《The Demon's Little Wolf》CRESENT


Last try! Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!

The vampire was sent flying into the wall, and I heard a cracking sound, making me wince.

Wait did it really work? Fairy godmother?

Just when I was about to do my happy dance I heard someone "Got it!"

A man of approximately 5ft 8 stepped out of the shadows. He looked to be in his late 30s with his muscular body, square shoulders, firm jawline with a five o'clock shadow. He was dressed in all black and a belt holding several wooden stakes around his waist as well as vials of some sort of purple/greenish liquid. Mostly probably vervain since it is another one of vampire's weakness. He was followed by a woman and another man.

I felt a bit embarrassed thinking that the "spell" worked.

The man came towards me while the two others went to see the dead vampire.

"Hey there little one. What's your name?" He crouched down to be around my height. His voice came out gentle compared to his rough exterior and his eyes held a certain warmth to them, making me feel comfortable.

"Analise. Analise....... Royal" The last part came out as a whisper. His face contorted with one of confusion and I could already imagine what he was thinking. If he knew about supernaturals, the chances that he knew about my family were very high

"Yes the werewolf princess" I said

"What are you doing here at this time?"

I moved my eyes to the bag that I was carrying a while ago. "I was going back home from the store"

"Okay then why don't I take you back to your house, okay?" I just nodded

He took my hands in his and we made our way to my apartment. Once there, nobody was there. It was pretty normal to me now not to find the lady who was supposed to take care of me here but apparently not for the man whose name I found out is Malcom and he hunts down evil creatures that threaten the human population. Be it vampire, witches or even werewolves. He actually works for an organisation that takes care of the supernatural beings in the human world.


"You told me that you had someone to take care of you." He frowned.

I shuffled my feet a bit "Well, she was supposed to be here, but she usually is not here" I blurted out.

He raised an eyebrow at me before running his hand through his hair. "Well, I will not leave you here all alone."


"Even if you are used it." He narrowed his eyes at me "Why don't we go somewhere?"


"The organisation where I work actually has a school for people like you. You interested?"

"My parents...."

"I will inform them. I am pretty sure they won't have a problem." I nodded quickly and just like he said, they took me in happily and my parents were also handled.

End of flashback

I am thankful that I came across Malcom because if not, I would probably have no control over my powers as a lot of times I used my powers and accidentally destroyed things.

I requested the teachers to keep my powers a secret as I am a werewolf and not a witch. I did not want to be seen as someone abnormal. Many said that it was maybe something in the Royal blood but there was no such case seen in history. The teachers helped me learn control them after class, privately.

Another thing was that I surprisingly shifted at the age of 14, which was very rare. To top it off I was a black wolf. I was surprised when I knew that I was a black she wolf because as far as I know, only male wolves have black wolves. Like such as the alphas and the king- like my dad. I shifted when I was in the forest looking for herbs for one of my assignments. The process was painful, and I was alone, so I had no clue on what to do or how to make it stop. But then, it was worth it when I met my wolf. She is a black wolf with pure black, silky fur and my usually purple eyes are silver in my wolf form. Her name is crescent. She has been with me ever since the day we shifted. Ever since she has been a mother, a sister, and a friend. She was always there for me.


Yes I was! I could already imagine her wagging her tail happily.

Everybody thinks that I shifted at the beginning of this year. So, I did not actually have to lie to them. I just hid it. Totally different things


Even if I kept to myself, nobody seems to mind because they have gotten used to it now, but they also know that whenever they need my help, I will be here for them and vice versa.

After an hour or so, I made my way back to the dorms. The school has its own dormitory, but you could also stay in apartment or your own house. But I decided to stay here. Thankfully I had a room all to myself, no roommate.

The room was simple. Right when you opened the door, you were met with a single bed against a wall. There was a small window right above my bed. On one side of the room, here was a desk and a chair along with a shelf lined with books. The other side had a cupboard and a vanity and next to it, a door leading to the bathroom. The bathroom was not anything too much. Just a small shower, a sink and a toilet. Overall, the room was cosy with the cream walls decorated with beige, cream and brown furniture.

Taking a quick shower, I changed into my pjs and got in bed waiting for sleep to engulf me.

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