《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Special 4!


The annoying sound of my alarm clock woke me up from my "peaceful" slumber. I groaned as I repeatedly tried to hit the snooze button, which to my dismay, was turned off so I wouldn't do this. I hit the off button and looked at the time. 6:30 AM. Groggily stumbling out of bed, I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Messy (h/c) tresses were knotted, (s/c) skin that looked dull and lifeless, and tired looking (e/c) eyes that stared back at me. The same as her. I felt like I was forgetting something important and started to recollect the phone call from yesterday.


Sticking my tongue out in concentration, I continued to knead the dough thoroughly, after all the (L/N) Bakery never made anything that was not of the customer's satisfaction. My cellphone started to ring with an unknown number for the caller ID and I quickly pressed the 'accept call' button.

Before I could ask who it was the person on the other end started. "(Y/NNNNNN)!" A cheerful voice yelled as I felt my eardrums break.

Immediately recognizing the voice, I sighed before answering, "Yes, Avianna?"

"What do you mean "Yes, Avianna" ?" the person on the other line mimicked, "I haven't called in weeks and that's all I get? You sure are one ruthless twin sister." She huffed.

"It's not like you've never done this to me before. One time you didn't call in two years! I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed loudly before calming myself down. I looked up and through the Bakery's window and a few people had looked at me strangely before continuing to walk.

"Aw come on (Y/N), do you actually think someone can kill the Great Avianna? Come on, I'm the boss of one of the biggest crime syndicates in the country." Avianna proudly said. I stopped kneading the dough and leaned on the counter.

"That's why I was worried Avianna. So many people are after you like the police or other crime leaders, and when you pull a stunt like that, I can't stop myself from imagining what could've happened to you. I felt so helpless those two years. I can't even ask for h- what I'm trying to say is, I believe that you are capable of taking care of yourself, but just be safe okay?"

The line was quiet for a couple of minutes before she spoke again, "I'm sorry (Y/N). I'll make a promise to you though. I promise to be safe...and to call you more often because I know you miss hearing this angelic voice." I let a stupid grin appear on my face before putting the dough in the oven.


"Ah you always ruin our 'identical twin bonding time', Avi" I said before hearing a laugh from the other end.

"What are you talking about!? We always had these moments when we were younger but YOU ruined it by saying something rude." Avi said before continuing on her "You don't love me blah blah" rant. I looked up at the time and noticed it was time to open. "Hey (Y/N)?" Avianna questioned. I let out a 'hmm' sound and walked towards the main entrance and unlocked it. "I'm going to v-" was all I heard before a throng of customers came bursting through the door. I got behind the counter and started to prepare the orders they gave me.

"So how about it?" Avianna asked and I snapped back to the conversation.

"Yeah okay " I replied quickly before moving on to the next customer's order. Avianna let out a squeal and said something about, "tomorrow at 7 pm". I replied with an "okay and I have to go now"and she quickly said I love you before hanging up. I went back to taking customer's orders and preparing pastries.

~Flashback over~

I wondered what Avi was saying yesterday? I would call her but since she is one of the leaders of the biggest crime syndicate she can't have the same number everyday. The fact that no one knows her real identity yet is beyond me. I got ready for the day and pulled my hair up into a messy bun and walked to the Bakery which was only 2 blocks away. When I finally opened the doors the usual big crowd that showed up in the mornings was even bigger and I immediately knew that I had my work cut out for me.


After the usual morning and lunch rush the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I sat in the back office and scrolled through my phone until I heard the front door ring. I stood up quickly and walked towards the front.

"Good evening! How can I help yo-" I started but stopped when I saw myself standing before me with two bodyguards on both sides. Well it wasn't exactly me. "Avianna?"

"The one and only" Avianna gushed out as she ran towards me for a hug. I accepted her hug and after a few seconds I pulled away.I was extremely confused as to why she was here and I guess she noticed my bewildered expression. "Don't tell me you forgot I was coming today?"

"Forgot? You never told me!" I commented before grabbing a few pastries and offering some to the bodyguards and Avi. The bodyguards thanked me and sat down in a different table while Avianna and I sat down in another.


"Yes I did. During the phone call yesterday. But now that you mention it, I heard a lot of commotion in the background." Avianna said in between mouthfuls of pastries. "These taste just like Mom's!"

"Well I did find the recipe in her old book when we were clearing her stuff. I guess it's a small memorial for her and dad." I said before I looked at Avianna.

"That's nice of you. I think they would appreciate that." she said before looking around the shop, " It seems like you did well with the place. Didn't look like this when we first bought it."

"Yeah. Turns out that you aren't the only one who enjoys my pastries." I said before looking at Avianna choke on some bread. "Sometimes I wonder how you're the leader of a successful crime syndicate"

"I'll take that as a compliment." She said before her smile fell from her face. "(Y/N) I have something very important to tell you."

The aura she gave off made the whole room cold. "What is it?"

"The Guard Dog syndicate. A powerful new group that is quickly rising is threatening us. I do say that the leader has some balls to threaten a powerful group like us, but it does pain me to say that they are like us, power-wise, maybe even better. I want you to be careful of your surroundings, (Y/N). Believe me when I say that I do my absolute best to keep your identity as well as mine a secret, but who knows what might happen. I'm going to send some bodyguards over in a couple of days to make sure nothing happens, but I don't doubt that you can take care of yourself if something happens because of the self defense classes you took".

I nodded hesitantly and was frightened, I mean, who wouldn't be? A powerful group of criminals could go after me, even worse my sister! Avianna looked over at me and gave me a hug before whispering in my ear, "I'm so sorry for dragging you into this, (Y/N)." she said.

"What are you sorry for Avi? Who should be feeling sorry right now are those group of criminals because they are getting their asses whipped if they do anything to you." I said trying to make myself sound tough. Avi laughed and I joined in too.After talking for a bit more, Avianna said she had to go.

"I'll send those bodyguards over soon so don't be alarmed! I might even send some cute ones over!" Avi giggled out before I sent her a glare. "Love ya sis!"

"Love you too Avi!" I exclaimed before she left. I gave a small sigh and cleaned the shop with the whole conversation replaying in my mind the entire time. I grabbed my bag and left the shop, not before locking the doors, and went on my way home.

"I want you to be very careful of your surroundings, (Y/N)."

I quickly scanned my surroundings and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I picked up my pace and walked faster in the direction of my home.

Click. Clack.Click. Clack.

My heart started to thump louder in my chest. Someone is following me. I quickly glanced behind me and saw two men walking a few feet behind. I took a many turns, crossed the street, and even looked directly at them, and each time I looked back, they were still there. I took out my cellphone and was prepared to call the police if they kept following me. I took one last turn and this time, they kept walking forward. They soon left my sight and I sighed in relief. I decided to quickly walk back to my house from here on out. When I reached my home, I stopped at the porch to take out my keys.

A hand covered my mouth and placed a rag with something on it on my face. Chloroform. I stomped on my attacker's foot and they let a small grunt I pulled myself away, before kicking their groin area to give me a couple extra seconds. I quickly faced them and noticed a raven-haired male doubling over in pain. I grabbed his head and brought over quickly to my knee. Surprisingly, he grabbed my knee before flipping me over. I groaned and let out a soft whimper before a voice was heard.

"Did you actually think it would be this easy to escape me. If I couldn't defeat a weak girl like you then what kind of bodyguard would I be?"

I gave a small chuckle before looking back. The male had both my hands against my back and I was pinned on the ground. "Why don't you be a good dog and let me go?"

"I'm no dog Miss. I'm a cat" And with that, I was knocked out with one last thought in my mind.

I'm sorry Avianna.

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