《ONLYFANS |Chris Brown|》021


"A bad bitch has made it to New York" Michelle said recording herself on her instastory "Hide ya niggas cause Imma take em"

"You are so irritating" I laughed rolling my eyes "Make sure that's on your close friends"

"Girl nobody told you to tell him we weren't coming" Michelle replied tossing her phone onto the bed.

"I wanted to surprise him" I replied as I flat ironed my last piece of hair. I grabbed my paddle brush and brushed through my hair. I sprayed on some perfume before grabbing my purse.

"He gon be feeling the red hair. You're giving the girls black Ariel"

"Do I look okay?" I asked adjusted my jumpsuit.

"You looking edible. You definitely getting dicked down"

"Alright c'mon the uber finna pull up"

Q had no idea we were here. I ended up telling him that I had to work this weekend and I wouldn't be able to call off. I just wanted to surprise him like he surprised me. Luckily he posted the flyer to the show so I didn't have to reach out to none of his friends.

We got into the uber and headed to the venue. From outside the door I could hear somebody talking through the speakers.

"Ooh bitch we're late" I said as sped walked as quick as we could in our heels.

"It's your fault, yo ass changed like 10 times" Michelle said as the gentleman at the door opened it for us.

"Thank you" We both said in unison as we stepped inside.

"Bitch nothing was fitting me right" I replied.

As we walked further down the hall we finally made it to where everyone was.

"Oooh it smell like money in here" Michelle whispered in my ear. I laughed and rolled my eyes. We blended into the crowd so he wouldn't be able to point us out.

Q was standing on this small stage with Jalen, both had microphones in their hands.

"That's the friend he's gonna put you on with" I said into Michelle's ear.

"Oooh he is fine. Lemme make sure the girls are sitting up" Michelle says pushing up her boobs.


"I just wanna say thanks to everyone for coming out. I've been working on these pieces for a minute. Everything you see is for sale, there's no price tag on anything so just let me or Jalen know how much you think it's worth and we can discuss." Q said into the microphone.

"I watched him put his blood, sweat and tears into these pieces. Even if you don't wanna buy a painting, donations are appreciated. But I'm letting y'all know now these painting will be with worth millions one day so you don't wanna miss out" Jalen adds in.

"Again thanks for coming. There's drinks over at the bar, let's have a good time" Q says and everyone begins to clap.

"C'mon let's go look at his work" I said to Michelle motioning her to follow me. We walked around the little exhibit looking at the different pieces. He was definitely talented as fuck with the spray paint. That shit would be a muddy mess if I ever tried to do something like this.

I glanced over my shoulder and he was standing over by the bar with Jalen with his back to me.

As I began to walk over Sydney approached them and he immediately embraced her.

"Oop" I said to myself and quickly turned right back around before him or Jalen saw me. Michelle looks at me confused "What?" She whispered to me.

"That's his ex" I whispered back as I walked over to her.

"What?" She frowned.

"That's his ex" I whispered a little louder as I got closer. I have no idea why we were whispering as if anyone could hear us over the music and the chatter.

"No bitch I heard you loud and clear" She replied. She looked over at them with the most stank look on her face.

"What's going on?" I asked keeping my back turned towards them. I know if I saw something I didn't want to see I wouldn't be able to bite my tongue.

"She hugged the other boy and now they're all talking" Michelle replied with her eyes glued on them, "Go over there"


"What? Fuck no" I frowned "He just hugged her!"

"Girl what're you 5? He hugged her no big deal. Go over there"

"Do you be out here hugging your ex?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not. Fuck that nigga"

"My point exactly"

"Girl go over there. If he reacts in a shady way then you know what's up with them. Don't just stand here and speculate" Michelle said.

"Don't leave me over there by myself for too long. I don't wanna make a scene."

I don't even know why I was relying on Michelle to help me not make a scene. She'd be the first person to start some shit.

She nods her head and nudges me. I started walking back over and Jalen's eyes met mine. It was too late to turn back now.

"Hey how much for that one over there?" I said aloud.

"Which one?" Q says as he turned around. "Paris?" His eyes lit up when he saw me.

He grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug. "I thought you had to work?" He questioned with his arms still around my waist.

"I lied. I just wanted to surprise you"

He smiles and leans down to peck my lips. He kissed me in front of her, that's a good sign right?

"Y'all remember Paris right?" Q asked turning to them.

"Where's the rest of your friends?" I asked looking around. Why was it just Sydney here as if she ever supported his art career?

"They're over there eating. As always" He laughs pointing over to the snack paper.

"Hey y'all" I could hear Michelle's voice say as she approached.

"Wassup" Jalen says.

"Jalen this Michelle, Paris' friend" Q introduces them to each other.

"It's nice to meet you" Michelle said extending her hand out to Jalen.

"Nice to meet you too" He replied.

"And you are?" Michelle asks looking over at Sydney. I tried my best to keep a straight face. I told y'all she would be the one to say something first.

"Sydney" She replies extending her hand out.

"Awe okay" Michelle replies not acknowledging her hand.

"I- umm Q come show me around" I laughed grabbing his hand and pulled him away.

"So which one is your favorite piece?" I asked.

"This one right here" He replied and lead me over to one of the paintings. "This shit took me like 2 weeks to do. I kept fucking up and starting over"

"Oooh I like it" I replied staring at it. There was a sold sticky note on it. "How much did it sell for?"

"I sold this one before the show. I got offered $750"

"Can I buy it? I'll give you a thousand for it right now." I asked looking over at him.

He just looks at me and rolls his eyes "Whatever" He laughs shaking his head.

"Okay fifteen hundred" I replied pulling out my phone ready to quick pay it to him. "Can you ship it to me? I can't fly back with this big ass painting"

"Yo ass won't even pay $300 to park on campus. I'm supposed to believe you just got $1500 to spend like it's nothing?" Q laughs.

"You in my business? Don't do that" I chuckled.

"You wanna buy it for that much foreal?"

"Mmh" I nodded my head "It's your favorite, I figured you'd want to see it again"

"You getting money like this from foot locker?" He questioned raising an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head no "I just got my refund from school" I've claimed I've gotten about 5 refund checks this semester alone. I've never realized how many times people ask about my finances until I started hiding my side hustle.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm 1000% sure" I nodded my head. A big smile appeared on his face. He hugged me tightly rocking me from side to side.

"Thank you" Before I could even say 'you're welcome' he gave me a kiss. "I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome" I replied as he kissed me again.

"Just wait till we get back to my place" Q said with a laugh shaking his head.

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