《I'm Glad You Found Me [mpreg]》sixteen


Caelum is curled up on his side almost protectively over his belly. He breathes deeply and evenly, but still can't find sleep. His heavy eyes are staring out into the abyss as he shimmies under the covers trying to get comfortable.

Slowly, his eyelids grow heavy and he's just on the cusp of sleep when a bright flash of warm light bathes his room for a split second. He's a bit disoriented as he sits up, looking around and breathing harshly, any trace of sleep completely gone and replaced by a jolt of adrenaline.

It takes even longer for him to process what just happened.

But when he does, he's out of bed and rushing toward the familiar figure smiling crookedly at him with wide opened arms.

"Aerglo," he breathes softly, tears stinging his eyes and body pressing tightly against the alien's.

"Eno elttil," Aerglo coos softly.

"You're back," Caelum whispers, "you're really here."

"Sey," xe nods.

Aerglo pulls away first, eyes drinking in the image of the small human. Caelum is haphazardly wrapped in a thin blanket already slipping off a shoulder, pale face becoming rosy. He's practically glowing. But xe finds that xe can only focus on the sight of a forming bruise on Caelum's chin, a cut on his bottom lip, and dark circles under tired eyes.

Any pain Caelum might have felt, however, melts away with a single caress of xyrs warm hand.

"Eno elttil, yako uoy era?"

Caelum tilts his head a bit confused before the alien flushes and clears xyr throat, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Caelum smiles, eyes becoming little crescents of happiness and relief, "I'm okay."

But it doesn't help to reassure Aerglo that xyr little one is actually fine, "did that human hurt you?"


"It hasn't been so bad," Caelum shrugs, "this was the first time in weeks that he raised his hand at me."

"That does not make it right," Aerglo growls, ready to march out the room in search of the pathetic human who dares hurt xyr mate.

"Aerglo," Caelum squeaks, blocking the alien's path as he holds his breath, "I'm okay, really."

Aerglo deflates before staring into dark brown eyes intently, "come with me, eno elttil."

A few beats pass by before Caelum finally asks, "What?"

"Come with me, back to my home where I can protect you," xe repeats.

Caelum looks down, heart hammering inside his chest before he shies away from Aerglo. He rearranges the blanket so it covers his belly before shaking his head. He knows he's being selfish, but he doesn't know how Aerglo will react. They barely touched upon the surface of the topic and he's scared of rejection.

Aerglo's frown deepens and xe tries to reach out only for the younger boy to take another step back.

"Is it because of the child you carry that you are rejecting me, eno elttil?" Aerglo asks.

Caelum's breath hitches, hand cupping his belly, "how did you...?"

"I felt it," Aerglo answers, tentatively reaching out once more and placing xyr hands on the warm bulge of Caelum's belly, "when I held you, it pressed against me and I felt the forming aura."

Caelum looks down where their hands are joined, heart soaring, "and you're okay... with this?"

Aerglo huffs a small laugh, "Of course, eno elttil. I am not sure how this is possible, but I can feel the child, our child, growing inside you."

"What about your people... there has never been a mating between your kind and mine... and our baby?"


"What they say does not matter to me for I chose you and I will continue to choose you and our child," Aerglo assures, "so, please, little one," xe begs, "come with me."

He doesn't need to hesitate anymore and Caelum wraps his arms around Aerglo tightly, "yes, please, yes. I don't want to be here anymore, I... I want to go with you. Being so far from you was torture and I... fuck, Aerglo, I missed you!"

Aerglo smiles, breathing in relief as xe presses a kiss to Caelum's lips. A swipe of xyr tongue on the small stinging cut heals the split on Caelum's bottom lip.

"I will protect you, both of you," Aerglo promises.

Caelum smiles brightly, pressing his forehead against Aerglo's as he peers down at his swollen belly, "there's really a baby here."

"Yes," Aerglo smiles, "a child, the product of you and me."

Caelum jumps in surprise when something cold wraps around his insides and a soft glow emits from his stomach, "what the-"

"It's our child," Aerglo says, kneeling down and pressing xyr ear to the bulge, "and our child's heartbeat."

The light pulses to the rhythm of butterfly wings before it fades and nothing is left aside from warmth and heat.

"Is it... are they okay?" Caelum asks.

"We'll make sure in the ship, but right now we must go," Aerglo says, voice becoming urgent.

Xe feels the furious aura behind xem and when Caelum peers over Aerglo's shoulder, he tenses at the sight of his step-father staring at them with narrow, angry eyes.

"You little sl-"

Aerglo immediately stops the raised fist aimed at xyr mate, xyr face turning red with anger.

The older human looks on in horror as Aerglo grips his hand until bones break.

Caelum thinks he's going to be sick when small metacarpals pierce the skin until blood oozes from the punctures. The man himself turns an ashen color at the sight and when the alien let's him go, he stumbles back.

"Aerglo," Caelum calls a bit weakly and nauseous.

Aerglo turns with a small flare, facing Caelum and grabbing a hold of xyr mate just before he can fall.

"Its alright, eno elttil," Aerglo assures, "he will not hurt you anymore, either of you."

And with that, both alien and human disappear with a bright flash of light.

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