《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter 26


Bout time I update frfr.

I breathe in the warm air of Chicago. It has been over a year since the incident that involved Chase and I. A month later I learned that Chase was in accident on his to his set to Italy and was severely injured. Due to that his memory has been lost. I never actually contact him since the time he left of course, when I heard about the accident I was worried sick but I never called, or visit him.

High school years passed by quickly since the breakup I lost my friends, and family too. It was a rough time I'd admit but now I'm trying to make it up.

"You ready?" Anne asked me. I slowly nodded, taking one last whiff of the air I was heading back to New York. Anne has been my manger, and number one fan since the beginning.

I was wearing a tight bodycon dress that did my body justice and made me feel great. I held my channel clutch close to me which was a gift from Anne which she had given to me on my first debut. With my freshly permed hair slicked back I looked as if I belong in stardom. Anne tugged my suitcase behind her as I waved to the many people who knew my name. I felt special, but some part of me felt empty and I knew that part disappeared when Chase left.

Chase's manger has been doing a lot of the speaking for him in the interviews. He goes on saying how Chase is improving in memory and will be okay in his upcoming movie. Chase would never budge or speak in his interview he doesn't even have fan greets anymore. He just sits still, flashes a fake smile and hides his eyes behind his dark shades. The only person who knows about the incident with Chase and I is Anne. The price comes big when it comes to fame especially when you're just starting out. After high school, after the whole incident I wanted a new phase in my life. A little over a year ago just on the peak of senior year there was a modeling casting call in downtown New York I sent them my portfolio and after that small photoshoot people in town knew my name. I was on the sides of buses on store windows. I was everywhere.

"Okay, so the schedule when we arrive in New York is an interview, an audition and a photoshoot." Anne taps away on the IPad.

"Maya." Anne waves her hand in my face.

I slightly roll my eyes, "Can't I get some sleep?"

"I don't feel too well, and we'll be in New York in less than four hours."

She had reserved this private jet just for me and I was being a bitch about it. I haven't exactly been happy, I can't remember the last time I smiled and it was real.

She sighs, and closes the window next to our seats. My eyes slowly closed, and sleep overtook me.



"Chase fucking left me and you expect me to be okay?" I yell at Randi who was chopping away on her subway foot long.

She shrugs, "You guys weren't even officially dating anyways."

"As some true friend advice you were acting like a slut."

I wanted to hit her, I wanted to hit so bad. How could she say this to me? Does she know the pain I went through after he left.

I gathered up my bag, stuck the middle finger at her then left. I was not in the fucking mood for anyone bullshit. I haven't contacted my mom in months so I don't know what the hell is up with her. I sat down on the on a bench near subway. I realized I had no place to go, with the sudden realization I burst into tears. People passing by looked at me, and some even laughed saying I was drunk or high.

"Come here, honey." My head slowly inches up from the ball position I was in. The women was a truly beautiful women she wore her natural curls but had them dyed a lighter shade of brown. Her skin color was a shade darker than mine which made her a deep brown. Her eyebrows, and everything about her was always on point. She look as if she was in her mid-thirties but still looked great. Black don't crack.

"Observing my beauty?" She laughs, her white teeth radiating off her dark skin tone.

"Yes indeed, you are really really pretty." I admitted. I wipe the drying tears from my face and sit up I hadn't realize how dark it had gotten.

"I'm Anne Lau." She stuck out her hand.

I nodded, and shook her hand. "Maya."

"Maya Peirce."

"Beautiful name, honey." She grins.

"A name fit for a star."

End of flashback-

"Maya, wake up." Anne was violently shaking me. I looked around, we were driving.

"Where's the food?" I gasped.

She laughs, "You sleep six hours straight."

"And that's the first question you ask."

I smirked, "Well duh, I'm hungry."

It was night time and I could tell by the chilly, musty air we were in New York.

"KFC?" Anne smiles.

"You know me so well." I poke her arm.

"Okay stop here, Carl." Anne yells. "God damn, I don't pay you for nothing."

"Well uh, you don't exactly pay m-

"Oh would you shut up, Carl and do your job." Anne interrupts him. Carl was our driver he traveled everywhere with us. Carl is the kindest soul you could ever meet, his voice was soft and sweet he sounded as if belong on a meditation tape. He volunteered to be a driver, he doesn't even get paid.

"Anne, be nice." I warned her. She shot me a death glare,

"I would be nice, if he does his damn job correct."

Carl and Anne drags my suitcase into the loft which I started to rent last summer. It was small but comfy. It was in upstate New York where all the rich white folks live. I turned on the lights one by one and the brightness surrounding the room. The loft was an off white color my room was navy blue and Anne room was a peach color. The loft kitchen was attached to the living room so I could cook and watch TV at the same time.


"Dammit Carl, did you not hear the girl say she wants her fried chicken?" I could hear Anne loud booming voice from outside.

"Right on it, Ma'am." I heard his stuttering reply.

Anne opens the door and leaves her shoes by the door she grabs a glass from the cupboard and gets some cold water from the fridge.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with that kid." She massages her forehead, and sighs.

I shrug, and plopped down lazily on the couch and turned on the TV I flipped the channels until something caught my eye.

Chase's interview,

Chase was on the TV. The Chase Walker that left me after my first time, the same Chase Walker I once feel in love with. He has gotten more handsome striking girls internationally with those eyes, and amazing full lips and the signature dimples and smile.

He was talking about his upcoming movie him and the lead girl, Rosy Wells was there. The interviewer went on saying how they have such good chemistry but then he had the nerves to bring up the accident.

"So, Chase have you been improving lately?" The interviewer asked him. Chase had shifted in his seat and looked at Rosy. She smiled, and took his hand.

"We've been improving." Her smile was too wide. She shows her hand to the camera and a big ass diamond ring sat right on her ring finger. I literally choked on air, I broke out coughing. Anne runs over to the couch with a tall glass of water.

"What, what what?" Her voice sound worried.

My hand point to the TV she instantly saw the headlines and gasped.

"Oh dear, I'm-

"Shhh, I wanna hear what he has to say." I say over her.

Chase begins to speak, "To all the people I may have hurt and I don't remember I am truly sorry."

"I am a new person now, and I am willing to meet those from my past."

"What a great surprise." The interviewer smiled and clapped her hands as if she was the one fucking engaged. "And it works out perfectly, you guys are playing a married couple in your new movie."

"Yeah, what a fucking great surprise." I repeated mockingly. Anne flips the channel, and I stare at her

"What the fuck, Anne?"

She grimaced, and starts

"I know you feel hurt, so why do you continue watching it?"

I laughed, "This is fucking hilarious, and I feel hurt?"


"Remember when I first met you?" She sighs, "You were crying because of him, right?"

She got me there. I was busted, caught and destroyed.

"I don't care about him." I held back tears, but my voice still sounded somewhat shaky.

"I don't care about him and his fucking stupid ass bitch ass fake ass fiancé." I screamed at her knocking over the tall glass of water causing it to shatter on the floor.

"Okay, Maya keep telling yourself that. You're going to keep it in forever until your anger build up and you're going to become a psycho bitch like now." She yells back.

I dropped on my knees, and began crying. Look what I have become...

"Maybe I do care." I whispered.

"I do care about him as his stupid fiancé."

"I did care when he got into the accident." I kept going. "I did care when I heard he lost his memory."

"I did care, I fucking did care." I cry out.

Anne bends down and placed her arms around me. Tear were rolling uncontrollably down my face,

"So um, I guess you don't want chicken anymore."

Both Anne and I looked up Carl was there holding two KFC bags.

"Of course, I want the fucking chicken." I laugh and wipe the remaining tears from my face. Anne smiles but then it quickly fades,

"Carl, what the fuck are you doing? You see glass on the floor and you're just staying there. For crying out loud clean the shit up." She yells.

Carl jumps, and starts to pick up the glass. I bend over to help him,

"Hang in there, Carl."

He nods, and throws away the glass.

The rest of the night was just a night of chicken and beer. Carl doesn't drink so I gave him soda, and Anne was watching her Asian dramas on the IPad. My twitter feed was literally blowing up fans were asking me how I felt about Chase and Rosy engagement. I never met Rosy but I'm sure as hell positive she not as crazy as the bitch Hannah from high school. Rosy looks like a nice girl from what I saw from interviews. When I did a little more stalker research I found out that they been dating for two year which means after Chase's accident. Rosy had red hair, tan skin and freckles that spread out across her nose and cheeks. She had a ring piercing in her right side of her nose and her eyes were a dark blue color. She was literally perfect in every way,

And I am nothing.

If I was Chase I would have left me too.

OKAY NOW I'M Absolutely POSITIVE AS HELL I AM GOING TO BE POSTING MORE NOW. OKAY? OKAY. To be honest I was in a huge writer block. I didn't want to be like most stories who end making the girl pregnant, so I changed it up a bit. Maybe, both Chase and Maya can taste fame together.


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