《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 23


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Psst....psssssst.....pssssssssssssssssssssst" I barely heard as I felt something poke at my cheeks. I groaned and turned in the opposite direction before it dawned on me, someone is in my room.

"AH WHAT?! WHO'S THERE?!?" I screamed as I immediately sat up from my sleeping position and made my hands into fists.

"No need to be so violent (Y/N)! It's just me Soma!!" he yelped out as he scooched back.

"I'm sorry Miss (Y/N) but I did tell the Prince that we should not come in but he wanted to ask you something. My deepest apologies." Agni said as he bowed.

"It's fine, but remember you can just call me (Y/N)." I stretched before I continued, "Why didn't you guys just knock?"

Soma stood up from the floor and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well we did....for 20 minutes. I got impatient and just went up to wake you up myself. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't really care. As long as you didn't do anything perverted. You didn't do anything perverted right?" I questioned as I looked back at Soma. His cheeks turned into a blazing red before he shook his head repeatedly ."Of course not (Y/N)! I am a Prince afterall. I gave a simple nod and pushed both males out of my room.

"Well I have to get changed and I need my privacy, I'll talk to you when I'm done." I said before I shut the door. I took a quick bath and got changed quickly before heading towards the room with the most commotion coming from it. I opened the door and something almost impaled my eye. Sebastian swiftly caught it before continuing his conversation.

"I ALMOST LOST AN EYE AND YOU STILL CONTINUE YOUR CONVERSATION? WHAT THE FUCK SEBASTIAN?!?!" I bellowed out before I stomped towards him and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground. I smirked before I turned to the rest. "Goodmorning guys! What are we gonna do today?" I chirped out with a smile. Everyone gulped before Lau spoke up.

"You sure have a feisty one don't you Lord Phantomhive?" Lau said as Soma nodded in agreement.

"I sure do. Sebastian stand up we still have things to." Ciel commanded before walking to a corner to talk. I walked over to where Agni and Soma were standing.

"Well yesterday I asked Ciel if I could go show you around the city but he said I had 'work to do'. I don't get it though because I don't really do anything here anyway. I'm really sorry." I apologized.


~Small Flashback~

I bursted into Ciel's room after Soma and Agni had left mine. Ciel's startled face met mine and I started "Hey Ciel can I-".

"No" Ciel rudely interrupted as he sat down on his bed. My mouth was wide open before I sauntered over to him, "What do you mean 'no'? You didn't even listen to what I was going to ask!" I questioned as I poked his chest.

"Well whatever you were going to ask was probably stupid. So, if you can please leave so I can get my rest" Ciel boredly stated.

This little shit was going to pay. "AGHHHHHH!" I yelled as I was about to lunge on Ciel and attack him. How dare he call my ideas stupid?! Right when I was about to land on him, a pair of hands encircled my waist and pulled me back.

"If you would please refrain from hurting the Young Master, (Y/N)" Sebastian mentioned as he put himself in between Ciel and I.

I tried to throw a punch a Ciel but my arms wouldn't make it past Sebastian's body. Ciel simply shot me a taunting smirk which enraged me even more ," Sebastian this little piece of poo totally deserves it. I was going to ask if I could go out with Soma and Agni to show them around the city and he didn't even listen! On top of that, he was also very rude!."

Sebastian and Ciel's eyes (or eye in Ciel's case) darkened."Well you have no business even being near them" Ciel started with an emotion that I couldn't distinguish, Sebastian then continued, "You also have to do your work here in the house".

"You guys suck." I stated before I marched right out the room. I slammed the door and pouted the entire way back to my room.

~Flashback Over~

"It is alright I asked the Shorty this morning but he also declined my offer," Soma said.

" In the meantime why don't we play tag with the other servants?" I suggested knowing they needed a break from work too.

"Let's go!" Soma yelled as he dragged me along to find the others. We played for a long time till Sebastian scolded me for running into his room and letting the cats go around the house.


After dinner, Soma and I decided to talk before we went to bed. He came to my room after Agni closed his door.

"Agni is going to leave right now to do something and I don't know what" Soma mentioned, "He didn't change into his night clothes and was in a rush to leave."


"Why don't we follow him? I want to do something fun!" I suggested excitedly while hanging upside down from his bed. He looked over at me and let out chuckle before standing up

"You know,you are very different from most girls." He murmured before extending his hand to me, "Let's go follow Agni." I accepted his hand and stood up. We were walking down the hall till we passed by Ciel's room in which his door was wide open. When we were about to pass by, Sebastian said something about Agni leaving. Soma's eyes widened before he listened more closely.

"Alright, let's follow him" Ciel said.

Soma ran to the doorframe with me right behind him, "Take us with you!" Soma exclaimed loudly before continuing, "I've known all along that Agni was going out after I went to bed. I want to know what he's doing!"

Ciel then looked over at me, "And what were you doing with Soma?"

"Talking obviously." I sassed before noticing Ciel frown." What are you jelly that I was hanging out with my braid buddy?" I tauntingly asked.

"O-Of c-course not!" Ciel said quickly whilst a light pink coated his cheeks, "Alright you guys can come too. Let's go"

~Timeskip because I'm too lazy to write everything single detail~

After sneakily following Agni, we made to a manor that belonged to Mr.West and Ciel explained who he was. Sebastian brought us in and we creeped around the halls till we reached the door Agni went in. We opened th door a bit and peaked in and saw Agni sitting and another male talking.

"And if I carry out this plan, Mina will-" but Agni didn't finish because Soma bursted through the door.

"Mina?!" Soma yelled. Ciel and I were about to go in but Sebastian pulled us to his chest and covered our mouths.

"They'll recognize us.Let's watch and wait." Sebastian whispered as he let us go. We looked in and saw Soma grab Agni by the collar.

"Agni! You've known where MIna was?!" He yelled angrily as Agni looked at him surprised.

The Mr.West guy then butted in, "Ah so that's your Master?" he asked. Soma looked over at him quickly and with anger in his eyes.

"You must be the one who took Mina away!" Soma exclaimed as he let go of Agni to look at Mr. West, "Agni! Defeat him" Soma yelled as he pointed in Mr. West's direction. Agni bit his lip and looked down while trembling, "Agni what are you waiting for?" Soma questioned.

"We'll take that stupid Prince and withdraw." Ciel said as he stood up but Lau got in his way and sat him back down.

"But West will recognize you and Sebastian" Lau said as he pointed at Ciel. I piped up at this, "But he won't know me!" I said excitedly. I can finally do something now!

"If you are implying that you are going in alone to get Soma and Agni you are wrong. I will assist you just leave it to me." Sebastian cockily said before looking around. He grabbed a deer head from off the wall and I knew where he was going with this.

"Hey if you get one, I do too" I mentioned as I pointed in the direction of a tiger's head also there. Sebastian sighed as he grabbed the head too. He already knew not to question me. Right when we walked in, Agni was about to hit Soma . Sebastian quickly ran in between them and blocked Agni's hit. I quickly ran over to Soma and caught him before he fell. All three in the roommlooked at us with a 'WTF' before Mr.West spoke up.

"Who the devil is this deer man!" He said before he noticed me too. "And this tiger... woman?" he questioned as he paused from backing away.

"I am a deer with a tiger friend who have come to take this Prince home." Sebastian calmly said as he gave a bow.

"They might be enemy spies!" Mr. West exclaimed, "Agni!" he called loudly.

"No sir, we are just one hell of a pair of animals" I calmly said as I pointed in the direction of Sebastian. Mr. West began to yell at Agni and I went closer to Soma.

"Hey it's me (Y/N) if you haven't already figured it out, Sebastian and I are going to get you out of here okay?" I reassured as Soma nodded. Suddenly, Agni came lunging at us and Sebastian threw both of us over his shoulders. Agni kept punching where we were and West was dying because his glass was being destroyed. Sebastian then reached a window and finally jumped out with both of still securely over his shoulders. The silence on the way back was so thick, that it could be cut by a knife. I didn't really feel comfortable with the silence so I did the only thing I'm good at to break the ice.

"Who wants some cookies? Don't worry they're from lunch."

All I received was small smile from Soma and a face palm from Sebastian that almost resulted in me falling to my death.

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