《My Vampire Ex》The Most Important Thing


Tanner walked me outside where Finnigan had been waiting next to his black sports car. He turned to me and gave me one last hug. "You'll be okay. Remember what I said. Don't give Finn the satisfaction of harming my girl," Tanner brushed my cheek with his hand. Huh, yet Jared could hurt me for a decade. How interesting. This act of his was a bunch of bull shit. I could see right through it and I bet Finnigan could too.

"Let's go. I don't have time for this," Finnigan rolled his eyes. Great, he seems as hot headed as his brother.

Tanner sighed. "Bye Jess," without another word he sped back into the house and left Finnigan and I outside.

Finnigan motioned for me to come to the car, and I was hesitant to obey. Tanner said he was dangerous and I should listen. Although I don't want to, I should heed his warning. He held out his hand for me to shake it, "I'mFinnigan. Tanner probably already told you a bunch of bull shit about me. It'll be up to you to realize he was lying. Now, here's your first test. Where are humans supposed to sit in a car?" He folded his arms awaiting my answer.

That's easy. They taught us that in school. "Well there are a few deciding factors sir. Usually the servant will go into the trunk. Either in a crate or sometimes a special seat if the owner has the money for it. It's rare, but there are instances where a human is permitted to sit up front with his or her Master. The final decision, of course, is up to the owner of the human or the car, sir." I nailed it! I didn't need these posh vamps telling me how to be a human, I've got this down.


Finnigan nodded, "That is correct. Since you did so well you may sit in the front. That being said, piss me off and you will end up in the trunk, fast. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." That was not the reaction I expected. I climbed into the passenger seat, and he hopped in the driver's seat.

Trees zipped by outside as the car made its move up the mountain. It had been a relatively quiet drive. Finniganwould occasionally ask me questions about the topics covered at the Cordozo's. He was acting so professional, as if he was an actual teacher, not my ex-boyfriend's -well, owner, now- brother. God that sentence is weird to think. The mild squeak of breaks halted my thoughts. Wait, why were we pulling over?

Finnigan had pulled off to the side of the highway that overlooked a canyon. "Follow me." He climbed out of the car and shut the door.

Uhhhh what? I climbed out and followed him to the edge of the cliff. We stood side by side staring off into the abyss. It had turned to dusk and the red rock of the canyon below us looked like shades of old blood now.

"Do you know what makes a perfect human-vampire relationship?" Finnigan's gaze seemed to be searching for the bottom of the pit, but it was clear his mind was elsewhere.

"Uhhhh obedience?" I guessed. That would be the vampire dominated society's answer. If you asked the humans the vampires enslaved, I would say kindness. Big difference.

To my surprise, Finnigan shook his head. "Although that is a very important part that wasn't what I was looking for. The answer is trust."

He stepped behind me as he spoke. That was the only one I've gotten wrong so far. But to be fair I was right, in a way. There are a ton of things that are important. Is he going to hurt me now?


"O-oh, I'm sorry sir." I half turned. Having my back to a vampire was like a bunny turning their back to bear. I wanted to bolt for the road, but with my luck, there would only be vamps on the road tonight.

"No worries. Like I said you were right, I was looking for a certain word though." There was a short pause, andhe came to stand on my left. "I want you to jump," Finnigan finally spoke again.

My heart skipped a beat and fell into my stomach. D-did he just say 'jump'? No. I'm not going to kill myself. What the fuck!? "I-im sorry, sir. I don't believe I heard you correctly. Could you repeat that?"

That would at least buy me some time to think. Jump?! Seriously?

He stared down at me, analyzing my every feature. "I said, I want you to jump off the cliff."

How is he saying that so calmly!? I don't want to die! Tanner told me he wasn't going to kill me. We sat there in complete silence, awful, painful silence. "Is there a problem?" He was getting impatient. Shit.

"Well yes. I'm a mortal sir. I'm going to die if I jump off that cliff. Tanner said you were here to teach me not kill me. I don't really want to die yet, so um--" I rambled. Stay polite Jess. Don't get yourself in more trouble.

"You'll just have to trust that I won't let that happen." He smiled down at me somehow with a look of pure innocence. This asshole is really trying to teach a life lesson. What is this, The fucking Lion King?

"I really don't want to do this...." There was no way I was about to jump off of this cliff. This wasn't how I was going to die. But this vampire...he seems so confident in his trust. My mind spun.

He put a hand on my back and nudged me forward as we started walking closer to the edge.

"We aren't leaving until you jump. The more you ignore your master's wishes the angrier I'm going to become. Keep that in mind." His voice was so smooth but so threatening. Am I really about to jump off a cliff?!

Our feet were now at the very edge of the cliff. My vision went in and out of focus out as I stared into the darkness of the bottomless canyon. "Y-you'll catch me?" I stuttered. Tears spiked my eyes. We both knew he wouldn't. Why would he? I'm not worth a thing to him. He probably got paid whether I came back alive or dead anyway. Maybe this was his shortcut.

"Mhm. Now, jump." He nodded with that same warm smile in my peripheral vision.

I bit my lip. "Y-yes Master." I took a step forward. My sneaker was now halfway off the cliff. Well, at least if I die I won't have to live as a servant anymore. I took a deep breath, I jumped.

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