《ONLYFANS |Chris Brown|》013



"Paris I need a size 7.5 in the all black Vapormax before you take your lunch break" My manager said to over the walkie-talkie.

"I gotchu" I said as I grabbed my purse out my locker. I walked over and scanned through all the boxes of shoes looking for where the shoes were. I grabbed the box and headed up front with them. I looked around for my manager and brought them over to him.

"See you in 30" He says to me when I handed the shoes over to him.

"Nah I'm feeling a little 45ish. I'll bring you some pretzel bites back" I replied with a chuckle and sped walked off before he could tell me no. I headed down to the food court just to sit down.

I opened up Instagram and clicked on my activity feed to see who liked my pictures recently. I saw that I had a following requests that wasn't there before my shift so I clicked on it.

I laughed to myself and clicked on the profile. Sure enough it was Sydney, Quincy's ex. How did she manage to find me? I have no idea.

I put my Airpods in my ear and FaceTimed Quincy. The call rang for a few seconds before it connected.

"Hey" I greeted once his face appeared on my screen.

"What's good? What time you get off work today?"

"6" I said with a sigh sitting back in the chair. "Umm your girl followed me on instagram earlier"

"Who is my girl?"

"Ms. Sydney"

He just shakes his head and starts to laugh "How she find your instagram? I don't even follow you"

I shrugged my shoulders "I have no idea. I accepted it though so she can do her lurking. I don't blame her, I'd be lurking too"

"Girls be weird" He chuckles and shakes his head, "How's school? How you doing on them midterms?" He questions raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'm doing good daddy. Don't trip"


He smirks at me and I just looked at him confused. I finally caught on to what I said. I laughed, "Boy I ain't even mean it like that" I said smacking my lips at him.

"Nah you had it right. I'm daddy that's the only name I answer to from now on"

"Ya momma named you Quincy so I'mma call you Quincy"

"Yeah ight we'll see." He nods his head.

"Yeah we'll see" I retorted sitting back against the chair.

"You know you got a smart ass mouth"

"I do? You ain't gon do shit about it though" I shrugged my shoulders.

He laughs and shakes his head "It's crazy because you won't have this energy when I pull up on yo ass"

"Come pull up on me then" I smirked at him "Nah I'm just fucking with you. But nah for real I'm ready for these tests to be over I wanna see you again."

"Awww you miss me?" He teases with a big stupid grin on his face.

"Just a little bit. A tad, a smidgen if you will" I joked.

"Alright get off my phone" He laughs.

"Don't do me like that"

"You showing out on this phone today but it's all good. I gotta get back inside and finish up this piece though I'm already behind the deadline. Can I call you tonight?"

"Yeah that's cool, but if you're still working on your project you don't have to call. I don't want you to fall even more behind than you are."

"Nah I'mma hit you up whether it's a text or a call"

"K. Well I'll talk to you later bye" I said to him before hanging up the phone.

Once my break was over I went back to work to finish the remainder of my shift. After that I headed over to my parents house for dinner. I had no idea if someone was cooking dinner tonight but I was just going to show up and pray for the best. I parked my car in the driveway behind my brother's car.


I got out the car and waltzed over to the front door. I dug in my purse for my keys and unlocked the door.

The sound of Tupac's voice was coming from the kitchen. I walked in to see my mom and dad standing over by the stove rapping to each other

"I ain't a killer but don't push me. Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy. Picture paragraphs unloaded, wise words bein quoted"

"Awwn look at my babies" I teased. The both looked over at me and start laughing.

"Girl bye" My mom laughed waving her hands at me and returned to cutting up some vegetables.

"This that real hip hop right here" My dad says and returns to cooking.

"It smells good in here" I said sniffing the air.

"Why you never at your own house?" My mom asks me raising an eyebrow.

"One minute you calling cause I never come over to visit. Now I'm here too much. Make your mind up woman" I chuckled sitting down at the counter.


"Paris your school mailed your bill here but it said you had already paid it off with your debit card. Where you get the money from?" My dad spoke with his turned to me, paying close attention to whatever it was he was cooking on the stove.

"I uhh won a scholarship like last month and they direct deposited it into my account instead of sending it directly to the school" I had to be quick on my feet with my lies.

"So everything is paid off for this semester?" My mom asked me.

"Mmmh and next semester too" I nodded my head.

"You haven't asked for help on your rent in a while, you still good? We don't need you having any late bills" My mom questioned.

"I'm good, I picked up more hours at works"

"See nah you can't be doing that. I told you you need to just be focusing on school. I didn't even want you working in the first place it's too much of a distraction. We could pay your rent, you just need to graduate" My dad said finally turning around to look at me.

"Daddy I'm good. I'm grown, I need to learn responsibility and time management. I can't keep having my hand out hoping y'all gon foot the bill for everything. I wanna make my own money"

"Nah forget all that, suck our pockets dry. You're our daughter, if we got it you got it too. You think these rich white kids give a damn about 'learning responsibility.' You know the value of money, you aren't some spoiled, stuck up kid. There's kids out there that wish their parents were in a position to help them out with school and their bills. You got em so use em, you don't gotta struggle Paris." My dad told me.

"Daddy I am fine I promise. If I ever struggle, I will let you know"

I knew there would never be a point in time when I could tell them that I do onlyfans.They wouldn't understand. Yes, I could just ask my parents for money but I don't want to. With growing up, there comes responsibility. I'm not trying to be 30 still relying on my parents to pay for everything because I never learned how to hustle on my own.

If my hustle consist of showing a little titty on the internet then so be it.

"Where were you at this weekend?" My mom asks me.


"You missed girls day. Me and Lyric went to the spa without you"

"Dang why didn't you call me? I was writing a paper" I hopped down from the stool and eased my way out of the kitchen. I was having trouble keeping up with my lies so I needed to end the conversation while I was still ahead.

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