《How to Survive in Black Butler (Black Butler x Reader)》Chapter 21


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Well, this is unfortunate, master.To think all this happening after the case was closed.I'm sure you're a bit... annoyed?". Sebastian said.

WEll, let's rewind a couple minutes back. You see, after I went back inside I heard Mey-Rin scream as if she saw someone die.Lord Barrymore's cell was broken into and he was gone. We went to the village and found his body (plus the other crazy people in this town surrounding him) leaning against the wall. Btw he was fucked up. We may continue.

"Sebastian, when is Ciel not annoyed?" I asked while sitting on the chair, "This is like every day".

"You are correct but aren't you a bit more annoyed than usual?". Sebastian asked again.

Ciel leaned back in hs chair with anger on his cute features, "Are you quite finished?".

"Sebastian is annoying, why don't you just change contracts and get a cooler demon." I questioned while gesturing over to Sebastian. He rolled his eyes and continued pouring tea.

"Believe me, I have thought about doing that." Ciel muttered out while rubbing his temples. The servants walked in and I straightened up, it wouldn't be very 'ladylike' if I was slouching.

"Where is Angela?" I asked with fake concern lacing my voice. I knew where she was and who he was with.

Mey-Rin faced me and she looked genuinely worried, "We left her resting up in her bed for now. She seems tired, yes she does.

"So painful to watch. Poor bird." Bard continued, I noticed Finny pull at his shirt and look off to the side worriedly. Wait a sec, did he just say bird?

"This village isolated itself completely from the rest of society out of fear of the demon hound's curse. I thought for certain the hound was an illusion created by Lord Barrymore so he could firmly rule the village. But with him dead... I need to rethink things." Ciel said with furrowed eyebrows.

"He was covered in bite wounds... Maybe the villagers are right....Maybe it really was the demon hound.....Maybe he's upset at being blamed for Lord Henry's misdeeds." the servants said they threw in ideas.

"Yes, maybe. For now, there's only one thing we know: it wasn't human." Sebastian finished. I stood up and stretched out my tired limbs.

"As much as I want to catch the demon hound, I also want to catch some sleep. Oh and Finny, you should check up on Angela she might need something. Goodnight" I said as I flashed a peace sign. They didn't need my help since they were on track( not that I ever helped). Oh well.


"For today's tea we have a cabinet pudding. It was made using local blackberries." Sebastian said as he placed Ciel's breakfast in front of him, " And for (Y/N), ' a cup of coffee with 11 and half cups of sugar with 15 cookies', made with love" Sebastian stated with a smirk on his face.

"With love? You have no feelings Sebastian and you're saying with love? Even I don't know how to do that" I grumbled before I drank my coffee and munched on some cookies.


Ciel snickered and proceeded to look at Sebastian, "You're certainly relaxed".

"Because we're in no hurry, sir." Sebastian said as he held the tea tray under his arm.

"Sebastian, hurry!" Mey-Rin yelled as she bursted through the doors with Finny right behind her. Oh the irony.

"What's the matter this time? Do calm down, please." Sebastian asked.

"We've looked all over, but we can't find Angela!" Finny exclaimed with worry evident.

"Oh, is that all?Yeah, don't worry about it.She said there were some medicinal herbs growing by the fen.She went there to pick some up, that's all." Bard said with Tanaka right next to him, when did they appear here? My stomach started to hurt and I started to zone out. I don't think this much sugar agrees with my stomach this early in the morning. I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes. I heard the door slam , so I'm guessing the servants left. I look back up and see Ciel smirking.

"You know, I'm quite interested. What color is your blood?" Ciel asked, before finishing up his meal, "At any rate, it looks as if we do need to hurry now.Go out there and put on a good show for me. Am I clear?".

"Perfectly, my young lord." Sebastian responded. I stood up and stuffed some cookies in my pockets and watched Sebastian leave. I looked at Ciel and he stared at me in confusion.

"Are we gonna go now or do you still have to get ready?" I asked.

"O-Oh n-no we can leave now." Ciel sputtered out as he got up quickly. We went towards the door and began our walk.

"If it's alright, can you tell me why you needed 15 cookies?"Ciel asked as his can tapped against the dirt.

"Can't a girl just have 15 cookies?" I asked with accusation in voice, "Just kidding. I always carry snacks around, but since I learned that Sebastian makes some bomb-ass cookies, I think why not take advantage."

Ciel merely chuckled and muttered something under his breath. "So, when do you think you can go back to your world?", he asked. I quickly looked at him in surprise. That was an unexpected question.

"Well...Uh..I ..." I trailed off as I tried to form a sentence. I let out a sigh, "To be honest Ciel, I don't know if I ever want to go back. I'm having so much fun here, more fun than I've had in a long time ever since my dad d-," But I cut myself off. Not yet. " Anyway, I'll think it over. What made you ask?".

"I was just interested. Remember that transportation device that you pulled us on may times?" Ciel asked as he looked at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows before nodding, "A carriage right? We had so much fun shopping that day." I said happily while recalling us going to get suits for Ciel and Sebastian.

"What? No when we were in that giant thing, what's the word, ah yes, bus. Don't you remember?"Ciel asked again.


To be honest my memories were fuzzy and I desperately tried to grasp any. Why aren't they clear? I was interrupted from my thoughts and I looked up. Ciel looked at me and the words that were coming out of his mouth didn't make sense to me. I stopped walking and just stared at him. Memories were becoming clear.

"Oh yeah, the bus and the mall. Those girls. I can't believe I almost forgot. Sorry, probably had a brain fart. What about that?" I said as I started to walk again.

"Nevermind," he said as we approached everyone. But something didn't convince me with that nevermind. Ciel was lost in thought before he spoke up, "Seems that we arrived." Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard watched in awe as Sebastian held a box of treats in his hand. And in front of him was a silver-colored dog with hearts in his eyes. Pluto.

Ciel and I stood directly behind Sebastian as he talked to the dog. Pluto came barreling in our direction, I expected him to stop in front of Sebastian, but he continued, in our direction. We're fucked. A wild dog is going to kill me right now. I can't believe after I shared a cookie with him. A cookie.

"Stop boy" I commanded. He didn't stop so I did something that was my last chance. I pulled a cookie out of my pocket, and he stopped. He sat down in front of and started to wag his tail. "Good dog .Now, paw" I said as I motioned for his paw. He gave it to me and I gave him the cookie.

He opened his mouth and loomed over me. Am I going to get eaten now?

"(Y/N) WATCH OUT!" yelled the servants and Ciel. Sebastian ran quickly over to me but it was was too late.

Pluto had already licked me. I laughed and gave him another cookie. "Can you do me a favor Pluto? Can you dig a hole for me over there?" I asked. He howled happily and began to dig. Soon enough, a rush of water came out of the hole and out came a human Pluto on top. Sebastian retrieved him and Pluto nuzzled into him. I'm guessing Pluto likes him too.

"This village is intended to be a resort for the Queen. It needs a central attraction.A luxury, a way for visitors to relax and forget their cares.That's what we have here: a natural hot spring." Sebastian stated whilst walking towards us. I looked at Pluto, not his nether regions, and thought he looked so cute like that along with Sebastian.

"Wow amazing! How did you know that was here (Y/N)?!" The servants asked excitedly.

"If I couldn't find a hot spring or two for my lord, well, then what kind of maid would I be?The idea is simply unthinkable." I said quoting Sebastian. In the corner of my eye, I saw Sebastian grow an irk mark and Ciel smirk.

"Pluto!" We heard a voice yell. We looked and saw Angel running at full speed with her arms outstretched. Pluto jumped off out of Sebastian's arms and met her halfway. He started to lick and nzzled into her too." Good boy. My good boy.I'm sorry for the confusion. This is Pluto, I found him last month.I've always been a big dog lover. And he was so adorable, I absolutely had to take him in." Angela said.

I groaned and walked towards the manor. No use for me here anymore. Now that she's here. I stomped off, but a hand gripped my wrist. Sebastian looked at me in confusion but I just pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"Do calm down, (Y/N), what's wrong?" I couldn't tell if what Sebastian asked was genuine, but I ranted anyway.

"Angela is what's wrong!" I whispered yelled " She has them wrapped around her finger and I hate that she's tricking them like that!" I said angrily.

"So you noticed too hm?" Sebastian mused before continuing "Well, we will leaving soon so she won't be a problem for a while. Just go to the manor and pack your belongings, we will met up with you shortly." Sebastian stated before he walked back to where everyone was talking.


"Nice and snug. Don't ever forget me, dear Pluto." Angela cooed as she put a collar on Pluto and kissed him on the cheek. I handed my bags to Sebastian and he put them in the back of the carriage as I mentally rolled my eyes.

"And put some bloody clothes on, alright!?Don't just let it all hang out there! C'mon!" Bard yelled as he pointed at Pluto's junk. I made a mental note to take out my blanket and cover Pluto. Finny started to talk to Angela and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Cue another eye roll.

"Maybe someday I'll come to visit Pluto at the estate." Angela said to Sebastian when we were done loading everything into the truck.

"Nope sorry. No snakes allowed in the Phantomhive estate" I mentioned. Her eyes widened at my comment.

" Be nice (Y/N). It's not that. I don't know if that would be a good idea." Sebastian replied nonchalantly.

Angela's smile was wiped off her face, "What?" she asked.

"You were able to tame a demon hound. That's a task not many people could do. You seem to have a talent for wrapping lesser beings around your finger." Sebastian analyzed while furrowing his brows.

Ciel interrupted the chat and we had to go. Finally. Sebastian bowed and I gave a taunting curtsey. I jumped onto the carriage and looked back. Angela gave a glare, and me being a nice person, returned that glare.

"Finally, I thought we were never going to leave." I huffed out as I slouched on the seat.

"Maybe we should invite Angela over to the estate one day" Ciel taunted with a smirk. I punched his shoulder and let out a huff.

"You better be joking Ciel. If you ever do I'll rip your....."

And with that it was a long journey home with me explaining intricately what would happen if he ever did invite her over.

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