《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter 28


The sun peaked it head through my window. I've been up since 3:00 AM and its 5:30 now. I flipped around on twitter I swear that every post I saw was on Chase and Rosy. I sighed, and stuck the charger in my phone and changed into my sweats and t-shirt.

I poked my head into Anne room she was still under the covers head covered and everything.

"Anne?" I said softly.

She mumbled something, and shifted her position on the bed.

"Anne?" I said again this time louder. I saw her curls poke out from under the sheets and her head slowly rise.

"What, Maya?" Her voice sounded annoyed, and flustered.

"Well, I'm going for a run." I dragged off. "Just letting you know."

"Maya, you're freaking 20 years old now." She starts. "I don't think you need to report everything to me as if you're still a teen."

I pouted and mumbled under my breath, "Fine, bitch."

"What did you just say?" Her whole body was from under the covers now.

I shrugged and flashed a small smile, "Did you hear something?"

"Maybe, your hearing going."

She rolls her eyes and lies back down. I grab my phone and headphones then headed out the door. It was still kind off dark which made it cool, and not too hot. I started at a slow pace and landing on the ground with the beat of my music. I felt sweat trickled down my forehead as I turned the circle in my neighborhood. . I missed my old house, I missed my old neighborhood. My mind ran to my father and how we used to always take walks. I should go visit his grave this weekend I haven't done it in a while and I feel bad bet my bitch of a mother forgot about Dad and I. She probably whoring off her new boyfriend Victor, I could not bear to stay in the same house with the man who nearly rape me.

I ran around the neighborhood circle twice more before stopping, and out of breath. I check my phone it was now 6:30. I jogged back to the house type in the code then open the door.

I took a quick shower, and changed into a cute lacy maxi dress. Anne was already up and about.

"Here eat this." She handed me a large spinach wrap. I sighed,

"Really Anne, I just worked out."

She shrugs and takes a bite out of it. I grabbed away for and finished it within seconds.

"Really Maya, I just worked out." She mocks me. I stick my tongue at her,

"Alright, back to business you have an interview at 8:00." She swipes on the IPad looking at the schedule.

"Then a photoshoot at 12:00." She adds. "Oh, and your audition was delayed until tomorrow."

I yawned, "What's their problem this is the second time they delayed it."

She shrugs, "I know right, should we just back out?"

I shook my head, "No, this audition could be a breakthrough for my career."

"But what's the movie even bout?"

She open up a webpage on the IPad and searches the director's name. Her hand starts shaking and her mouth opens slightly,

"Oh my fucking God, no way." She gasps.

"What?" I scooch by her but she turns off the IPad instantly.

"You are not doing this movie, Maya." She tells me.

I looked at her confused and snatch the IPad away from her hands. I turn it on and the first thing I see was Chase's new movie.


I stared at the screen and just smiled. "Great, just awesome."

"W-what's my role?" I regretted asking but I wanted to know. She takes the IPad from my lap and opens the email from the director.

"You're playing the ex of Chase." She places the IPad on the small table and waited for my reaction.

"Who the fuck is planning this against me?" I yell. "What the fuck did I ever do to deserve this shit?"

She rubs my back in small circles and tells me hush. "I'll email him later."

"No, I want to do it." My voice was shaky.

She shakes her head, "Why, Maya?"

"Just tell me why?" Her voice raises, "Do you want to see him that bad?"

I nodded, "Y-yes. I just want to see him."

"He doesn't even remember me, Anne." I break out. "He's even getting fucking married."

I listen to myself and it hit me that I had absolutely no chance with Chase.

"We don't have time for this now, Maya." She looks at the time on the IPad. It was already 7:20 I had less than an hour to get ready.

"Let me call Carl to go get your outfit." She says her voice was unsteady. "Go, do something about your face."

I nod, and went to the bathroom. I applied my base makeup, and some red blush to my cheek bones I used some white eyeliner on my tear line to brighten up my red eyes. I winged out my black eyeliner, and layer four coats of mascara on. I rubbed on my dark red mac lipstick and added some lip liner after. Of course, eyebrows had to be on fleek so I finished them up and looked at myself, my hair was a complete mess after forgetting to wrap it last night. I attempted to straighten it and then curl it. I looked presentable but would have looked better if Anne had done it.

I ran out the bathroom.

"Carl's, stuck in traffic." Anne yells from the living room.

"What?" I said in disbelief. I couldn't go wearing this maxi dress.

"Don't you have something in your closet?" Anne askes me impatiently. "What about the black dress with the long v line."

I looked at her, eyes bulged. "Anne, I'm going too an interview on live TV, not a fucking strip club."

"It's better than nothing." She shrugged.

I sighed, and searched my closet for it. It was wrapped in plastic since it was new I tried it on once for a fashion show but never wore it again. I stripped down and pull the dress up the v line was very low and ended near my belly bottom. Luckily, the dress had built in pads on the side which gave the girls a little support. I slipped on a pair of sandals and got my black and white striped blazer to put over spraying myself in perfume I walked into the living room. I grabbed a channel clutch stuff some make up, and my phone.

"You ready?" Anne asks. I nod.

"It's fucking 7:45." She pushes me out the door.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

We had to call another limo driver which means more money out of my pay check. Carl was still in traffic so we would be seeing him anytime soon.

The guy who was driving kept looking at me through the front mirror and smirking. I wanted to barf because he was old enough to be my grandfather.


"You ladies are looking mighty fine this morning." He smirks his eyes lowered to my exposed cleavage.

I glanced at Anne.

"Listen old man, just drive we are not paying you to get your dick up." She glares at him. "Man, times like this Carl comes in handy."

The man back straighten and he cleared his throat. His eyes flickered back on the road.

I glared at Anne and whispered, "You need to stop being so hostile."

She shrugs. "I would but not when he's staring at my baby girl like that."

I smiled and hug her arm. I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't met Anne. She's a motherly figure, a best friend, and a manger all in one.

We got there just when they were about to go on air.

"Are you Maya?" A lady asked me. I nodded.

"Come this way, please."

I was leaded on set there were chairs a small table with two glasses of water.

I sat down. The bright light of the camera were bothering my eyes but I kept a smile on. A women sat down on the chair in front of me and stuck out her hand.

"I'm Katy Williams, It's a pleasure to finally meet you Maya Pierce."

I smiled and shook her hand tightly. The women looked as if she's gone under Botox over ten times her face looked tight and she couldn't even open her mouth all the way to smile. Her platinum blonde hair was stuck up in a high bun that rested on top of here had and she wore a causal dress with striped design. That coordinated with my striped blazer.

"How are you, today?" She asks. "I know you've been very busy lately."

I nodded.

"Well, I like to keep it quick, and simple." She smiles.

"I will like to hear you're thought on the movie I heard you were audition for."

I smiled, "Well, Katy I must say I'm extremely excited for my audition which is schedule for tomorrow."

"I'm excited to meet the other cast members and congratulate the two newly engaged-

I choked slightly but I don't think she noticed it.

She smiles and nods, "Yes, I've heard about their live engagement."

"Rosy is such a wonderful girl." She laughs. "And Chase is just wow-

"Just so handsome."

I gave her a fake laugh. "Yes. I am truly so happy for them."

"How do you feel about your role?" She changes the subject real quick. "That must be pretty uncomfortable."

"Why do you say that?" I asked confused.

"I'm not sure if this is true, but some sources told me you know, I mean had a relationship with Chase before his accident. Is this true?"

What is this bitch trying to say? My throat suddenly felt dry and my palms felt sweaty.

"Well, um not exactly a relationship." I said slowly. "I would say acquaintances."

"Oh, is that so?" She grinned. "Care to explain in details?"

"This could help Chase remember his past more."

My smile slightly dropped what was she trying to get out of me?

"Well, I don't think that's really necessary." I laughed nervously.

Her fake ass smile was annoying me.

"Oh no, I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable." She put on a fake worried expression and frowned.

"It's fine." I said, a small smile stayed on my face when I remember what Anne had told me. 'No matter how much you want to hit a bitch just keep a smile on your face while doing it.'

I grabbed the cup and sip the water and place it down gently.

"Maya, how does it feel just starting out?" She smiles. "Especially, at such an age."

I shrugged, "To be honest, I don't think age matters that much. I'm just doing what I enjoy most."

Her lips pressed in a tight line. "Oh really?"

"Well, I wish you luck on your audition tomorrow." She smiles. "It's about time to wrap about today's show."

"Thank you, for having me." I smile back.

"Ok cut." I hear a voice from of set say. Anne runs over to me,

"Are you okay?" She has a tissue and she pats the small beads of sweat on my forehead.

I nod, and mumble. "She was such a bitch."

"It was as if she knew about Chase and me."

Anne fist clenched, "You did great though."

"You remained calm, and answered the questions you wanted too."

I smile and hug her. "Let's go, I can't bear to stay here any longer."

There were people waiting outside.

"What's your relationship with, Chase?" A reporter stuck a microphone in front of my face. Before I knew it there were tape recorders, cameras in front of me. I held Anne hand tightly, as I pushed through the crowd and ignored the questions.

Carl was waiting standing in front of the open door. I slipped in along with Anne and Carl went on the other side and closed the door.

The reporters were knocking and yelling through the window. The one thing I dreamed never would happen did. Chase and I relationship got exposed.

"Cancel today's photo shoot." I tell Anne as I slumped on the couch watching today's interview for the fifth time.

"Are you sure, Maya?" She asks. "This company really wanted you."

"Anne, look at me." I point to the TV. "I look helpless."

She looks towards my nervous face during the interview.

"You look beautiful, Maya." She tells me. "So, let's get ready for the photo shoot."

"I am not moving from this spot." I pouted. I rewind the interview and watched it for now the sixth time.

"Maya, you have too." She groans. 'Stop acting like a child."

She pulls me up. My phone notifications were off the charts my name was trending worldwide on twitters tags. I clicked on one,

'I used to go to school with her and Chase and she were dating.' One person said that had over 1,000 re-tweets.

I clicked on another one, 'Can we just talk about how bad of a slut she was in high school. First Chase then his brother.'

Another read, 'I am her best friend Randi, I'd admit she did have her time with Chase but she is not a slut, or a bad person so you guys need to stfu and gtfo."

I smiled, I haven't spoken to Randi for a while maybe a little of a year now.

Most of them were negative comments which made me feel even worst about myself. I clicked on Chase profile,

His new tweet read,

'I don't know any, Maya. I might of but whatever happen in the past is over now. I am truly happy with my fiancé and no, I do not have a side chick. So, please stop spamming her and me.'

My eyes read over, 'I don't know any, Maya' that was the only thing that stand out to me. The memories of Chase and I piled into my mind. I had a selfie of us that Chase and I had taken the first time I had visited his cabin. Our happy faces that told many stories were now destroyed by the one phase, 'I don't know any, Maya'.'

I turn off my phone and sighed,

"Let's go do the photo shoot."

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