《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Quick Chapter



"Karen? Yeah, it's me." I had closed the bathroom door to muffle the noise. I sat on the toilet seat closed, holding my phone tightly near my ear.

"What's up, Rosy?" My manager had replied.

"Erm, um I know you don't like doing this but ca-

"Follow, Chase again?" She finishes my sentence.

"Don't say it like that." I groaned, "It's more like... see what he's doing."

"Yesterday, he got a call from the police department." I heard, Karen gasped on the other line.

"You don't think, he wants to know about his accident." She asks me.

"I-I don't know, that's what I'm scared about." I shakily replied, "What w-would he think?"

"I tried my best to hide it." I admitted. "You know how my dad paid all of the reporters at the scene not to say anything."

"Oh, and this girl, Maya." I added softly. "Find out about her."

Karen was quiet, it was making me nervous.

"I'll catch back up with you." She says flatly, and hangs up.

Good for nothing bitch.

I needed a background check on Maya. I had to know, why Chase was suddenly acting like this all a sudden.

I pressed the home button on my phone, a picture of Chase and I appeared. A happy photo of us, just the both of us. I dialed Chase's number. I haven't seen him since last night, he needs to understand I'm going to be moody a lot during this pregnancy.

His answering machine answered me call. I called him twice more, but same thing no answer. I'm scared I might lose him. He doesn't even show any interest into being a father.

I called him once more but this time left a message,


"Chase." I screamed, "Help me."

With a swift hand motion I let the glass fall to the ground I picked up a piece and traced it hardly along the sides of my right hand gradually going up my arm screaming in pain as I did so.

"Please, babe help." I says softly, as I hanged up the phone. Blood was dripping around me forming a small puddle on the floor. My head was pounding softly, and I felt my body slipped towards the floor. I was losing too much blood. It's not good for the baby.

Moments later, my phone vibrated softly on my legs.

My left hand shook slightly, and didn't have enough strength to hold it to my ear and put it on speaker,

"Rosy?" Chase yelled. "I'm coming, just stay put."

A small smile twisted on my face. The puddle was growing,

"Can you hear me?" His voice was loud, and worried.

"I love you." I hanged up the phone, and held my positive pregnancy test close to me, and stroked my stomach.

"I won't let anything get in the way of us."


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