《The Demon's Little Wolf》MATE?


I was about to excuse myself from the meeting because the feeling got even worse when the door busted opened.

"Well what do we have here"

His voice boomed in the silent hall with a hint of mock in it. The stranger was dressed in a two piece suit with a crisp white shirt underneath. The thin material hugged his muscles perfectly and the outline of his abs could be seen through his shirt.

He was very tall. Even taller than my father who was at 6 ft 1. He seemed like an embodiment of a greek god. Moon goddess sure does have her favourites. He had a powerful aura surrounding him and his whole demeanor was cold and demanded authority. A slight tension could be felt in the room.

His facial features were perfect. He had a very sharp jawline even sharper than a knife, defined cheekbones, full lips, black hair and his eyes........... were a deep ocean blue and they were looking straight in my purple ones.

Then it hit me.



Cresent and I said together. Now I know why she was getting so restless. Wait did he catch me drooling over him? Just the thought itself made be blushed.

He is our mate. We have the right to drool over him Cresent added dreamily

Oh my god!


Someone changed my wolf. This is not Cresent.

Haha. Real funny

We were still maintaining eye contact. I could not break eye contact from him. It was as if only the two of us were present in the room. Everything around me seemed like a blur except the living greek god who was mate.

Our lovely staring contest was stopped by the voice of my father and he was pissed. "Who allowed you in the castle!" He shouted and my poor, sensitive ears were like being tortured.

My mate shrugged. "I allowed myself, Gabriel" Gasps could be heard as it was seem disrespectful to use a king's first name to address him, like I also did the other day.

Cresent laughed at the thought of that day. Our mate is just like us

I smirked and leaned backing my chair, ready for some drama. "You can't talk to the king like that." My dad's second in command stood up and glared at my mate.

Can someone tell me his name?

"I don't take orders from you" He fired back

Dad team-0

Mate team-1

Wow. Are you serious Cresent? He did not even make such a great comeback

Shhh. Stop ruining the fun

I rolled my eyes. "Alexander. Could you please leave. We are doing something important right now."



He did not seem faze by the fact that my dad used his first name. "That is the reason why I came here. I heard you need help" he mocked

"Yes we do. But not from you!" Dad said through gritted teeth.

"Too bad you don't have a choice. My people are also being attack and I will do anything to help them. Even if it means working with you." He glared at my father and honestly I felt bad for him because if looks could kill, my dad would be under the ground by now. "Whether you like it or not" He said as he came forward, followed by his second and third in command and a girl of around my age itself.

Who is she!

Geez Cresent she might be someone working for him or the mate of one of the men.

Mates of second or third in command were not invited

Neither was he.

Cresent gave up after it. She laid down and placed her head on her paws and admired her mate. Out of nowhere my father and grandmother stood up. "We need to talk about something." She said. Since no one else in family stood up, I remained seated, happy that I could look at my mate for some time but it looks like there were other plans for me. Grandmother asked me and my brother to come with them.

I eyed her suspiciously before getting up and following her out. My mind just went to my mate.

I know his name was Alexander and he was a king but king of who?

"Fine. I don't think there is anything to discuss actually. Just tell the guards to throw him out." Dad started

"Yeah and if he resists, might as well kill him." Ryan added with venom. They did hate each others guts I guess.

"No. He can help us" grandmother intervened

She is my favorite royal

Traitor! What about me?


"First you want us to work with her" dad pointed towards me "and now with that king of the demons."

Ohhh. He is king of demons then.

So cool

"Did you forget the war that happened all these time ago?" Ryan supported my father.

"Yes I remember because I was the one who helped us win." Grandmother said, pissed off that they were questioning her. "And that was his grandfather who wanted a war. He was not even born by that time."

Do something

"I think grandmother is right. I mean we do need the most help we can get. We don't know if the other leaders will accept to help us or not." I said.


"You don't get to decide this. Why did you tell her to come again?" Ryan glared at me

"Because I have a brain and I can use it unlike you!"

"Stop it now." Father sighed "Fine we will work with him but if he does anything, he will be killed" dad said.

"I doubt that" I scoffed. I mean he was able to get pass all those guards and they think they can just kill him?

"Let's go back." Father and grandmother exited first. Ryan passed by me and glared at me but I just stuck my tongue out at him.

We went back in the hall and I felt someone's gaze on me the whole time I was walking to my seat. "We will work with you. Let's get this meeting going now." Dad announced. I saw mom having a scowl on her face while Rayna just eyes Alexander like a piece of meat.

That bitch. No way is she getting anywhere near him

Yes possessive mate! Never in my life had I imagined Cresent to be like this. She was always the calm and composed one between us.

The meeting went on for like an hour or so. They mainly discussed the attacks on the other kingdom and went through ways of how to defeat the vampires.

"They are also looking for allies." The leader of oracles spoke. If we had oracles by our side it would really benefit us.

"And we want to be on the winning side so that we won't have to lose our people. The vampires have increased considerably in the past years and there is a great chance for us to lose" the leader of dark angels spoke. Many of them started murmuring most likely about the disadvantage they would have fighting along us.

My father looked unbothered but since I kind of have a talent in reading people, I knew he was worried.

I nudged his hand and he looked at me with an annoyed expression on. I mouthed "can I say something?" He nodded hesitantly as he wanted to make sure they worked with us.

I cleared my throat and gained everyone's attention. "I know you all are worried about your people and it's normal and I also know that we will have a big chance of loosing as you said." I looked at the leader of the dark angels.

"But that does not mean we don't have a chance of winning. Even if the chances of winning are slim, it is worth a try. And I am sure that if we all work together as one, leaving our differences aside, the chances of us winning will surely increase. To the part where you said you want to be on the winning side which according to you will be the vampires. Maybe he will win this one and you guys will win too. But who can say that he won't target your kingdom next? How can you be sure that once this war is over, he will not want to have a war against one of you? As you all said, he already attacked you at least once. What makes you think that after you become allies and help him win the war, he will not backstab you to acquire even more power?" Everybody were looking at me with a conflicted face on. I did not dare to look at Alexander because I knew my mind would become haywire.

"What I want to say is that if you don't want these scenarios or things even worse than that to happen to your kingdoms, it would be better that we used our forces to help us win this war so that all of our kingdoms will be safe. As for the fact that people may die, I think we should not force anyone this war but those who may die will have a honorable death because they died while protecting their kingdom. So I would request you all to think a bit more before finally coming to a decision." I leaned back as they all went back to talking with their second and third in command

My parents looked at me like I was another creature from a planet while my sister, brother and Ivory all had looks of jealousy on their face. My grandmother smiled proudly at me.

A few minutes later, it was time to hear their decisions.

"For a young princess, you sure have a great sense of leadership." The leader of the witches spoke. "My covens and I will help you all."

I felt a sense of relief go through me. Out of the 7 leaders (Alexander was added) 6 of them agreed which were the witches, demons, dark angels, light angels, oracles and fairies. The only leader not agreeing was that of the giants since he already had a deal with the vampires.

There are several other leaders who did not come to the meeting. I just hoped that they did not go with the vampire king guy.

The meeting ended at 7 "Thank you all for your cooperation. There is a small dinner and party to celebrate this alliance which will be held in an hour. You can go to your rooms until then. Rest a bit and get changed" Grandmother announced.

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