《Never with Me (Book 1)》[16]: Goodbye



I woke up to the feeling of sunlight filtering through my window, caressing my cheek. Warming it with its rays. I could hear the sounds of birds chirping in the background. Slowly waking me up from slumber. I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the window, viewing the tops of the trees and the crystal blue sky. That's when I realized there were no more days left for me. No more time left. All the time I had left, were to experience my lasts, not my firsts.

My last sunset

My last breath

My last heartbeat

My last smile

My last tear

And last, but not least. My final goodbye.

I felt tears slowly seeping from my eyes and sliding down the outer corners, only to be absorbed by the sheets of my bed. Little spots in the fabric that were darkened by the moisture from my tears. The house was still quiet, since it was just past dawn. I knew that I had to get ready fast, before anyone could see me.

I got out of bed, fixing it for the last time. Hoping to at least make it easier for whomever came, to clean out my room. I walked to the shower, and bathed one last time. Taking my time to enjoy the feeling of warm water cascading over my body. After about fifteen minutes, I stepped out and dried my body off. Stepping out of the bathroom, I walked over to my closet and pulled the black dress my brother had bought me for Damien's engagement party off of its hanger. I let my fingers touch and caress the fabric, loving how soft and delicate it felt. Placing it on my bed, I ran my hand over it to smooth out the wrinkles. Wanting to make sure that I didn't ruin its perfection for this day. I hadn't known a little less than three weeks ago, that this beautiful dress would eventually be what I was shrouded in as I took my final breath.


I then padded to my dresser, feeling the thick carpet as it cushioned my feet. For a second in as I stood in front of my dresser, I just stood there as I sunk my toes into its softness. It is interesting, how your senses seem to heighten when you know death is coming. It is like I am hyper aware of everything around me, and I am absorbing even the smallest of things that most people take for granted.

Pulling open the top drawer of my dresser, I grabbed out a pair of black lace underwear. I bent over, placing my first foot into the underwear, then my second. I pulled the delicate fabric up my legs and over my hips. Turning back to the bed to retrieve my dress, I caught my reflection in the mirror. My hair hanging loosely around my shoulders, with the morning light streaming in behind me. It cast an Angelic glow around me. Nearly naked, I took in my body silently wondering in another universe, if Damien would have liked to seen me like this.

Shaking my head out of reverie, I continued on to my bed. Picking up the dress, I dressed for the final time in my room. I ran my hand down my body once more, before walking back into the bathroom. I ran my brush through my hair, making sure to get the tangles out. After I was satisfied that I had, and walked back out towards my vanity. I looked up to the mirror again. Being this close to it, I could see every detail of my face. I noticed I did not look as terrible as I had felt, but not as good as I had when I had worn this dress last.

I put the same red lipstick on my lips, and then walked over to my night stand. Taking the letters I had written to Damien and Alex out, as well as the silver blade knife my demon has used on my flesh. I placed the letters neatly lined on the top of my pillow on my bed. I ran my hand over both letters one last time, before taking in my room for its final time. Seeing the picture of my family, I placed a kiss on my fingers and then rested it on the photo.


With that act, I opened my door and padded barefoot through the house with the dagger in my hand. I heard the first stirring of movement in the house, as I crept down the stairs. It wouldn't be long before the house came alive with activity. Not long before people would be awake. I needed to leave as quietly and quickly as possible.

As I exited the back door of the house to head to my meadow, I took one last look back as tears streamed down my face. The soft wind causing my hair to filter across my face, as my feet sunk into the morning dew ladden grass. I felt my tears slide down and drop off my chin. I looked up to Damien's office window, envisioning he was standing there, smiling down at me. A smile crept on my face, and I turned around and began my final walk through the woods.

"Goodbye my love." I whispered, as I walked away from the only man I would ever love.

And then I left, to find my destiny.

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