《ONLYFANS |Chris Brown|》024


"He did what?!"

"He broke up with me" I told Michelle as I climbed into the bed.

"Unh unh c'mon I'm finna call an uber. We on his ass" Michelle says jumping out the bed.

"Girl lay down" I laughed rolling my eyes. "I respect his decision. I'm not tripping" I replied making myself more comfortable in the bed.

I was actually pretty fucking shitty.

I actually liked this guy and despite the distance I was ready to put in the effort to make this work. I should have told him sooner that way he could have cut me off before I caught feelings for real.

"Fuck that, tell him to send your money back. You don't want that painting no more, tell him to keep that shit. He gon take your money and then break up with you? Man I'll punch that nigga in his throat"

"Goodnight" I pulled the comforter over my head


Once we made it home from the airport I hopped in the shower and started to get ready for work. I was sleepy as fuck but I knew if I laid around the reality of the breakup would set in. I just wanted to go to work to take my mind off everything.

"I'm headed to work!" I said aloud as I grabbed my car keys off the counter.

"Okay!" She shouted back.

Before walking into my job I stopped and got an iced coffee to get some energy. "Morning" I greeted my manager as I headed to the back.

"Okay red head. I like it." He said

"Thank you" I yawned. I walked into the break room and sat down at the table. I grabbed a scrunchie out of my bag and pulled my hair back into a low ponytail. I put my purse in my locker and went up front.

"Hey can I just work registers today? I'm like super tired and had a stressful night" I asked walking up to my boss.

"You sure? You're gonna miss out on commission"

"Yeah" I nodded my head.

"Alright well go ahead" He shrugs his shoulders at me.

I knew I wouldn't be able to fake a smile and give good customer service to people today. I walked over to the register and typed in my ID number. Once I was logged in I just stood up there waiting for a customer to be ready to check out.

I was still in shock that Q broke up with me. I knew he'd be mad that I didn't tell him but I didn't think he'd actually go as far as breaking up with me. I didn't even realize how much I actually liked him until now. We've literally talked every single day for the past 5 months. Just hearing his voice became a part of my everyday routine.

I knew I could've put in some extra effort to get him to understand why I was doing Onlyfans but I was already embarrassed that his friend has seen my account. I know they're probably somewhere calling me all type of hoes and slut.

I just wanted to be on some Hannah Montana shit and live two different lives. Why can't I get the best of both worlds?


"Hey is this all for you today?" I asked the customer I scanned the shoe box.

After my shift ended I went straight to my parents house because it was closer than my house. I was sleepy as fuck and just wanted to take a nap. No one was home so I just used my key and let myself inside. I went right up to my old bedroom and belly flopped onto the bed. As soon as my face touched the pillow I was out cold.

"Paris" I heard my dad's deep voice say.

"Hmm?" I asked with my face still buried in the pillow.

"How long you been here? Get up"

I stretched my body and sat up. I looked out the window and it was pitch black outside. Damn. I didn't even realize I was sleep that long. Not once did I toss or turn, I was knocked out the entire time.

"What time is it?" I yawned rubbing my eyes.

"Almost 8 o'clock"

"Well four hours" I laughed standing up from the bed, "I was too tired to drive all the way home"

"Mmmh awe okay. Well get up, you gon be up all night" He tells me before walking out the room. I climbed out of bed and looked in the mirror. My hair was all over my head, I looked rough. I fixed my ponytail before walking down the hall to King's room. I wanted to play a game of 2K before I went home.

I knocked on the door before peaking my head inside. "Hey" I greeted. He looks at me and then back at the tv.

"Whatcha doinnn" I said inviting myself inside. I sat down on the bean bag beside him. He was just at the starting stages of choosing his team. "Can I play with you?"

"Nah" He says and turns off the game.

"I-umm okay then" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as he walked over to his desk. "What's wrong? What lil girl got you in your feelings" I laughed.

"Can you just get out my room? I'm not tryna hurt ya feelings"

"Hurt my feelings? The hell are you talking about?"

"I know about that hoe ass shit you've been doing" King spat back. My stomach instantly dropped. I swear my heart stopped beating for a second.

"G what are you even talking about?" I frowned at him standing up from the beanbag chair.

"Don't play fucking stupid Paris. Yo ass nasty as hell bro. The fuck you doing that shit for?"

"Doing what? What're you talking about?" I was going to play dumb as long as I could until a lie developed in my head.

"That Onlyfans shit!" He yelled at me.

My eyes widen "Can you keep your voice down please?" I said.

"Nah fuck that" He shakes his head, "Dad!" He says loudly walking over to his bedroom door.

"King stop. Please, just let me explain" I begged grabbing his hand to pull him back.

He snatched his hand away "Dad!" He yelled again.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I said to myself and began to pace back and forth. My heart was beating so fast I felt like I was about to die.


"What's going on?" My dad says walking into the room.

"C'mon Paris tell him" King crosses his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall.

"Tell me what?" My dad says looking at me confused. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"The fuck is going on?" He frowned looking over at King. King looks over at me waiting for me to say something. As soon as he realized I wasn't going to say anything he said it himself.

"She got an Onlyfans account"

I could just feel the world crashing down around me. Who the hell did I piss off? What the fuck did I do to deserve this shit?

"She got what?!" My dad exclaimed.

"Muhfuckas coming up to me at school talking about 'Ain't this your sister' showing me of her videos and shit." King tells him.

I knew King was pissed because he was cursing around my dad, I knew my dad was pissed because he was letting him get away with it.

"You got yo body all over the internet. I couldn't even look at that shit. The fuck is your problem?" King frowned at me.

My dad never said a word he just stared at me. I didn't have the guts to break eye contact with him so I just stared back. King continued on with his tangent.

"Pull up the account" My dad finally speaks.


"Pull up the fucking account!" He screams at me causing me to jump.

"I can't" I replied shaking my head. My vision was beginning to blur from the tears building up in my tear ducts but I couldn't wipe them. My body was froze in a state of shock. I knew he didn't want to see what was on my account.

"Aye! What's with all the yelling?" My mom questions as she walked into the room.

"Pull up the fucking account Paris!" My dad yells at me again.

"What's going on?" My mom looked at all of us confused.

"Paris I swear to God if I tell you one more time"

I quickly grabbed my phone and went to the app. My dad snatched the phone from my hand and gave it to my mom.

Her eyes instantly widened as she looked at my page, "Have you lost your mind?!" She continued to scroll through the page. I could hear my voice dirty talking and moaning. My dad grabs the phone and throws it against the wall causing me to jump.

"What the fuck would make you think that shit is acceptable Paris?"

"I-I-I can explain" My voice cracked.

"Ain't nothing to fucking explain! Are you fucking dumb? What the fuck is wrong with you?" My dad shouts.

"My scholarships at school ended and I needed money"

"You did this for money? Money Paris?!"

"I didn't wanna ask for money. I wanted to handle it on my own" I replied.

"And that's the fucking bright idea you came up with?" My dad retorts. "How long have you been doing this?"

"Almost a year"

"We've asked you multiple times if you needed help with anything and you've been acting like you had shit figured out"

"I did have it figured out. My tuition is paid off for the year, my rent is paid. The money is good"

"No the fuck the money isn't good. That is not good money!" My dad continued to curse me out. "What the fuck happened to you? Did you move out and lose all common fucking sense?"

"I don't wanna live off y'all and I don't have to. It pays good money. Way more money than I was making at fucking Footlocker. I'm an adult and this is my body. You all are still treating me like a child. I'm grown as fuck."

My mom glares at me for a second before slapping me across my face. My hand instantly went to my cheek and my eyes widened in shock. The room went silent, my dad and King was just as shocked as me.

"Get the fuck out of my house" My mom says looking at me like I disgusted her. "No daughter of mine would ever stoop so low to show her body off on the internet for a couple dollars. I don't know who you are but you aren't the kid I raised. You're grown as fuck right? So don't come back, I don't ever wanna see your face again"

"What?" My voice croaked, "Look I'm sorry, I'll delete the account."

"Now Paris! Get out!" She screamed in my face.

I looked over at my dad waiting for him to tell her she was over reacting. He just shakes his head before walking out the room. I looked at King and I could tell he regretted involving them.

Tears began to stream down my face as I walked out of his room. Lyric was standing in her doorway confused about what was going on. I went in my room and grabbed my purse before walking out the room.

"Give me my car keys" My mom says holding out her hand. They bought me this Jeep when I graduated high school.

"How am I gonna get home?" My phone was broken so I couldn't call Michelle or an uber. I literally had no way to get home.

"You'll figure it out. You're grown right?

"Ma c'mon just let her drive home" King says from behind me.

"Keys. Now." My mom says. I dug in my purse and handed them over. She walked away and went down the hall to her room.

"I'll take you home." King whispered to me I nodded my head.

"King bring me your keys too!" My mom yelled from down the hall.

He looks at me and down the hall at my mom who was waiting on him. "I'll call you an Uber"

I nodded my head and walked downstairs. My dad was sitting on the couch, still pissed off. I could damn near see smoke escaping his ears. As soon as I stepped outside the waterworks began. I walked down the driveway, sobbing, and sat down on the curb waiting for the uber.

My whole world just fell apart.

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