《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter 29


"Girl, you looked amazing on the interview. Oh My Gosh. I couldn't even believe it was the same girl I call my bestie." Randi screams through the phone.

I had to turn the volume down since we were one the set and phones weren't exactly allowed.

"Thank you, boo." I smiled.

"But, I'd love to talk to you all night but I've really gotta go." I say hurrying her off the phone.

I heard her say something else, but she was cut off instantly.

"Maya, you need to hurry up." Anne hurries me. "The director is waiting."

I stuffed my phone deep down in my purse, and suddenly my legs shook slightly, knowing this was going to be the first time I was going to see Chase since three years ago. I couldn't face him without him remember me, and me remember everything. I felted sick, and sweaty I wanted leave.

"A-Anne, I can't do this." I stuttered. I turned on my heels and went navigated the halls for a bathroom. I pushed the door opened and stumbled in.

I opened, and locked the stalls and got on my knees and vomited. The bitter taste burned my throat, causing me to gag again. I flushed the toilet and wipe my mouth with toilet paper and open the stall door.

Opening my purse I gargled some mouthwash and spit it out. Washing my hands slowly desperately trying to take up all the time possible. I heard a toilet flush from one of the stalls and from that walks out Rosy Wells.

Even her presence, and aroma was perfect. I looked down at the running water on my hands trying to avoid eye contact. It was all too late, though she had noticed me.

"Oh my, Is that the Maya Peirce?" A smiled appeared on her face.

I looked up at the mirror and forced a smile. "I didn't even see you there."

"I've been wanting to meet you for the longest." She beams. "I'm a big fan."

Could this bitch be anymore faker? At this point, I'm not even surprised.

I nodded. "Thank you."

She slowly approaches me her strawberry red hair that ended at the start of her hips. She was curvy, and had lips for a white girl which made her even more attractive. I suddenly felt small, I wanted to get out, and I wanted to leave.

"Well if you'll excuse me." I mumbled.

"Oh, of course." She says moving out of my way.

I quickly dry my hands and leave the bathroom. Pressing my back against the wall beside it, I dropped to my knees. I cupped my face and the tears started falling.

"Not here, not now." I whispered. This was the last thing I needed to look like a mess in front of Chase.

I wipe my face but it didn't matter what I did the tears kept falling, and falling. I felt something touch my back and I slowly turned around.

"Maya, are you okay?" Rosy had been standing there for god knows how long.

I put on a smile and laugh, "Yeah, allergies kicking in."

Her face wore a worried expression. "Let's walk together."

I nodded, I was helpless here I was walking with the guy I loved soon to be wife.

She opens the door for me as I forcefully push my body into the calmly room. She comes in after me and closes the door.

The set was big, I spotted Anne sitting on one of the folded staff chairs. She mouths something too me but I couldn't understand her eye gazes to Rosy and she rolls her eyes.


Rosy pushes past me, nearly knocking my ass over. She runs into the arms of-

Oh no, Chase.

He was here, it was real. The days I planned what I was going to say to him when we finally met all disappeared in an instant. He gotten taller, and tanner and even more handsome. His arms wrapped around Rosy small frame.

I looked away quickly, and walked over to Anne.

"Why did you walk in with her?" She asks, with such confusion and curiosity in her voice.

I didn't answer, I couldn't answer. My eyes stuck on Chase and Rosy,

"Maya, get over him." She whispers in my ear. "Look at the way he looks at her. He's clearly in lov-

"Shut up, Anne. Just shut the fuck up." I yelled. The room turned mute, I laughed nervously.

I looked at Anne whose eyes were widen with surprise.

"Sorry." I mumbled, the room was filled with talking once more but this time all conversation had my name in it.

"What hell is your problem, Maya?" Anne hits me. "You are so god damn lucky the director isn't here at the moment.

"I-I don't know, Anne." I started slowly, "I-I Just flipped."

I toward Chase direction surprisingly his eyes were already on me. I turned away slightly, and sighed. He probably think I'm a crazy girl who he used to know.

His eyes looked different not the same lust, and desire look I used to know. It's a different look, a softer but friendlier look.

How did Chase change so much?

"Brother." I heard a deep voice yell. Everyone eyes flickered to the doorway. "I brought some water bottles for the crew."

Wyatt, the Wyatt Walker brother of Chase stood there with a pack of water bottles and handed them out to each person.

Oh shit, he can't see me here. I hid closely to Anne,

"What now, did you hook up with him too?" Anne groaned.

I nodded slightly, and exhaled. My eyes followed Wyatt as he gave his brother a hug and smiled widely at Rosy. I remember when Chase hated, and despised his brother. Wyatt himself has gotten hotter, but the label sex, and player followed him. I've seen him in the news with a new girl with every headline.

Anne moves slightly so that I am exposed. Wyatt notices me,

"Maya?" He questions.

The room is silent once more.

"Yes, Wyatt it's me." I mumbled. I approached him slowly avoiding eye contact with Chase and Rosy.

"I haven't seen you since you were with Ch-

I stepped on his toe hardly and he yelped out. "Oh sorry, didn't see your foot there."

He glared at me, I think he got the hint.

"I was saying I haven't seen since you were in high school." He starts again, grinning at me with each word.

"That's what I thought." I got close to his ear and whispered.

"Oh, and your still feisty." He chuckles.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I don't think I've introduced myself formally yet." A hand stuck out between Wyatt and me breaking the tension.

I look towards the owner of the hand,


I didn't look at his eyes instead I look towards the ground, too afraid that I was going to break out crying.

My hands shook slightly as I touched his finger and shook it.

"Well, I'm Chase, from the looks of it we already met." He says. Holy God, was his voice deep. It sent vibration to every cell of my body.


My eyes slowly gazed up and finally bet his. They were different, so different. I smiled slightly,

"Yes, it's nice to meet you." I muttered. "Again."

"You guys done more than meet." Wyatt chuckles once more. I nudge him in the stomach and he groans.

Rosy pushes herself in between Chase and I hands and flings her arms around his neck.

"Babe, she congratulated us on her live interview yesterday." Rosy kisses his cheek.

He returns the favor, and smiles at me. "Really? Well, thank you."

"How are you still going through with this?" Wyatt whispers in my ear.

I ignore him.

"Are you okay now, Maya?" Rosy asks, the same fake worry expression on her face.

"Chase honey, I think she's sick she was vomiting in the bathroom, and crying in the hallway." She pouts.

I look at her, eyes widen. She finally showed her true colors.

"Maya, are you okay?" Chase asked me. I looked at him, for the first time in three years full in the face. His face looked worried, but his voice sounded calm.

I nodded, "Allergies, like I said."

"You sure, dear?" Rosy says. "I think my manager has some Claritin on her."

I cringed at her voice when she called me dear, this bitch was younger than me by two months. I shook my head, "I said I'm okay."

Chase gaze was still on me. I didn't want to look at him so I look towards the ground.

"Well, I look forward acting with you." He says smiling. The smile that I fell for, that can make me fall all over again.

"Same to you." I gave him a small sincere smile.

"Maya, may I speak with you?" Wyatt urges me eyeing towards the door.

"Why Wyatt?" Rosy starts. "Is it something secret, that Chase and I can't know?"

"Rosy, what did I tell about getting into my business?" Wyatt replies annoyed.

Rosy scoffs and Chase fists tightens.

"Wyatt, be careful what you say to your sister in law." Chase says, his voice lingered with angriness.

"Sister in law, my ass." Wyatt mumbles as he pulls me out by my arm.

"What, Wyatt?" I asked, crossing my arms. "If you think you're going to use me like you did three years ago, well think again because I'm a new girl."

"Do you still love Chase?" He asks me.

I scoffed, "First of all, I never loved Chase. Secondly, I don't see what that has to do with you."

"So, you do." He says getting closer.

"No, I don't." I move away.

"Whatever, Maya." He says raking his hand through his already messy hair. "When you lie your eyes twitches."

"By the way, in your interview your eyes were twitching like crazy that kinda gave it away." He chuckles.

"Well, forget about Chase because you absolutely have no chance with him whatsoever. He's fallen deep."

"And Rosy's a nice girl, but she's not gonna give Chase up without a fight."

"Here's a tip from a... should I say, 'ex-boyfriend' if you really want Chase back make him remember you." His voice was low.

"And remember you can always use me as bait." He winks.

"Make Chase remember me?" I question confused, "B-but how?"

"The news doesn't know this but, Chase has a 50/50 percent of recovering all memories from the past five years."

"Sometimes, out of the blue he would remember stuff," He looks towards the ground. "He'll remember you but-

I shook my head, and repeatedly told him to stop. I didn't want to hear it. I can't bother with Chase, I have a career to worry about. I don't want high school all over again. I'm a grown women now, not a foolish teen.

"Forget it, Wyatt." I said looking down at the ground. "I wish him luck in his marriage."

I turn away and headed back toward the set. The director was there and everyone was huddled up in a circle.

They were discussing the first scene I quietly hid behind Anne so they wouldn't notice I even came back in.

"What the hell were you two talking about for so long?" Anne voice strained in my ear.

"Nothing, really." I whispered back, "Just catching up."

I glanced at Chase, hand in hand with Rosy. I turned back away and listen to the director,

"Okay, Maya." The director started, "Since you're playing the ex."

"You will be needed for this scene."

I nodded. I've been studying and mesmerizing this script since the call back audition. I knew this scene by heart.

This was the break up scene, I've practice it with Carl playing Chase plenty of times.

I looked back towards the director he was an overweight, bald man who coughed, and hacked at times. He was nice, but took breaks during scenes and wouldn't come back till an hour later. His aging hair slicked back on his round head with gel. He wore circular thin frame brown glasses that rested on the tip of his round nose. In some ways he could pass as Santa just without the beard.

"Scene One." The director hacks and plops down on his folded chair.

Chase and I walk on to the set. This scene was originally supposed to take place at a coffee store but the extra were cut short.

"Okay, go." The director yelled, I heard the snap of the director board and knew it was time.

Instantly, Chase got into character. His face full with anger, and disgust just as the script suggests. He truly was a wonderful actor.

"Let's end it here." His voice bitter.

I let myself naturally cry knowing everything that I was about to say was going to be sincere.

"W-why?" I stuttered. "I thought we were in love."

He turns away, walking towards the door.

This was the part I was supposed to Chase after him. I quickly sprint and grab his arm.

"James, please don't go." I begged, tugging at his arm. The tears were real, the words were real. Chase acting towards me was filled with anger, and regret.

I pulls his arm away causing me to stumble to my knees as he slams the door and disappears from sight.

"Cut, perfect." The director laughs widely. "Absolutely perfect."

"Maya, your emotions were spot on. It was like you've experience such heart break." He chuckles. "It made me want to cry with you. Perfect, just perfect."

I smiled weakly, and pushed myself from the floor. Chase came back onto the set smiling,

"Great job, Maya." He smiles but then it fades slightly and he rubs the back of his neck.

"Something about you is awfully familiar."

I shrugged, "We did know each other back in the days."

All a sudden Rosy bitch ass appeared and ruined the moment.

"How well did you know him, Maya?" She hangs her arm around him. "I'm really curious."

"Don't worry, Rosy. Nothing that you have to worry about, anymore." I gave her a small smile and left the set.

A couple crew members praised me for my acting giving me hive fives, and so on. Anne hands me the water bottle I gulped the whole thing down within seconds.

She looks at me.

"What?" I questioned.

"You did an awesome job, you looked like a professional." She smiles, and hugs me.

I laughed, "Really? Everything came out natural."

"I guess those were the things I wanted to say when Chase really left."

She stayed quiet, and suddenly changed the subject.

"Wanna leave? You're not going back on set till next week." She nudges me, and leans back on the soundproof walls that surrounds the set.

"Nah, I wanna watch." I sat down the chair which had my name in big bold letters.

Chase and Rosy scene was up,

Rosy face was flustered, and red which fit the perfect emotion for the scene. Chase a born actor already was in character.

"Set, go."

Chase wrapped his arms around Rosy waist. Rosy smiled into his back and pulls away and kisses his cheek.

"I did it." Chase says, "I broke up with her."

"For you."

Rosy smiles widely, "Thank-

"Cut!" The director yelled.

"What the hell are you doing, Rosy?"

Rosy slightly bowed her head. "Sorry, I don't know what got into me."

Rosy had forgotten her lines it was as if she was about to thank Chase for breaking up with my character she had messed up the emotion.

Chase rubs Rosy back for comfort, and support.

"You're supposed to feel bad, and cry." The director continues yelling, spit flying everywhere.

"Learn from Maya."

He looks towards me, "Maya, why don't you do this scene instead?"

"But..." Rosy tries to protest.

"Director, I really can't." I say, pressing my back further into the chair.

"Please, Maya." He insists, "Show her what true acting is like."

I looked at Rosy, her glare was fixed tight on me. She was pissed, and she was not afraid to show it. She huffed, and runs off set. Chase looks disappointed as well, like it was my fault.

I slowly get up from the chair and return to the set.

"Go!" The director says happily.

Chase hugs me but not with the passion he hugged Rosy. I felt the same warmth I felt three years ago. I pull away, I was supposed to kiss his cheek now. I get closer and peck softly barely touching his skin.

"I did it." Chase says once again his voice wasn't the same though. "I broke up with her."

"For you." His voice was monotone, and emotionless. He truly had feeling for Rosy.

I frown softly, "Why for me?"

I spoke Rosy lines smoothly as if they belonged to me.

"Do I mean that much to you?"

He nods, and smiles. "Of, course."

"I love you."

Those words, those three powerful words. All though we were acting they still hit right in the heart traveling through my veins.

I burst out crying.

"Okay, cut!" The director snaps his board. "Amazing, Maya."

"Just brilliant." He cries out, and adjusts his glasses. "How do you cry on cue like that?"

"It takes years, and training just to master that." His smile was wide. "I might as well give the part to you."

I wipe my face and smile pulling away from Chase's touch.

"Thank you." I say leaving the set.

The crew claps and cheers for me and Anne gives me the thumbs up.

"Director, may I try again?" Rosy voice was small, giving us a reminder she still existed and was still in the room.

He clears his throat, and mumbles under his breath. "Do what you want."

She skips into Chase's arm and smiles trying to regain her character. She needed eye drops in order to cry her excuse was that she had dry eye. That scene was done about several times until she could get the right emotion.

I was starving, and tired. We've been onset nearly all day waiting for Rosy to get her shit together. Chase stood there patiently acting perfectly along with her.

I sighed, and looked at Anne. "Let's bounce."

She nods, I grab my stuff and waved good bye to the crew, and director. I was already well liked, and all I did was acted for them.

Carl was already waiting for us outside. The air was chilly, and it was dark outside in the big apple. Anne opened the door for me and I slipped myself in. I pressed my head against the window and scanned the beautiful city I call home.

Chase voice ringed in my head like a song stuck on replay.

I love you.


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