《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter 32



I did Maya part because it will kinda all connect in away. But don't worry, Chase will be involved somehow lol don't even know where the hell this story is going but touché.

My phone buzzed softly in my pocket as I took it out to look at the phone call. It was the director, nervously I answered the call,

"Uh hello?"

"Maya, my dear. C-come to the hospital." He sounded as if he was out of breath. "It's Rosy."

I sat up from my position on the couch and tighten my grip on my phone.

"W-what? What happened?" I grabbed the keys off the counter and headed towards Anne's car. Anne was with her family for the weekend and took the train this morning.

I kept the phone close to my ear as I started the car.

"C-chase found her this morning." He speed out, I could barely understand him.

Oh god no, Chase.

"Which hospital?" I say softly.

"Cordon Medical Center ER."

"Okay, I'll go."

I heard a soft tap and the call had ended. I sighed, the hospital was literally on the other side of town. I pulled over and dialed Anne's number.

It rang four times before the answering machine picked up.

I slammed my hand on the steering wheel causing it to beep. "Why of all days today?"

"I still don't see why I have to go."

My conversation with myself lasted for about five minutes. Before I started on the highway, about 30 minutes later I reached the hospital.

There were guards surrounding the hospital entrance and reporters were all around trying to push through security. It would be he hard getting through them,

Luckily, Anne's car was already prepared for these kinds of emergency. In her car was a wide brimmed hat, and dark Chanel Sunglasses. I put the hat on first and then the sunglasses and then open the driver's door.

It felt weird going out in public without Anne. I started to feel exposed, but in a strange way normal again. I went through the hospital emergency passage way, memories started pouring back in. I headed towards the front desk.

"May I ask what room, Rosy Wells is in?" I said in a fairly high pitched voice.

The women looked at me as if I was crazy. "Are you like a guardian, or friend of this patient?"

I bit my lip hard, "Well, uh not exact-

"Then like no." She went back to typing on her keyboard. She flipped her brown hair over her shoulder and glanced at me.

"I like will call security, if I like have too." Her voice was very annoying, and preppy and in every sentence she said it he the word, 'like'.

"Listen, I just need to see if she's okay." I mumbled. "I swear I'm not a reporter."

I saw her hand in a swift motion hit the button.

I took off my sunglasses, and peered around slightly. Her eyes instantly widen, and she removed her hand.

"Oh, uh aren't you like Ma-

"Yes, I am. Now can I have the room number?" I put back on my sunglasses.

"She's on the VIP floor."

She gulped slightly, and search the computer. She wrote in on a small paper the room number.

I didn't even thank the bitch. I just left real quick and headed towards the elevator.


I pressed the up button twice. The elevator door slowly open to reveal only Chase,

I looked up slowly. His face was red and bruised and his hands were stained with what I assumed was blood. His eyes were bloodshot red, and cheeks were puffy. It was a sad sight I looked down, pushing my hat down slightly, and adjusted my sunglasses and step on.

"M-maya." He voice sounded dry, and as if he'd been crying for a while.

I looked over, "How'd you recognize me?"

"Your lips."

I nearly choked on air when I heard him say that. That direct part of Chase hasn't changed.

"W-what?" I gasped.

"Oh, I mean I recognize people by their facial features." He looks at me, but somehow, it felt as if he wasn't really looking at me. It was a weird, chilling feeling. This wasn't the Chase I used to know.

"Is she okay?" I asked in a small voice.

He took a while to reply, "Yeah uh, a vein in her arm was punctured she became unconscious because of that."

I let out a sigh or relief, "Thank God, it wasn't anything worse."


The elevator door open cutting him off instantly and we both headed out. I followed him wondering what he was going to say but he stayed silent.

The VIP floor was much nicer than all the other floor. It was basically a special part in the hospital where celebrities or important status people get treated. It is mostly used for when famous people give birth, or have surgeries.

"It's this one." He slides the door open.

I nod, the chemical smell instantly hit me. Causing me to cough slightly, her room looked as if was an actual bedroom. It had a flat scream TV, and closet and drawers. On the furthest side on the left there was even a small fridge.

Rosy's small frame laid on the bed. She was already awake, staring blankly at the TV. I took off my sunglasses but left the hat on because my hair was not ready to be seen.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I asked softly.

She turns her face my way but doesn't look at me. "Chase honey, can I speak to you in,"

Her cold eyes met mine, "Private."

I scoffed softly, "Please do, I'm sorry that I'm ruining such an intense moment."

I was already heading towards the door when I heard the words,

Our Baby.

I stopped on my heels, my body felt unmovable. I felt stuck in time,

My hand slightly grasped the handle and I forced my hand to slide the door opened. My throat felt dry, as I pressed my ear against the door. Their muffled voice made it hard to hear the conversation.

"What happened? It's okay, right?" Chase voice was filled with panick.

"Of course, babe. Our baby is strong." Rosy laughed through words she continuing talking about her unborn child and how she won't let anything get in the way.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream.

The door opened and I stumbled back, "You can come in now, Maya."

Chase gave me a strange look as if he knew I was ease dropping. I nodded, and staggered into the room speechless.

"Chasey poo, why is she still here?" Her bottom lips pouts out slightly. I stared down at the floor clenching my sunglasses tightly.


"I-I'm le-leaving now." I managed to get out.

"Rosy, don't be so hostile." I hear Chase say softly.

"I just don't like her."

I didn't even bother do put my sunglasses back on. Pushing my way through the crowd of reporters, I couldn't hear them. Everything was blank,

They banged on Anne's car windows and yelled words that weren't audible to me. I couldn't move, if I started the car I would run over one of them. I was not about to get sued for money I didn't have.

The guards soon took action pulling them off the car making a passage way for me to drive through.

I dialed Randi's number,

Luckily, she answered with seconds.

"Boo, what's up?" Was the first thing I was greeted with.

"I just wanted to talk to you." I smiled slightly.

"What happened? Is it Chase?" Her voice was already picking up that white girl New York accent that I so missed.

I laughed slightly realizing how much I actually did miss her and home.

"Randi, Should I just come back home and pretend this fame thing never happened?"

"The fuck are you talking about, Maya?" She screams on the other end. "What happened?"

"Nothing. I just kinda actually miss my-

I couldn't even say it. But I couldn't deny it. I did miss my mother, even through all the hate I had for that women. I wanted to see her.

"I miss my best friend." I say.

"Aw boo, that's real cute and all but I'm in class." She says quickly, "Some people actually are going to college and not tryna pursue the fame life.

"Talk to you later, mwah." She hangs up leaving me in the same spot I was in minutes ago. I dialed the next person which just happens to be Wyatt.

"So, you want to do it?" His voice sounded happy, and excited.

"Do what?" I said annoyed that regretting I even bother calling him.

"Get Chase memory back, dummy." He says, "Unless you meant something else."

I rolled my eyes, "Where are you?"

"Oh, so it's the second choice."

"Wyatt, I'm serious we need to talk." I sigh, knowing I just needed someone right now.

"I-I'm at the hospital." I say, "Ro-

"Yeah, I know I heard." He mumbles. "I'm not visiting that bitch even if I was forced too."

"Anyways, there's a Starbucks nearby the hospital let's meet there."

I deny quickly, "What if someone sees me?"

"Maya, chill you're not even that famous yet so breathe. Yes, some people might noti-

"Okay okay, I get the point I'll be there in 5 min." I groaned.

I started the car, the number of reporters had decreased but there were still a few left. Most of them were still trying to get into the hospital while the other half chased after the car.

The Starbucks was literally across the street. I parked on the other side of the hospital parking and put on my sunglasses.

Wyatt was already there sitting at the small tables outside. Plenty of girls were looking at him in an 'I'd tap that' kind of look. Ignoring them, I went over to him and sat in the chair across from him. Most, of the girls started to leave after I came. His brown hair was dyed blonde which made him look even more like Chase, I still can't believe their twins.

"Ah, Maya I thought you said five minutes?" He looks at his lock screen then back at me, "It has been exactly ten minutes."

I shrugged, "Just be happy I came."

He scoffs, "Says the one who desperately needed to talk to me."

"What are you wearing?" He looks my outfit up and down. I was in sweatpants, and a tight shirt.

"When the director called I wasn't exactly ready to go out in public."

"So, what do you need to talk about?" He changes the subject real quick.

"D-did you know that Rosy is expecting?" I started slowly, awaiting his reaction.

"Who? That bitch? She's creating another devil spawn?" He chuckles. "I'm not calling that thing my nephew."

I laughed, "Why do you hate her so much?"

He shrugs, "Something about her, doesn't feel right she kind of just appeared in Chase's life."

I looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"I never really told anyone this but three years ago when Chase was being driven to the hospital from the accident scene."

"I saw Rosy there." He sips on his drink.

My eyes widen, "What? Wh-what do you think she was doing there?"

He shrugs again and leans back in his chair, "One of two things, she has something to do with the accident or she caused the accident."

I covered my mouth, "You don't thin-

"Yep, that's why I feel like she's a fake. To be honest, I felt like something was fishy and did some research for myself."

"Turns out she has a pretty bad criminal record." He chuckles. "Even attempted murder."

"But her family covered it up real good." He sighs, "It was hard finding out about her."

"They made her record look spot clean."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "Attempted murder?"

He nodded, finishing his drink.

"Y-you need to tell Chase." I say nervously.

"You don't think I tried?"

"You think he listens? After the accident he's been acting weird the before. Chase would have been done with her." He says.

"I think she caused the accident today."

I looked at him, "Why do you think that?"

"They found her locked up in the bathroom the cops had to break the door open. There was broken glass all over the floor."

"It was real bad, there was blood everywhere. And there was no sign of burglary. And glass doesn't just cut you on its own you have to drop it or touch it for it to cut skin, you know?"

I nodded. I was taking in so much right now, I had nothing to say.

Wyatt freckles made him look cute, and innocent although, I knew he was far far very far from that. I just took a couple seconds to stare at him.

"Oh, did you want something?" He points inside of Starbucks.

I shook my head, "Still trying to get through everything that happened."

"Yeah same." He smiles.

I swear my heart skipped a beat.

Please don't fall for the other brother.

"Wyatt?" I said softly.

"Hmm?" He looks up from his phone.

"Never mind." I mumbled.

"Really, Maya?" He laughs.

"What? I forgot what I was going to say." I cover up quickly.


"Wyatt?" I say again.

"Maya, what is it?" His voice sounded inpatient.

"Let's do it."

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