《I'm Glad You Found Me [mpreg]》eerht-ytnewt


It hurts.

It burns to breathe.

And he's blinded.

His eyes ache from the strain, so much so, that he's forced to shut them tightly.

A warm hand is placed on his back, rubbing soothing circles and gently coaching him to breathe.

It takes a while, long drawn out minutes that feel like hours before he can take in a deep breath without it feeling like his lungs are burning and drying out.

And the light dims until it's bearable to look out.

He's left in awe at the sight.

Aliens of different shapes and sizes, of varying colors and standing, gather around them.

It's in the vibrancy of the crowd that he loses sight of Aerglo and a few other aliens, the ones closest to the Captain of the ship.

An elbow to his side draws his attention and he stares wide eyed as aliens bow to them, to him.

"I.. wha?" Caelum manages a bit hoarsely.

"After any mission, they bow to us humans," Angie says.

"Why?" Caelum asks curiously.

She smiles, "because we do our job and everything in our capacity to ensure the ship runs smoothly, ensure that their loved ones return home after a long excursion."

Caelum's gaze flickers out to the applauding crowd.

"They're not like the ones aboard. They're kinder and appreciative of our existence."

Caelum looks up at that, "... They're... kinder?"

"It's all about the divide," Dr. Vega adds as the graying doctor stands beside them, "the divide between the wealthy and the poor. Much like on Earth, those who have less appreciate everything they're presented with, even the people who offer help. Likewise the rich, the ones who are privileged to explore other worlds, take everything for granted and believe they are bigger than anything else."


And that explains so much, like why the ones on the ship regard them as so little, as filth. But... What does that make Aerglo? Xe's captain, so even here xe must be important.

And they must see it written on his face because Angie says, "Aerglo seems to be a bit of an exception."

Caelum knows.

Aerglo was... xe was so kind, so open. Xe even fell in love with someone like him. But if xe's important, why is xe so different?

"Why?" Caelum manages to ask.

"Aerglo is humble," Dr. Vega answers, "because life was never easy on xem. Xyrs mother died when xe was a considerably young age."

"What about his dad?"

"Xyr sire was nonexistent and xyr bearer had given xyr life for xem. But xe grew weak and died."

Caelum frowns, placing his hand on his swollen belly. He didn't know. There's so much he doesn't know.

"Without explanation, the Ruling House of the Aixatarienos took xem in and the Royal Sire of All made sure Aerglo grew up fighting, training, to be the best soldier on the guard team. Xe never went easy on Aerglo. No favoritism. In fact, xe was harsh and disciplined Aerglo with an iron fist. It became worse when the Bearer of All passed away. And on Aerglo's coming of age, xe had immediately instructed xem to go on the mission to discover and bring back the poison that has killed so many in the ongoing war that I'm sure Aerglo has mentioned."

Caelum nods. He knows about the war. He just doesn't know why it started, why it's still raging on.

"But Aerglo doesn't seem so... so bad," the younger says.

"Because despite being mistreated by everyone, despite being crushed and beaten by the weight of responsibility, Aerglo has always had a kind spirit. But when xe's angry, when you get can going," Angie says, "xe is a force to be reckoned with. Xe's the youngest Captain and Head Soldier of the guard team, but Captain Aerglo is one of the most dangerous and deadly guard to exist."


"If I'm correct," Dr. Vega adds, "Aerglo is now just as dangerous, if not more so, than the Ruling Sire of Atabilefens."

Caelum's lips part in surprise as a shiver runs down his spine. He doesn't know how to feel, what he does know is that it's all too much. Everything is so new, so different, and everything he's learned from the being he loves is a bit overwhelming. Not to mention that he feels sticky and clammy, ankles swollen from standing so long.

Angie notices, "Come on. We have strict instructions to show you to your rooms."

Caelum wants to breathe in relief. And he nearly does, until he sees Angie leading him to the biggest, most extravagant, palace ever erected in the universe. The palace belonging to someone of power. Someone like the Ruling House.

He gulps and only now realizes they are being escorted by a regiment of soldiers to said palace.


The doors open before Aerglo and xe strides in like xe commands the place.

Everyone stops and stares, many gaping in awe. Xe knows xe exudes power, it's how xe was raised. And xe knows xe is the center of attention.

Without waiting for their ruler to acknowledge xem, xe takes out a plant with a gloved hand.

An innocent flower.

A deadly floret.

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