《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter 30 part one


Tonight was the crew dinner, it was all on the director too. Since, the film was gaining fame and people would defiantly recognize if we just pop up in a restaurant. The director rented out a bar and diner for the night. This restaurant was a five star, expensive ass restaurant so off course, I had to look good. Luckily, I had my own personal stylist,

"What look do you want to go for?" Anne asks me, and she dips the brush into the foundation.

"Sexy, innocent, or natural."

"Um, how about a little bit of everything." I laugh, "I don't want to look to sexy, though."

"Too late, sweetie." Anne begins to use the soft, fluffy brush to add the foundation.

I smile, and look at myself in the mirror. Anne winged my eye liner slightly to give it the dramatic, sexy look, she cover my whole eyelid with gold eyeshadow and my upper lid with a gold brown. She quickly contoured my face and added pink blush to give me to innocent look. For the natural part, I went for a subtle matte nude lipstick that made my skin shine. She sprayed some makeup setting mist onto my face.

"Tada." She does her hands in jazz motion.

I grinned, "It's beautiful, Anne."

She smiles, "Now for your hair."

She proceeds to unwrap my hair and straighten each section. She curls the ends, and pins my bangs to the side. She sprays some hair spray and teases my hair for more volume. I had the Marilyn Monroe hair style look. I looked amazing, even if it was just for dinner.

"Here's your dress. Carl picked it up this morning so it's nice and fresh." Anne picks it up, and shows me. She presses the dress against her body and twirls around as if it was on her.

The dress was beautiful, it was golden color with shiny material. It had a deep v cut similar to my interview dress. I had to be careful because my breast weren't the smallest and will pop out if necessary. I stripped quickly admiring my body for a quick second, I wore my black lace Victoria Secret lingerie their bras were absolutely the best. They give my girls support in all the needed places. I've been working out lately, so I've been looking good.

Anne unzips the dress and place my feet in one by one it slipped up easily until it reached my hip area.

"Dammit, Carl screwed up again." Anne blows a curl from her face. "He always gets the wrong sizes." The dress was a little too tight and it was a struggle to get it up my hips, and round backside.

After, a few minutes of pulling and tugging the dress finally budge and was able to move.

"Finally." I groaned. I turn around, and give myself a little spin in front of the mirror. "It's so pretty."

Since, the dress was a little tight it hugged my curves perfectly.

"I love it." I gasped, and smiled.

Anne laughs and hands me a pair of gold Louis Vuitton shoes. It was like prom all over again, everything was perfect. Anne does her make up quickly she went for an all-out sexy look, her tight dark red dress looked amazing on her. She took her golden brown hair out of her flexi rods and teased at them a little.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Anne runs out of the small room we called the dressing room and into the living room.


She comes back in with a beautiful sliver necklace.

"Where did you get this?" I looked at Anne who was now clipping the necklace on my neck.

"I brought it for you." She smiles, "Isn't it beautiful?"

I nodded, and feel the cool metal with my fingers it was literally shinning, Anne grabs the perfume bottle and applies it behind my ears on my neck, and my body.

Grabbing a gold clutch to match everything up perfectly. I grabbed my phone off the charger, and lipstick just in case it happens to rub off. Our car was out front, we didn't have enough money for the limo tonight but Carl's car was still pretty fancy.

Carl was already in the driver seat when he saw me his mouth open slightly. I know I'm ugly, but damn he didn't have to carry on like that. He looked as if he saw the end of the world right in front of him.

Surprisingly, he broke the awkward silence, with a 'You look pretty.' He looks towards Anne, and smiles slightly, "You too, Anne."

Then causally, started the car.

I heard Anne mumbled something under her breath but I didn't quiet catch on. Traffic wasn't bad tonight so we got there within 30 minutes. Carl quickly gets out and open the door for Anne and me and leads us into the restaurant. The restaurant was beautiful and reminded of the one Chase took me too. The crew was already there, along with the other characters. We were waiting on the director so we can be seated.

I smiled, and waved at the ones I've became acquaintance with staying close to Anne. Chase and Rosy stood at the farthest part of the hallway, away from the crew. Their conversation looked heated from Chase facial expressions, and Rosy's hand motions.

I turned my head away, and started a conversation with the crew.

"You look absolutely stunning." Jim smiles widely. Jim plays my brother in the film he was a tall man, he was very handsome. He was the darkest shade of black possible, but it was a beautiful deep color. His white teeth gleamed when he smiles.

I tilted my head slightly for politeness. "Thank you."

Anne nudges me, and I turn my head. Chase and Rosy were heading over arm in arm. Rosy looked absolutely gorgeous her hair was up in a bun with curly strands that fell down to the side. She wore a flowy marron dress that had a tight corset waist and a low cut. Chase looked handsome as usual his hair was slicked back to the side, and he wore black suit. He was very attractive not even Anne could deny, sometimes I catch her taking quick stares and peeks at him.

He smiles when he see me. He approaches Anne and I, Rosy, her smile instantly fading when she saw me. Her eyes hover my body,

Yeah, bitch look.

"You look beautiful, Maya." Chase smiles, his dimples were the cutest things ever. I couldn't even look him in the eyes at this point so I stared at his lips they turned into a smirk so I quickly turned away.

"Yeah, Maya absolutely beautiful." Rosy mocks him, her face wore a smile. "Just like this ring my baby got me."

She shows to me once more. The diamond gleamed, and mocked me. I can just hear it saying, 'You'll never have him'

"Yes, Rosy your ring is very beautiful." I scowl slightly. It was beautiful, it had small little diamonds surrounding a big diamond. That must have cost Chase some deep money because that shit looks expensive.


"I've arrived." A loud booming voice startled me causing stumbled back.

"You okay?" A push myself up off the strong arms that catch me. I looked up slowly, of course Chase.

He was still holding my arms even though I was already full on my heels. I moved away from his touch,

"Thanks." I looked towards the loud noises and the director had indeed made his entrance. I glanced at Rosy quickly her mouth was in frown.

I grinned a little bit something inside of me felt successful, like I just completed something huge.

"Okay, let's go eat." The director leads the way but stops when he see me.

"Oh, my beautiful favorite actress, Maya." He smiles. "Let's walk together, hmm?

I looked at Anne, and she gave me the permission nod so I placed my arm into his and walked into the dinner area.

Anne sat beside me in the fairly large chairs the supporting actors/actresses sat at the end of the table and the main roles sat at the front. Chase and Rosy just happen to sit in front of Anne and I. The director sat near the end with the supporting roles laughing, and tasting his wine. Rosy's stare was fixed tight on me making me feel uncomfortable.

"Why does she keep staring at you?" Anne leans over and whispers in my ear. Chase, and Rosy's attention was caught.

I shrugged, and open my menu. Anne did the same and soon it was like a pattern everyone was looking at their menu.

I decided on something on the savory side so I got salmon and rice on the side with mixed vegetables. The waiters comes over,

"David?" My eyes widen.

The male waiter looks over at me. "Is that really you, Maya?"

"In the flesh and blood." I laughed.

David had the biggest crush on me in high school. I laugh when I remember his small fight with Chase that caused them both detention.

The table was suddenly very quiet as David and I reminisce over memories. He looked at Chase then at me,

"Are you still you know... a couple?" He asks slowly, "Because if not-

"We are not a couple." Chase and I say in unison.

I look over at him, his face filled with confusion. Rosy looks as if she just won the jack pot and big ass smile spread on her face.

"Chase buddy, how you've been?" David stuck out his hand for Chase to bump him. Chase looked at his hand, and just stared.

David awkwardly removes his hand and dusts off his uniform.

"And you are?" Chase smiles.

David looks at me, "What up with him?"

Rosy places herself into the conversation, "Maya, and Chase were a couple?"


David nods proudly, "Yep, they were the hottest thing in school. To be honest, I liked Maya for the longest but she chose this guy over me."

I cupped my face and hid my face with my hands. I was just shaking with embarrassment.

Rosy laughs, "I knew something was off about you."

"Were we really a couple?" Chase asked his voice tingled with confusing, and curiosity.

"Dude, why are you acting like that?" David butts in, "Do you remember the time in the library when you and Maya were making the fuck out and I went over and we started fighting?"

"David, shut up." I mumbled. He looks over to me,

"No, Maya I will not shut up." David says, "He can't treat you like this, pretending he doesn't remember you."

A sudden pang of anger hit me, "He's messed up, Dave. He was in an accident it's not his fault he can't remember."

"Excuse me?" Rosy scrunches her eyebrows together. "He is not messed up, he may have a brain injury but he just the same as everyone sitting in this room right now."

"Rosy, I didn't mean messed up." I started, "I meant-

"Whatever, Maya." She huffs.

David stayed quiet, along with the rest of the room.

"Well that escalated quickly, can I take your orders?"

David proceeds to take out his small notepad and a pen. Chase was staring at me, I began fiddling with my clutch and sipping my water. Shit, he found me out.

Anne hold my shaking hand tightly. The table went around saying what they'll like to eat. When David got to me I suddenly loss my appetite I didn't feel full.

"I'll have the special, tonight." I whispered. "And give me your strongest drink."

David stops writing and glares at me, "Maya, you were always a year younger than me, which would make you twenty. From when do you drink?"

"David, just write it down." My voice sounded tired, and worn out. I was so embarrassed, how confused must Chase be right now. All the questions he probably want to asked, I know I couldn't keep it from him but I just wanted to not know for a little while more.

The food comes shortly, I poke at it with my fork and turn my salmon over and over again making it float in the gravy.

I sipped on the alcohol the strong was overpowering, and the taste burned my throat slightly, I was not very fond of drinking after losing my virginity by alcohol but tonight was different. I needed a drink,

I turn the glass around in my finger tips and watch Chase and Rosy laugh with the rest of the crew. Even, Anne was caught up with their conversation. It was like I was sitting at the table by myself. The director had left but said put everything on his tab

"Anne, let's go." I said softly, grabbing her arm. The drink was defiantly kicking in.

She shook her head, "Maya, enjoy this while you can."

"No, Anne we really have to go." I insisted. I had a very bad drinking intolerance and got drunk really easily.

She pushed my hand off her and started once again into the conversation. I finished the rest of my drink and was ready for more. I was going to enjoy it while I could, who knows when I'll ever get the opportunity to drink like this again.

"Waiter." I laughed, holding my glass up. "Pour me up."

A new waiter came over and took my glass. I looked around, David shift probably ended. What a jerk, leaving without saying good bye.

She came back with my glass full to the top. I chug it down the drink spill down my mouth and down my dress the cool liquid no longer burned but instead tasted sweet.

"Maya, maybe you should stop." Chase grabs the glass from my hand, and places it down on the table.

Rosy turns her hand to look over, "Maya, you've already caused enough trouble tonight."

"Why don't you go home?"

"Rosy." Chase said sternly.

"What, babe?" She said sipping her wine. "She said you were messed up, do you expect me to stay calm?"

"I'm sure she had her reasons." Chase tried to convince her. "Look at her point of view, imagine seeing the guy you liked with another girl never mind, his fiancé every day."

"Hi" I waved my hand. "I'm still here, ya know."

"Maya, why don't I walk you out?" Chase offered.

Rosy glare fixed on Chase.

"What do you mean walk her out?" Her voice was calm but her face said it all. "Her manager is right there."

She points at Anne, who is flirting with Jim.

"Huh?" Anne asks looking at the three at us.

"I have to talk to her, Rosy." Chase replied. "Why are you always so possessive?"

"Why can't you just trust me?"

Rosy frowns, and looks at me. "Fine, if you really need too."

Chase stands up, my eyes follow him.

"Chase, its fine." Anne says, lifting me up.

"Your fiancé really needs you to stay." She adds, "Think about her."

I lean on Anne, because my feet's don't want to cooperate. I looked back at Chase, he was still standing up. Rosy had finished her wine, and was sipping on Chase wine.

"Anne, he looked as if he really needed to talk to me." I tell her as we drove back to our small loft.

"Maya, you're drunk." She replies flatly, "I was not going let you speak to him while you're drunk."

"And what the hell were you thinking drinking?"

I ignored her, and lean back in my seat.

"You wouldn't understand." I whispered. "Chase found me out."

"So, Maya?" She looks towards me. "Were you planning on keeping it from him forever?"

"Yes, you may have dated but that was all before. Why are you still making a big deal out of it?"

I sighed, "I don't want to talk about it."

The rest of the ride was quiet, Carl pretended he didn't hear anything and turn the music volume up a little louder.

Why was I making a big deal out of it? He doesn't even remember me.

He's getting...



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