialed Steve's number,

"Hey, How come you didn't give me the report last night?" I asked him.

"I did." He said quietly. "How are you feeling? I heard you fell."

I chuckled slightly, "I'm fine, and no you didn't."

"Man, I'm telling you, I handed it to you at the park then Rosy came and got all pissed because you weren't with her."

My throat felt dry, "Rosy, was there?"

"What happened is your memory loss coming back again?" He jokes. "Yeah bro, she was there."

"I'm coming to the hospital anyway to pick you up, you've got an interview today."

"Ight," I hang up the phone.

Rosy was there?

I took the elevator to the first floor and went to the main desk. A brown haired girl looked up at me, her thin face turned red.

"You're like Chase Walker right?" She says, "I'm like a huge fan of you."

I smiled, "Thank you, but I have a question?"

She nods, "I like can answer like anything for you."

"May I see the CCTV tape from the hospital park?"

She gives me a weird look, "That's like so strange, you're like the second person today who has like asked for it."

"Sorry, but I like just gave the original tape to the man in the maintenance office." She pouts, "He like needed to like delete something on it."

My eyes widened, "Delete what?"

She shrugs, "I like don't know but, may I like take a photo with you?"

I was really sick of all these, "likes" that she used in each sentence but I couldn't say no a fan. I took a quick photo and left but I didn't go back upstairs instead, I headed to the park.

The weird part of all this was someone asked for the same CCTV tape that I needed. The park was filled with people. People stopped and waved, asking for autographs and such but I didn't have time for this. I had to find out what took place last night.

I called, Wyatt.

"What's up, twin bro?" He answers the call.

"Are you with Maya?" The question just popped out,

"I mean, um have you spoken to mom?" I quickly changed my word.

"Yeah I'm with her, and no I haven't."

Why was he with Maya?

"So, what are you guys doing?" My voice dragged off.

"Just watching Netflix, and chilling." He replies.

"Oh, what movie?"

"Maya, what movie was this?" I hear him softly.

"It's the notebook." He replies a couple minutes later.

"Oh, the notebook?" I questioned, "Isn't that's a little too romantic for you, Wyatt?"

"I thought you didn't do romance." I added flatly.

I heard a soft giggle through the phone.

"Yeah, bro I gotta go." He says quickly then hangs up.

I scoffed. Why did I feel like this?

Was it...



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