
Chapter Six.

I opened my eyes to see a white-coloured ceiling. I groaned as I slowly sat up; my eyes gazing around the room to realise that I was in my bedroom and in my own bed. "Bill?"

"You're awake." The voice of Bill entered my ears and I quickly spun my head to look over at the door to my room. There the tall, slender, handsome man was leaning against the frame with his arms crossed.

"Bill..." my voice came out in a whisper and he gave me a soft smile. "Thank you for-"

"No need to thank me, sweetheart." He stepped over to my side of the bed; his green eyes examining the entire length of my body that was visible to him. "How are you feeling? Sore?"

"No, I..." I pulled the sheets away from my legs suddenly to see that where I had been sliced open with a blade was now cleaned and bandaged. "Strangely I don't feel any pain."

Bill was silent as he sat down beside me, his hand lightly grazing against my arm. "That's good. I took you the hospital and had you checked out. They said it wasn't a serious injury and that it would heal soon enough."

A flash of a knife sliding painfully over my flesh in my head made me shudder and wrap my arms around myself. Bill noticed the expression on my face change as I began thinking about what had just happened to me.

"I'm here, [your name]. It's alright now. They won't hurt you anymore." I found myself being brought closer into the warm arms of Bill as he hugged me protectively. "I also gave the police a statement about tonight while you were blacked out. I turned up at the right time before they could have really hurt you."


Lies. All lies. Sweet, little lies, Bill thought.

"I was praying that you would come and save me, Bill," I confessed in a hushed tone as I hugged him back, pressing my face against his chest. I could hear his heart beating in his chest steadily.

Bill pulled me away and tilted my chin upwards so that I could gaze up into his emerald orbs. "And I will do it again if you need help. If you are ever in trouble you can always call me."

I nodded, dazed. His stare mesmerised me; his long lashes blinking slowly as I automatically leaned in closer towards his soft lips. The feeling of lips on mine kissing me with desperation entered my mind. Was that a dream? I began to wonder. It felt so damn real though.

My lips felt oddly sensitive and faintly sore. And not too mention a metalic taste lingered on my tongue weirdly enough.

"Thank you for staying with me, Bill." I said with a smile. The dark-haired saviour hummed his reply as his face neared closer to mine.

"Do you need anything, [your name]?" He asked me. Yes, you. I need you, Bill Skarsgård!

"Ah, um..." I trailed off for a second. "Maybe a drink of water, please."

Bill nodded. But before he pulled away, he placed a kiss gingerly on my forehead. His lips floated there for a short moment, making my skin tingle from the contact. "I'll be right back." He spoke as he moved away and strolled out of my room.

When he was out of sight, I was sighing loudly and found myself plopping my head back down onto the pillow. He was going to kiss me. Like, for real kiss me. I just know it, I thought as I grinned like a mad-man. But in my case; a mad-woman.

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